Darius Jungle Start with WQQE full clear Max Q>E>W
- Q outer circle (Q and then flash)
- w aa reset + slow
- e pull + armor shred
- r exectute with stacked bleeding resets r
Combos aa w q for slow pull with e then aa w q
you want to counter gank or trap (with ur kit u have fast clear and tempo and movementssped add ons that) [jng tracking important skill and u can take easily objectives when coordinate good with ur team u kill it quick and if they run into u ez turn]
generally speaking has darius alot of dmg some cc and is a bruiser
but he lacks mobility but with this build he is op rn if u can take advantage and u need solid movement use it well
look if no teamfight occurs for side lane catches or u can push AND play for peel unless enemy intes cuz u are squishy u can't just run in and try to assasinate cuz u die before u are able to ult (or maybe some flanks)
Flash > Ghost

sometimes is ghost better but u gotta find the angles where u don't need flash (alot of meele is ghost nice for spacing)
prob conq ghost would be reasonable, but ghost phase rush tree has nice synergie
ban & synergy
I ban perma Jarvan IV (cage and ppl don't respect early ganks) or tristana [R cockblock] cassioppeia warwick are also valid
get a mate that is good or plays taric sera (sivir jinx) cho karma warwick [yasuo singed] for chill synergie

Common (or axiom arcanist)
not super easy but pretty strong Freelo

to be continued testing also trinity and stride breaker build