Caitlyn ADC Build Guides, Runes, Items, and Abilities

Caitlynthe Sheriff of Piltover


Caitlyn, known as the Sheriff of Piltover, is a long-range marksman in League of Legends renowned for her exceptional zoning tools and high precision in combat. With her unparalleled range and tactical abilities, Caitlyn dominates the laning phase and exerts significant pressure on opponents. Whether it's trapping foes, lining up perfect shots, or dealing devastating critical strikes, Caitlyn is a versatile and powerful ADC that rewards skillful play.

Strengths and Weaknesses of Caitlyn

  1. Strengths:
  • Exceptional Range: Caitlyn boasts one of the longest attack ranges among marksmen, allowing her to poke and farm safely from a distance.
  • Laning Phase Dominance: Her abilities, such as Yordle Snap Trap (W) and Piltover Peacemaker (Q), provide strong zoning potential and wave-clearing capabilities.
  • Powerful Zoning Tools: Traps and her net create significant pressure in chokepoints and team fights, making it hard for enemies to engage.
  • High Burst Potential: Combining her passive, Headshot, with abilities like Yordle Snap Trap (W) or 90 Caliber Net (E) ensures massive damage in key moments.
  • Global Presence: Caitlyn’s ultimate, Ace in the Hole (R), offers long-range execution potential, giving her presence across the map.
  1. Weaknesses:
  • Low Mobility: Despite her net providing a knockback, Caitlyn lacks consistent mobility options, making her vulnerable to assassins and crowd control.
  • Mana Dependency: Extended use of abilities during the laning phase can quickly deplete her mana pool.
  • Scaling: Caitlyn’s mid-game can feel underwhelming compared to hyper-carries, requiring proper positioning to remain effective.
  • Vulnerable to Gap Closers: Champions with dashes or stealth can bypass her zoning tools, making her susceptible to all-ins.

Caitlyn Tips and Tricks

  1. Laning Phase:
  • Use your long range to poke enemies while staying safe from retaliation.
  • Position traps (W) in bushes, chokepoints, or around objectives to secure control and punish overextensions.
  • Pair Piltover Peacemaker (Q) with auto-attacks to maximize harass damage during trades.
  1. Positioning and Combos:
  • Place traps under immobilized enemies (e.g., from allied crowd control) to chain CC and secure Headshots.
  • Use 90 Caliber Net (E) defensively to create distance from aggressive foes or offensively to land empowered Headshots.
  • Weave auto-attacks between ability casts to make the most of her passive and maximize DPS.
  1. Team Fights:
  • Stay at the edge of combat to leverage your long range while avoiding threats.
  • Save Ace in the Hole (R) for finishing off fleeing enemies or forcing opponents to block damage.
  • Use traps strategically to protect your flanks or deny entry to key zones.
  1. General Tips:
  • Prioritize vision control by trapping key pathways.
  • Manage your mana carefully to avoid running out during extended skirmishes.
  • Time your Headshots with critical strike items for maximum burst.

Caityn Summoner Spells


Caitlyn Items

Doran's Blade
Doran's Blade
Health Potion
Health Potion
Stealth Ward
Stealth Ward

Caitlyn Runes


Caitlyn Skill Order

Piltover Peacemaker
Yordle Snap Trap
90 Caliber Net
Piltover Peacemaker
Yordle Snap Trap
90 Caliber Net
Ace in the Hole

Caitlyn Ability Combos

  • E + Q + AA: Your basic short trade is to E your target and Q quickly, then AA.
  • W + E + Q + AA + AA + R: To all in at level 6 quickly one after another W under your target, E and Q them. AA twice and R to finish up.
  • W + AA + E + Q + R + AA: An alternative all in at level 6, use W under your target and AA once the trap lands, then instantly E Q quickly one after another. R right after the Q then AA instantly after R completes.
  • E + Q + R: To snipe out a target E to the side and instantly Q R your target
  • E + W + AA + Q + AA: For a neat trade E your target and instantly use W mid air, then AA Q AA upon landing.
  • E + Q + AA + AA: To quickly Auto Attack twice faster than normal E Q your first target then AA a second target. Instantly using your attack move command next to your first target (not on top of your target).
  • Q + Flash + E + W + AA + AA: Outside of normal range, Q then mid animation Flash. E W instantly and AA twice.
  • R + Flash + E + Q + AA: To bait your opponent closer to you, R then mid animation Flash. E Q your target instantly and AA.
  • E + Flash + AA + AA: You can trade quickly in a 1v1 situation by using E, Flashing as soon as your 90 caliber net comes out and AA'ing. Make sure the first AA lands right before the E then attack move command next to your target for the headshot proc.
  • W + Q + AA + AA + E + W + AA + R + AA: For a longer trade and triple headshot W Q instantly then AA and quickly attack move command. Follow up instantly with E, using W while in mid air. AA R AA as quickly as possible after that.
  • W + Q + E + W + AA + AA + AA: W Q instantly then E W quickly,followed by three AA's - one for each headshot proc.

Game plan

  1. Early game
  • Use your early game advantage to push the wave consistently and get tower plates and extra gold. Use your Piltover Peacemaker Q so it fast pushes the wave and hits the enemy at the same time.
  • After getting the first tower in lane, rotate to the mid lane and take more turret plates or get the outer tower. This will open up the map and increase your chances of winning.
  • Consume your Headshot Passive on the enemy laner(s) as often as possible. This will help you win trades and skirmishes with the enemy.
  1. Mid game
  • Move to the mid-lane once you’ve destroyed the first tower in your lane to open up the map.
  • In team fights, kite backwards when necessary. Even though Caitlyn is strong, she cannot tank a lot of damage. Kite backwards to increase your chances of surviving. Reserve your 90 Caliber Net E purely as an escape tool if the enemy has strong all-in.
  • Even though your Support will often run away to ward, make sure you stick with them as much as possible. If you’re alone, the enemy may try to set up an ambush and take you down. Avoid walking through unwarded parts of the map during the mid-game.
  1. Late game
  • In the late stages of the game, make sure you stick with your team at all times. Do not get caught out alone as it may cost you the game. Stay safe and stay with your allies.
  • Do not play super aggressive in team fights. Just kite and auto-attack the nearest enemy champion. Use your 90 Caliber Net E to gain distance from the enemy frontline. If you walk too far forward, the enemy will focus you and take you down.
  • Continue to kite in team fights and consistently adapt your positioning. Avoid standing still in fights as you’ll be an easy target.


Caitlyn shines as a marksman who rewards strategic thinking and precise mechanics. With her superior range, zoning tools, and high damage potential, she can dominate the early game and control the pace of fights. While her vulnerabilities to mobility and crowd control demand careful positioning, a skilled Caitlyn player can outmaneuver opponents and carry games with her tactical prowess. Mastering her kit and understanding her role in team compositions will make Caitlyn an unstoppable force in any match.

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Good luck to you! – Cheng

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Updated 1mo ago

Caitlyn ADC Build Guides, Runes, Items, and Abilities

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