Largest Attack Damage Carry
Jhin is known for getting huge numbers of Attack Damage, guaranteed Critical Strike with an execute and his beautiful theatrical design. His gimmick? You only have 4 shots.
The crit changes done in Patch 14.10 made most items give a lot of AD alongside Infinity Edge having a 50% damage increase to critical strikes. For a champion who CAN'T increase Attack Speed and simply stack AD on top of AD this is exactly what he wants from items.
In this guide I will show you exactly which items you should buy to pack the biggest punch.

As mentioned before you can't build Attack Speed because of your passive. But don't worry, if you do end up getting it from items it will be converted into more AD. You also get bonus Movement Speed after critting which scales with your Attack Speed.
Every fourth shot will be a guaranteed Critical Strike which deals bonus damage based on your targets Missing Health. Afterwards you will be unable to attack since Jhin has to reload his gun.
Your Q throws a grenade to your target which bounces up to 3 times to nearby enemies, hitting a total of four. If it kills a target the bounce will deal additional damage.
W is a linear skillshot that will stop at first champion hit and root them if they have received damage recently from anyone in your team (that includes you).
E lets you place invisible traps which last 3 minutes. They give a small amount of vision and will bloom as soon as an enemy steps on it revealing them for 4 seconds but exploding after 2; they are also slowed. You can hold up to 2 charges but can have an infinite amount of them on the map. One of these also spawns below enemy champions if you kill them.
Jhin's ultimate ability transforms his gun into a cannon that lets him shoot 4 times inside a cone of massive range. These are skillshots that you shoot by pressing the same button and only hit the first champion hit but damage everything in their way. Just like your passive, the fourth shot will crit. All shots slow, reveal targets and deal damage based on the enemy's missing HP.
Summoner Spells

The Movement Speed bonus from Heal is great for ADC's and the healing will help you a lot, mainly in the early game.

Want to snowball hard and take over games even harder, this rune page allows you to infinitely scale and completely take over games with your damage, the only trade off being a slightly weaker early game and less sustain and mobility, but so much more damage.

As always there's no reason to buy anything else at the start of the game.
Tips & Tricks
- Since your Q deals more damage on each bounce if it kills a target, look to get 3 minions low HP so the 4th bounce lands on a champion and deals maximum damage.
- Start practicing casting your W as soon as damage is going to land on an enemy so they don't have time to react to your mark.
- Traps work as extra wards. Even though their vision is small they still slow whoever steps on them which makes up for it.
- There's a weird interaction with your Q where it doesn't technically have to land the killing blow on a unit; if you kill the unit with a basic attack as the grenade hits it, it will still count and deal increased damage.
- Since your fourth shot is an execute try to ALWAYS throw your Q before the basic attack so it deals the most damage it can do.
- If you throw your Q and it's going to bounce to a champion, you can look to time your W so it hits them right as the grenade bounces on them. This is another way of not letting them react to being marked.