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Camillethe Steel Shadow
Camille loves to go for long fights, but in the early game it's much better to get the quick Q poke with Grasp and back off.
![Precision Protocol](
![Tactical Sweep](
![Precision Protocol](
![Tactical Sweep](
![The Hextech Ultimatum](
![Doran's Blade](
![Health Potion](
Win Conditions
- In team fights, don’t run directly towards the enemy. The best way to team fight for Camille is by flanking the enemy from the side and then using your Ultimate R on a carry.
- Before using your E aggressively, check the map to see if the enemy Jungler is nearby. It’s important that you do not engage if they’re nearby.
- If you’re not able to get any kills in the top lane post 6, you could look to roam and help another lane out with your Ultimate R.
Weak Against
- Rumble: Rumble's sustained area damage and ability to kite can pose a challenge for Camille's close-range engagements.
- Akshan: Akshan's mobility and ranged attacks make it difficult for Camille to stick to him and trade effectively.
- Kayle: Kayle's scaling and ranged attacks allow her to poke and out-trade Camille as the laning phase progresses.
Strong Against
- Gnar: Camille can exploit Gnar's transformation windows and range to engage and trade favorably.
- Jayce: Camille's all-in potential and gap-closing abilities can catch out Jayce, who is squishy and reliant on skill shots.
- Shen: Camille's split-pushing potential can pressure Shen, who relies on global presence and struggles to match her in a side lane.
Game Strategy
- Early Game: In the early game as Camille, focus on farming and poking your opponent with Q while avoiding extended trades. Use your E to engage or escape ganks wisely, and coordinate with your jungler for kills.
- Mid Game: During the mid game, prioritize split pushing to apply pressure in a side lane. Your mobility with Hookshot and the dueling potential from your items will make you a strong split pusher. Join teamfights when your Teleport is up, looking for opportunities to engage with Hextech Ultimatum (R) and eliminate key targets.
- Late Game: In the late game, your role as Camille is to initiate fights with Hextech Ultimatum or peel for your team's carries. You're a potent duelist, so continue to split push when objectives aren't contested. Coordinate with your team to secure objectives, and always be ready to engage or dive the enemy backline in teamfights.