Diana Jungle Build Guides, Runes, Items, and Abilities

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DianaScorn of the Moon


Diana, known as the Scorn of the Moon, is a Fighter/Assassin champion in League of Legends. Wielding her crescent moonblade, she serves as a warrior of the Lunari—a nearly forgotten faith in the regions surrounding Mount Targon. Clad in shimmering armor reminiscent of winter snow at night, Diana embodies the power of the silver moon. Imbued with the essence of an Aspect from beyond Targon's towering summit, she is no longer entirely human and grapples with understanding her newfound power and purpose in the world.

Strengths and Weaknesses of Diana

  1. Strengths:
  • High Burst Damage: Diana possesses some of the quickest and most reliable burst damage in the game, allowing her to eliminate squishy targets rapidly.
  • Strong Split-Pushing: With her passive ability, Moonsilver Blade, Diana can clear minion waves efficiently and take down towers swiftly, making her an effective split-pusher.
  • Durability: Diana is somewhat durable, especially when building certain items, allowing her to survive in extended fights.
  1. Weaknesses:
  • Weak Early Game: Diana has a relatively weak early game against many matchups, making her vulnerable before reaching level 6.
  • Susceptible to Crowd Control: She is vulnerable to crowd control effects, which can interrupt her combos and make her an easy target during team fights.
  • Lack of Mobility: Without her ultimate, Lunar Rush, Diana lacks mobility and escape options, making her susceptible to ganks and kiting.

Diana Tips and Tricks

  • Utilize Moonlight: Landing Crescent Strike (Q) applies Moonlight to enemies, revealing them and allowing Lunar Rush (E) to reset its cooldown when used on them. Use this combo to engage or reposition quickly.
  • Timing with Pale Cascade: Activate Pale Cascade (W) before diving into fights to gain a shield that absorbs damage and deals area damage upon orb detonation. This enhances your survivability during engagements.
  • Effective Use of Moonfall: Moonfall (R) pulls in and slows all nearby enemies, dealing increased damage for each champion pulled beyond the first. Use it to initiate team fights or disrupt enemy formations, maximizing its damage by targeting clustered enemies.
  • Itemization: Building items like Nashor's Tooth and Rabadon's Deathcap can significantly enhance Diana's burst potential and attack speed, complementing her abilities and playstyle.
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Diana Summoner Spells


Diana Runes


Diana Items

Scorchclaw Pup
Scorchclaw Pup
Health Potion
Health Potion
Stealth Ward
Stealth Ward

Diana Skill Order

Crescent Strike
Pale Cascade
Lunar Rush
Crescent Strike
Pale Cascade
Lunar Rush
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Diana Ability Combos

  • AA + W + Q + AA + AA: To trade while hiding your first attack AA and W as soon as the animation starts. Instantly Q followed by more AAs.
  • AA + Q + E + AA + W + E: You can sneakily trade with your passive. AA your first target twice then Q E your main target. Instantly AA W upon landing, then E back to safety on a different enemy.
  • W + AA + AA + Q + E + AA + AA + AA + E + AA: For a melee range all in W then AA twice, use Q E instantly and AA three times. E again, then AA once more.
  • Q + E + W + AA + R + AA + E + AA: Your basic level 6 all in is to Q E instantly and use W mid air. Upon landing AA R AA then E and AA as the follow up.
  • E + R + W + Q + AA +AA + AA: To burst your target E then R mid air. Use W Q while they are knocked up then AA three times to proc Diana's passive.
  • W + FLASH + E + Q: To quickly burst a low HP target W, instantly Flash and E Q as quickly as you can.
  • Q + E + R + FLASH + W + AA + AA + E + AA: For a long range all in to get onto the carries in a teamfight Q E your first target then R and instantly Flash to your next. Use W once they are pulled together and AA twice then E AA.
  • W +AA + R + AA + E + Q + AA: For surprise burst damage on the enemy backline in a teamfight W AA your first target then R AA and instantly E your main target. Cast Q as quickly as you can then AA.
  • Q + E + AA + E + R + AA + E + W + AA: To E three times in one teamfight Q E your first target instantly but make sure your Q hits your second target. AA upon landing, E to your second target and R AA. E your third target instantly before your R damage lands, then AA upon arriving.
  • W + E + R + Q + AA: To quickly use your spell rotation and mop up a kill W and instantly E. While in mid air cast R so that it finishes its cast as you arrive, then quickly Q AA.
  • R + FLASH + Q + W + AA + E + AA + E + AA: To engage from further away than expected R and instantly Flash Q W, then AA E followed by AA E AA.

Game plan

  1. Early game
  • She should start ganking as soon as she hits level three as her burst damage is relatively high, which will allow her to quickly get a Flash from the enemy champions' side.
  • Getting her Ultimate Moonfall R will make her quite dangerous in fights that happen around choke points. This helps her teammates a lot as they can easily collapse on the enemies Diana has Ultimate Moonfall R'd.
  • Her first item will allow her to get a massive boost in her overall damage. This will let her win duels with ease. She will now invade the enemy Jungle, provided the allied laners have prio in their lanes.
  1. Mid game
  • She will have her core items during this phase of the game. Her dueling and pick potential will skyrocket enormously. She should try to fight as much as possible during this phase of the game.
  • Her win condition will be getting off massive Ultimate Moonfall R s off on the enemy team. Poking them out with her Crescent Strike Q first and then going in for the kill is quite optimal for her. Bonus points if she can do it from the fog of war.
  • She is mighty when dealing with the enemy backline and should always try to find a flank on the enemy's carries. The best time to all-in them will be when the enemy frontline decides to all-in your team. Doing so will ensure that the enemy frontline has no form of follow-up.
  1. Late game
  • She should be able to one-shot enemies with ease from now on. Her main goal will be to fight around clumped areas to get a multi-man Ultimate Moonfall R on the enemy team.
  • She should still focus on the enemy backline during team fights while avoiding any form of CC on her. Picking off enemies to make team fights unfair should also be an excellent way to snowball her lead.
  • If Diana is ahead, she should look for picks or ambush the enemy as they walk through their Jungle. Taking one enemy down could be enough to win the next fight or take the Baron.
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Diana is a versatile champion capable of dealing significant burst damage and excelling in split-pushing roles. While she has a weaker early game and is vulnerable to crowd control, mastering her abilities and understanding optimal engagement timings can make her a formidable presence on the battlefield. Proper itemization and strategic play are key to unleashing her full potential.

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Updated 1mo ago

Diana Jungle Build Guides, Runes, Items, and Abilities

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