Draven ADC Build Guides, Runes, Items, and Abilities

Draventhe Glorious Executioner


Draven, the Glorious Executioner, is a flamboyant and high-damage marksman in League of Legends. Known for his charismatic personality and unique playstyle, Draven excels in dominating the laning phase and snowballing his lead into unstoppable late-game power. His kit revolves around catching Spinning Axes (Q) and managing his Adoration stacks for explosive gold rewards, making him a champion that rewards mechanical skill and aggression. For players who love to stand out while dealing devastating damage, Draven is the ultimate pick.

Strengths and Weaknesses of Draven

  1. Strengths:
  • High Damage Output: Draven's Spinning Axes (Q) provide an enormous damage boost, allowing him to out-trade most opponents in the early game and shred through enemies later on.
  • Gold Snowball Potential: Thanks to his passive, League of Draven, Draven gains bonus gold upon champion kills based on his Adoration stacks. This allows him to snowball quickly if he can secure early takedowns.
  • Strong Early Game Presence: With high base stats and potent abilities, Draven can dominate the laning phase and bully opponents into submission.
  • Versatile Utility: Stand Aside (E) provides crowd control and peel, while Whirling Death (R) offers global pressure and execution potential.
  • Momentum-Based Playstyle: Catching Spinning Axes rewards players with boosted attack power and the ability to refresh Blood Rush (W), maintaining high mobility and attack speed during fights.
  1. Weaknesses:
  • High Skill Requirement: Draven’s reliance on catching Spinning Axes demands excellent positioning and quick reflexes. Missing axes significantly reduces his effectiveness.
  • Lack of Escape Tools: Draven has no innate dash or blink, making him vulnerable to crowd control and ganks if mispositioned.
  • Risky Playstyle: Draven’s aggressive nature often forces him to push forward, leaving him exposed to coordinated enemy attacks.
  • Reliance on Early Game Success: Without a strong early game, Draven struggles to keep up with other ADCs who scale better into the late game.
  • Punishable Errors: Missing Spinning Axes or failing to secure kills can waste Adoration stacks and hinder Draven’s ability to snowball.

Draven Tips and Tricks

  • Master Spinning Axes: Practice catching Spinning Axes (Q) consistently while maintaining good positioning. Always aim to anticipate where the axe will land and move accordingly.
  • Maintain Aggression: Use Draven’s early game power to dominate the lane. Combine Spinning Axes with Blood Rush (W) for high burst damage and mobility in trades.
  • Maximize Adoration Stacks: Focus on last-hitting minions and catching axes to build up your Adoration stacks. Be patient and capitalize on opportunities to cash in with a kill.
  • Use Stand Aside Effectively: Stand Aside (E) can be used to interrupt dashes, peel for yourself, or set up kills. Time it to disrupt enemy movements and secure advantageous trades.
  • Strategic Ultimate Usage: Whirling Death (R) can be used for executing low-health enemies, finishing off fleeing opponents, or applying pressure across the map. Remember that the damage resets when the axes reverse direction.
  • Position Smartly: Always position yourself where you can safely catch axes while avoiding enemy threats. Overextending can lead to quick punishments, especially without mobility tools.
  • Item Synergy: Build items like Essence Reaver and Infinity Edge to enhance Draven’s burst damage. Lifesteal items like Bloodthirster can help sustain in extended fights.

Draven Summoner Spells


Draven Runes


Draven Items

Doran's Blade
Doran's Blade
Health Potion
Health Potion
Stealth Ward
Stealth Ward

Draven Skill Order

Spinning Axe
Blood Rush
Stand Aside
Spinning Axe
Blood Rush
Stand Aside
Whirling Death

Draven Ability Combos

  • W + AA + E + AA + W + AA + AA: Trade in lane by using W then AA E. AA, then W again and AA some more.
  • Q + R + AA + E + AA: Combo fast with Q R AA, then knock aside your target with E and AA.
  • AA + Q: Hide a spinning axe with an AA and immediate Q.
  • E + Q + AA: Your basic trade is to E then Q AA.
  • R + W + E + FLASH + Q + AA + W + AA: Surprise your target by using R then W. Quickly E and instantly Flash mid animation, then Q AA and W AA.
  • AA + W + Q + AA+ AA + W + AA: When you have 2 spinning axes use AA W Q, then AA AA. Follow up with W AA.
  • Q + AA + AA + E + R + FLASH + AA: For a nice snipe Q then AA AA. Use E and R, then Flash so the axes hit a low health enemy on the way back to you. AA again.

Game plan

  1. Early game
  • Use Draven’s early game strength to get kills in lane and gain a gold lead over the enemy. Draven needs to play aggressive in lane.
  • Play around the enemies abilities to increase your chances of surviving and killing the enemy. If they waste their dash or if the Support uses a hook ability, try to play aggressive.
  • If you’ve got lots of stacks Spinning Axe Q, don’t be afraid to call for ganks. You have tons of damage and should be able to cash out easily if you can overwhelm the enemy with a gank.
  1. Mid game
  • Once you’ve destroyed the first tower in lane, rotate to the mid lane and try to siege the mid tower to open up the map.
  • While Draven does have tons of kill pressure, it’s important that you do not walk too far away from your team at any given time. Stick with your Support and hold their hand.
  • Wait for your teammates to make the first move. Let them engage while you focus on auto-attacking the nearest enemy champion and picking up your Axes Spinning Axe Q.
  1. Late game
  • It is important that you stick with your team in the late game. Do not move around the map or go anywhere unless someone is with you.
  • Stand towards the back end of your team near your Support. Avoid walking too far away from anyone in the late game. Getting caught out will result in the enemy being able to push their advantage and finish the game.
  • Watch your positioning in the late game. Focus on kiting and auto-attacking the nearest enemy champion. Avoid walking too far forward so you do not get caught out and focused by the enemy. Use your Stand Aside E as a self peel tool.


Draven is a marksman like no other, offering a unique and flashy playstyle that rewards skillful execution and bold aggression. While he comes with a steep learning curve and a reliance on early game dominance, mastering Draven’s mechanics can lead to incredibly satisfying gameplay and highlight-worthy moments. For those who dare to embrace the Glorious Executioner’s challenge, the rewards are as grand as his ego.

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Good luck to you! – Cheng

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Updated 1mo ago

Draven ADC Build Guides, Runes, Items, and Abilities

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