Cho'Gath Top Late Build Guides - Runes, Items, Abilities & More

Cho'Gaththe Terror of the Void

I> Introduction

  • Feast your eyes on this ultimate Cho'Gath top guide (Patch 14.20) where your enemies become the main course!
  1. Pros & Cons:

a. Pros:

  • Cho’Gath has great objective control and can secure every Drake with his Ultimate Feast R.
  • Has great sustain in the jungle thanks to his Passive.
  • Tons of built-in CC with his Rupture Q and Feral Scream W. It makes him a huge threat - when ganking or skirmishing with the enemy.

b. Cons:

  • Cho’Gath can easily get kited by ADCs and champions with dashes in team fights. This makes it hard for him to catch out mobile champions.
  • If you can’t hit your Rupture Q or Feral Scream W on a target when fighting them alone, - you’re pretty much always going to lose the skirmish as you need to land these abilities to interrupt the enemy.
  • When you’re behind, it’s really hard for you to get back into the game as the enemy can invade you over and over again.
  1. Cho'Gath tips and tricks
  • Cho'gath Top - Farming: Use your passive to sustain in lane. Last hit minions to maximize gold and health/mana regeneration.

  • Cho'gath Top - Team Fights:Engage or follow up on engages with your Q. Use W to silence key targets. Use R on high-priority targets or to secure kills.

  • Dragon and Baron - Cho'Gath Top: For Dragons and Barons, use your R to secure them, as it deals true damage and can out-damage most jungler smites.

  • Cho'gath - Matchups: Good Matchups: Champions that engage in melee range, as Cho'Gath can trade effectively with his E and Q.

  • Bad Matchups: Champions with high mobility or poke, as they can dodge Cho'Gath's Q and harass him from a distance.

  • Champions Strong Against Cho'Gath: Mobile champions like Yasuo, Fiora, and Riven can dodge his abilities and out-trade him.

  • Champions Weak Against Cho'Gath: Melee bruisers like Darius, Irelia, and Illaoi can struggle against Cho'Gath's trading potential, especially with the Hail of Blades setup.

  • Cho'Gath - Laning Phase: Play passively and focus on farming. Look for trades when your key runes (like Hail of Blades) are up. Understand the capabilities of your opponent and play around them.

  • Cho'Gath - Mid Game: Start participating in team fights and objectives. Use your Q to catch out enemies and your R to secure kills or objectives.

  • Cho'Gath - Late Game: Act as a frontline tank for your team. Use your abilities to disrupt the enemy backline and peel for your carries.

  • Before we go back - always full push. You need to force them to lose as much gold as possible. So before you go back to your base to get your items full push the lane, force the tower to kill all the creeps and you're going to be just fine.

  1. Combos of Cho'Gath:
  • Basic: W + Flash
  • Basic: AA + EEE
  • Medium: W + Q + EEE
  • Hard: Q + W + Flash + AA + EEE + R

II> Cho'Gath Builds:

  • Cho'Gath builds guide:

1. Cho'Gath Summoner Spells


2. Cho'Gath Starting Items:

Doran's Ring
Doran's Ring
Health Potion
Health Potion
Stealth Ward
Stealth Ward

3. Cho'Gath Runes


4. Cho'Gath Skill Order

Vorpal Spikes
Feral Scream
Feral Scream
Vorpal Spikes

5. Cho'Gath Items

Plated Steelcaps
Plated Steelcaps
Sunfire Aegis
Sunfire Aegis
Warmog's Armor
Warmog's Armor
Kaenic Rookern
Kaenic Rookern
Elixir of Iron
Elixir of Iron

Situational items:

-Jak'Sho, The Protean: Good tank item that enhances your damage in fights

  • Unending Despair: Sustain tank item providing health and armor.
  • Randuin's Omen: Pick the item if 1) enemy team has a lot of physical damage, 2) you need increased armor, 3) you want to slow down enemy attack speed. Effective against champions who deal consistent crit based damage like Jinx, Yasuo or Tryndamere.
  • Frozen Heart: Recommended whenever you need to 1) increase mana usage; 2) reduce enemy attack speed. It's effective against AD champions who rely on basic attacks (Jinx, Tristana, Vayne) or use their abilities frequently (Yasuo, Riven, Zed).
  • Force of Nature: Tank item which is recommended in situations where: 1) enemy team has a lot of magic damage; 2) you need increased movement speed. Effective against champions like Syndra, Brand, LeBlanc.
  • Abyssal Mask: It’s good whenever you need more defensive stats to deal with AP champions. It’s also good when your team's AP dominant, as it reduces nearby enemy's magical resistances.

III> Game plan

  1. Early game:
  • Play safe in the early game. Cho’Gath needs time to scale and come online. Avoid fighting if possible.
  • Keep the wave closer to your side of the map early. This will make the laning phase so much safer.
  • Avoid trading with the enemy if possible. Even though you have good sustain, you can easily die if you try to fight in the first few levels. If the enemy tries to play aggressive, Feral Scream W them and fall back to safety.
  1. Mid game:
  • When your team isn’t grouping or looking to fight, split push and farm up a storm in the side lane.
  • Look for picks when you’re grouped with your team with your Feral Scream W and Rupture Q. After catching someone out, make the call for Baron.
  • Secure objectives like the Dragon or Baron with your Ultimate Feast R. If a major objective is up, hold off from using your Ultimate Feast R to secure objectives. Additionally, avoid team fighting unless your Ultimate Feast R is up as it deals tons of damage.
  1. Late game:
  • Stick with your team in the late game. Do not split up or walk away from them otherwise the enemy may try to pick you off or initiate a 4v5 fight when you’re away from your team.
  • Use your Rupture Q to initiate a fight or try to pick someone off with it and then kill them. Once they’re dead, either move to Baron or the Elder Dragon or siege and try to end the game.
  • Make the call for objectives like the Baron or Elder Dragon when an enemy is dead and when your Ultimate Feast R is up. Use your Ultimate Feast R to secure the objective for your team.

IV> Ultimate Cho'Gath:

  • If you are far behind and you can't kill anybody, feast on minions 6 times to gain free stacks for extra hp.

  • Don't hesitate to eat as kill stealing. The stacks make it double-gold so it is worth.

  • Use your Feast R when you think for the next 20-30 seconds you won't need it in any fight or for objectives.

  • Stack gives you size, damage (on E and R) and 120 hp PERMAMENTLY, which makes it worth around additional 400 gold so it is similar to getting double kill!

  • Eat creeps before recalling. There will pass about 30 seconds before you return and you will have your Ultimate almost fully back and ready to use.

  • Use your Ultimate on any creep nearby when you are going to die and your team can't help you. It's an impasse, but mistakes happen to everyone.

  • Remember that Cho'Gath's Ultimate Feast R has got about 0.3 seconds delay. It can be the missing split second sometimes (easy to feel longer you play).

  • Remember that on 6th level you will deal about 1050 damage to monsters and on 16th level you will deal about 1500 damage with your Feast R.

  • Specific FEAST tips about stacks:

  • Summoned enemy Herold gives you permanent stack.
  • Wukong's clone gives you permanent stack.
  • Shaco's clone gives you permanent stack.
  • Le'Blanc's clone gives you permanent stack.
  • Sion during his passive gives you permanent stack.
  • Illaoi's spirit (E) gives you permanent stack.
  • Zac's final blob doesn't give you permanent stack.

  • Yorick's Maiden of the Mist doesn't give you permanent stack.

  • Annie's Tibbers doesn't give you permanent stack.

  • Ivern's Daisy doesn't give you permanent stack.

  • Killing someone while one's Guardian Angel is active doesn't give you any stack.

  • Killing Anivia while she turns into an egg (passive) doesn't give you any stack.

  • Killing someone with Zilean's ultimate doesn't give you any stack.

  • Killing Neeko's clone doesn't give you any stack.

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Updated 2mo ago

Cho'Gath Top Late Build Guides - Runes, Items, Abilities & More

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