Extremely fun to play champion, Smolder can provide all the damage a team needs on its own but only if the game reaches to super late game. Farm and don't take risks and you will be a beast later on!
- Extremely Strong Late game
- Good Mobility
- Reposition Ability
- AOE Damage
- Very Squishy
- Weak Early
- Needs Gold & Stacks (scaling)

Great choise if you want to get through the early game by having more safety and survivability

Both great options to survive early and have extra movement speed to catch up in fights during late game!

Follow this Ability order if you go for Fleet Footwork as Keystone in your Rune page.
- Dragon Practice (Passive)
The passive mechanism involves gaining a stack each time he hits an enemy with an ability or when his Q last hits a minion or monster. All of his abilities deal additional damage based on the number of stacks he has.
- Super Scorcher Breath (Q)
Smolder's Q is a point-and-click ability that inflicts damage on the target hit and applies on-hit effects. When Smolder reaches 25 stacks, this ability also deals damage in a circle around the target. At 125 stacks, it starts firing additional fireballs in a cone behind the target. Reaching 225 stacks causes enemies hit to be set on fire, taking True damage and potentially getting executed if their health drops too low.
- Achooo! (W)
Smolder's W is a long-range rectangular skill shot that starts traveling fast and slows down towards the end. Enemies hit are dealt damage and slowed, and hitting an enemy champion also damages all enemies in a nearby circle.
- Flap,Flap,Flap (E)
Using Smolder's E causes him to take flight, gaining a significant burst of movement speed. While in flight, he can move over terrain and starts firing bolts at nearby enemies.
Smold's Ultimate is a very long-range rectangular skill shot dealing damage in a wave along the ability. It grants sight of the area, and enemies hit are dealt damage. If they're in the center of the ability, they take more damage and are slowed. If Smold is hit by this ability, he's also healed.
For combos, start with an auto-attack, followed by your ultimate, another auto-attack, Q, auto-attack, W, and then auto-attack into your E. Casting your ultimate behind you accelerates the damage output for specific matchups.

At this phase, concentrate primarily on two tasks: efficient farming and effectively accumulating your passive stacks. Your main goal should revolve around these activities, as there's little else of higher priority. Make strategic use of your Q to gather stacks, and occasionally, deploy your W to harass your opponent, securing more stacks in the process. Reserve your E for crucial moments, either to retreat safely or to pursue a potential kill. With your E on cooldown, adopting a cautious approach is imperative; your current state is relatively vulnerable. Without a significant advantage or assistance from your jungler, focus on farming. Reaching 25 stacks transforms your Q into an AOE ability, allowing you to hit multiple backline targets for efficient stacking.

Prioritize capturing your tower early, then transition to mid-lane to begin sieging and participating in skirmishes. Despite the shift in game phase, continue emphasizing stack farming. Entering the late-game team fights with at least 225 stacks equips you with a formidable presence, akin to having a permanent Elder buff. Assume the role of a hyper-carry, skillfully weaving auto-attacks with your abilities, unleashing devastating AOE damage that can decimate opposing teams.
Hello! Actioner here. I'm here to teach you the fundamentals for the Support role. I will surely try my best. So I've been playing League of Legends since late Season 3. I've been always a Main Support and I'm more than happy to share this passion and knowledge with you. I'm currently a high Master player with highest ever reached: Challenger Top 40(EUNE) and Master(EUW). I don't main a specific champion on Support, I can play 20+ support champs, so I always adapt to meta and what works best for me during that time. My secondary role is Mid-lane with a pretty small champion pool.
Feel free to join Action Squad and follow my journey!
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