Challenger | Patch 14.17 | How to play Miss Fortune like a Pro - Season 14 Guide

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Miss Fortune
Miss Fortunethe Bounty Hunter

The BEST ADC for beginners

If you're new to the game and want to learn ADC or have been playing for a while and you're looking to improve, Miss Fortune is a great champion to pick up.

You will have access to a strong laning phase, huge AoE damage, strong burst and you're able to build some of the strongest items.


Double Up
Make It Rain
Double Up
Make It Rain
Bullet Time

The main thing to note when leveling up spells is that you only want to put 3-4 points in Q and then max W. As you buy more and more AD it becomes more efficient to put points in W to gain free Attack Speed.

Miss Fortune is a very simple champion. Your passive gives you extra damage when you Basic Attack something but only on the first Auto, meaning you will have to hit a different target before getting that extra damage on the first one.

Your Q shoots a target and then has that projectile bounce on anyone who is behind it.

W is divided into a passive and an active. The passive gives you Movement Speed out of combat which is increased after 3 seconds. The active gives you some Attack Speed and the full Movement Seed bonus. You keep the MS until you take damage and not when you enter combat.

E rains down bullets in an AoE which doesnt deal much damage but it will slow anything standing under it.

And finally your Ultimate Ability; Miss Fortune stands still for 3 seconds firing waves of bullets in a cone dealing massive damage.


Summoner Spells


Since you're an immobile ADC you're easily countered by Hard CC so remember to take Cleanse whenever they have champions who can easily kill you with hard to dodge CC.



You can proc Press the Attack very easily thanks to your Q making this our default keystone. The rest of our main tree is very simple: Presence of Mind since you're very mana hungry, Alacrity since we won't build Attack Speed and Cut Down since it synergizes the most with our abilities.

The best value on our secondary runes will always be Magical Footwear + Biscuit Delivery. Given our bonuses on W we don't have to buy boots to get Movement Speed so this rune lets us get them for free and not upgrade them. Biscuits is there to help with our mana problems during laning phase.


Doran's Blade
Doran's Blade
Health Potion
Health Potion

Bread and Butter for any ADC.


Tips & Tricks

  • Your Passive applies to towers so whenever you're sieging look to alternate Basic Attacks between the tower and a minion.
  • Whenever you apply your Passive you will lower the cooldown of your W meaning you could have it up permanently during fights.
  • Your Q will apply passive on both targets it hits lowering your W cooldown by 4 seconds as long as it bounces onto something.
  • When your Q kills the first target it will Critically Strike on whoever it bounces to, very important to setup this lineup in laning phase for tons of surprise damage.
  • Q is a Basic Attack reset, meaning you can cancel your Basic Attack animation as soon as you fire to throw your Q and another Basic Attack right after.
  • You do not have to see a target for your Q to bonce to them, meaning enemy champions are not safe inside bushes if you know they are there.
  • Whenever you have the bonus Movement Speed from your W you will keep it until you take damage. However this doesn't apply to shields, your HP bar HAS to go down for the bonus to go away. This is why Bloodthirster is so good since we can keep the Movement Speed in combat so long we have the shield up.
  • Your E costs a lot of mana for little to no damage so only use it to help a teammate land CC or a Skillshot. You should also use it right before Ulting so the enemies have a harder time walking out of it.
  • Another thing you can do with your E is check bushes from a safe distance since you gain vision of the area where you cast it.
  • The best way to use your Ultimate Ability is whenever the enemy has no movement spells left (unless you want to force them to use Flash) or near walls. This almost always guarantees a kill.
  • Later into the game the best thing you can do in teamfights is stand behind terrain and look for a good opportunity to cast your Ultimate since they will have a really hard time cancelling you. Your best areas to fight are chokepoints so play around the jungle.
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