Diana- Why her?
Diana is a strong mid-late game champion, significantly weaker in the early game. She is an ap burst with good build diversity. She is also really fun and easy to pick up. In this guide I will cover her weaknesses and strenghts, her build runes and much more!

Standard for aggresive, if passive then second upgrade your W and third your E.
Diana has generally no trouble in matchups. Of course she will have weaker and stronger matchups, but I personally ALWAYS ban malzahar. Why? Annoying shield, silence and undodgable ultimate. I recommend you the same.

Pros and cons
Easy to pick up and master
Easy to climb with
Carry/Hypercarry (Depends on your division)
Strong late/mid game
Pretty weak early game.
She only can build AP so if your team is 4 AP and you have the last pick say goodbye to her
Some games she just CAN'T carry for example if they have many stuns.

She isn't for everyone. Some people will dislike or like diana. The best is to go on drafts and play on her 5-10 games to see if you want to main/learn/play her.

Buy either a doran item with red potion OR dark seal with green potion.

Best option (most of the time) is sorcerers and if you don't want to build them then it depends on the enemy team (If they have cc, ap or ad)

so for it to be clear I will explain all these items.
Lich bane is a good first item option, build it almost every time for first item.
Shadow flame is a good 2/4/5 item option. Good dmg and magic penetration.
Zhonya's is tankiness/dmg and is built on her almost everytime for 4th item.
Rabadon- third item, crazy dmg.
Stormsurge- more situational but can be built in some types of situations, good one shot, 1v1 and first item option.
Mejai- if you built darkseal/are fed.
Nashor- also good for first item or one of the last. Good for tanky matchups.
Voidstaf/cryptobloom- magic penetration, cryptobloom for extra healing.
Hextech if you need more mobility (rare)
Banshee for magic resist matchups and if you are ahead.
Morelonomicon for antiheal.
Diana- conclusions
In my view yes, she is worth trying maining because why not? Everyone needs to try a new champion and diana is also strong in meta 90% of the time!