Braum Build Support Guide Patch 14.20b/How To Play Braum Support

Braumthe Heart of the Freljord

I> Introduction Braum

Greetings fellow support players, welcome to my Braum guide! Since Braum’s release in season 4 he has always been in my champion pool as a good pick into heavy engage lanes. At the moment I have around 400k mastery points in Braum and I would like to share my knowledge and experience with you guys! I really appreciate some constructive feedback and I do want to know what you guys think of the information or the guide layout itself. If you have any personal questions feel free to ask them aswell!

Braum is one of the best disengage champions in the support role that has flexibility in his playstyle to be played offensively as well. His E Unbreakable is a niche ability in the support champion pool and has some strong interactions into certain champions.

This guide has been written and checked by me. If you have any additions feel free to contact me. I am planning to update the guide every patch to keep you guys up to date on the newest builds, strategies and matchups. For other Braum questions check out the BraumMains reddit!

I hope this guide will make you play Braum with the same enthusiasm as me, so let’s jump right into it!

1. Braum Strengths & Weaknesses

a. Strengths

  • Strong disengage tools
  • Strong peeling options
  • Has the options to be played offensive
  • Strongest level 1 for invades

b. Weaknesses

  • Suffers into ranged matchups.
  • Hard to successfully roam.
  • Hard to engage on your own.
  • Lacks depth in itemization.

2. Braum tips and tricks

  • Braum doesn't need to play aggressive 24/7. Wait for the enemy to engage and then turn the exchange around.
  • Always stick with your team, in particular, the ADC so you can protect and peel them with your Unbreakable E .
  • Don’t use your Unbreakable E to block damage in small trades. It’s best to save it for extended or long trades only so you do not run out of mana. Also, keeping your Unbreakable E off cooldown will help you if the enemy decides to commit to a full trade.

3. Combos of Braum:

  • Basic: Q + Flash
  • Medium: W + R + E + Q
  • Medium: W + Q + Flash + R + E

II> Braum Builds:

  • Braum builds guide:

1. Braum Summoner Spells


2. Braum Items:

World Atlas
World Atlas
Health Potion
Health Potion
Stealth Ward
Stealth Ward

3. Braum Runes


4. Braum Skill Order

Winter's Bite
Stand Behind Me
Winter's Bite
Stand Behind Me
Glacial Fissure

III> Game plan Braum

  1. Early game
  • A very important power spike when he hits level two. This is because he can easily all-in unsuspecting enemies with his Winter's Bite Q and Stand Behind Me W along with some help from his lane partner.
  • Another power spike is at level three as he gets access to all his abilities and can now both all -in and play defensively as the game requires him to play. His Unbreakable E damage mitigation is very powerful and provides immunity against projectiles that would otherwise go past him.
  • Major power spike on getting his Ultimate Glacial Fissure R as he can now disrupt entire team fights and can pick enemies with ease in the enemy Jungle. When combined with his Flash, he can also initiate fights with ease.
  1. Mid game
  • Roam around the map and look for picks with your Glacial Fissure R . If you can catch someone, call for a nearby objective and abuse their death timer.
  • Place vision around the mid lane and where ever you and your ADC are currently playing. This will increase your chances of surviving an all-in.
  • Stick with your ADC throughout the mid-game. If you're alone, you'll be an easy target for the enemy. Likewise, if your ADC is alone, they might try to collapse on them and kill them.
  1. Late game
  • Roam around the map and look for picks with your Glacial Fissure R . If you can catch someone, call for a nearby objective and abuse their death timer.
  • Place vision around the mid lane and where ever you and your ADC are currently playing. This will increase your chances of surviving an all-in.
  • Stick with your ADC throughout the mid-game. If you're alone, you'll be an easy target for the enemy. Likewise, if your ADC is alone, they might try to collapse on them and kill them.
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