Ekko, the Boy Who Shattered Time, is a dynamic and agile champion in League of Legends. Hailing from Zaun, he is a prodigious inventor who manipulates time to outmaneuver his enemies and rewrite unfavorable outcomes. Ekko’s kit is centered around mobility, burst damage, and powerful utility, making him a formidable assassin and skirmisher. Whether it’s slipping through defenses or turning the tide of a fight with his ultimate, Ekko rewards players who can master his high-risk, high-reward playstyle.
Ekko Strengths & Weaknesses
- Strengths
- High Burst Damage: With abilities like Timewinder (Q) and Phase Dive (E), Ekko can quickly eliminate squishy targets, making him an exceptional assassin.
- Incredible Mobility: Ekko’s E ability, Phase Dive, gives him the ability to dart around the battlefield and surprise opponents with his unpredictable movements.
- Powerful Utility: Parallel Convergence (W) offers a potent area-of-effect stun and shielding for Ekko, enabling both aggressive and defensive plays.
- Sustain and Safety: Chronobreak (R) allows Ekko to undo damage and reposition, providing unparalleled survivability during fights.
- Strong Scaling: Ekko’s damage and utility grow significantly as the game progresses, making him a major threat in the mid to late game.
- His Parallel Convergence W allows him to engage upon a group or enemy champions, or a single enemy champion with ease. This is really beneficial if he can land it from out of vision and then use his Phase Dive E to dash into the Parallel Convergence W circle to guarantee the stun.
- His burst damage is not to be ignored as the game goes on. This is especially true when he happens to be ahead in the game. He can quite literally take the enemy backline out in one rotation of spells, if he manages to Parallel Convergence W Phase Dive E onto them.
- His Ultimate Chronobreak R is the most powerful ability in his kit as it allows him to undo his mistakes, especially when he chooses a bad fight or fails an all-in. As the game goes on, the cooldown of this ability becomes shorter, allowing him to do whatever he pleases as long as he has his Ultimate Chronobreak R up.
- Weaknesses
- Skill-Dependent: Ekko’s abilities require precise timing and positioning to maximize their effectiveness, making him challenging for newer players.
- Squishy: Despite his mobility and survivability tools, Ekko is relatively fragile and can be punished if caught off guard.
- Weak Early Game: Ekko relies on items and levels to unlock his full potential, which can make him vulnerable during the laning phase or early jungle clears.
- Cooldown Reliance: Misusing his abilities can leave Ekko without options in critical moments, especially during teamfights.
- As Ekko is a melee champion, he will get bullied down by the superior range from other Mid laners. He must not let them bully him down otherwise he’ll fall behind in gold and XP.
- Common flanking spots can easily be warded by the enemy team, reducing Ekko’s flanking potential. Ekko will have to devote some time to clearing wards if he wants to be successful in picking off enemy champions.
- Ekko is prone to CC. If he gets hit by layered CC, it's going to be difficult for him to deal damage, use his Parallel Convergence W or escape the fight with his Ultimate Chronobreak R.
Ekko Tips and Tricks
- Utilize Z-Drive Resonance: Maximize your passive by chaining auto-attacks and abilities on the same target. The bonus magic damage and speed burst make Ekko deadly in duels and skirmishes.
- Position Parallel Convergence Strategically: Use W to zone enemies or set up ganks. Aim to place it where enemies are likely to be, ensuring you gain the stun and shield effect by entering the anomaly.
- Master Timewinder’s Path: Ekko’s Q can deal damage twice—on the way out and back. Position yourself to maximize this damage in trades or wave-clearing.
- Creative Engagement with Phase Dive: E allows you to close gaps or escape danger. Combine it with Q for a quick burst or use it to reposition during a fight.
- Chronobreak’s Impact: Use R to heal from significant damage and surprise enemies with the massive burst it deals upon re-entry. Always keep track of where you were a few seconds ago to plan your ultimate effectively.
- Ward and Roam: As a roaming assassin, Ekko excels at catching enemies off-guard. Place wards in key locations to spot vulnerable targets and capitalize on his mobility.
Ekko Summoner Spells

Ekko Runes

Ekko Items

Ekko Skill Order

Ekko Ability Combos
- Q + E + EAA: Q and if both portions land E in and AA to proc the passive and retreat.
- AA + Q + E + EAA: While in melee range, trade with AA then instantly Q. Quickly use E away from your target only to go back in.
- W + Q + AA + E + EAA + AA + AA + AA: If someone facechecks you lead with W then Q AA. E away from your target then AA to dash back to land the stun.
- E + EAA + Q + AA: Your most basic trade will be to use E then AA as soon as you're done rolling, then quickly Q AA.
- W + E + Q + EAA + AA +AA: To all in an opponent before level 6, W your target and wait until it's about to proc. E forward and Q AA to gap close and trigger the stun.
- Q + E + EAA + AA: Cancel your Q E animations by using Q on your target, then instantly E forward and AA.
- E + W + EAA + Q + AA + AA + AA + AA: You can slightly hide your W animation with E. E forward, use W on your target then AA and Q on arrival. Continue to AA if the stun lands.
- Q + E + R + EAA: To burst and hide your R animation, Q then walk away and as it's about to hit its return damage E and cast R mid animation then AA instantly
- E + Q + FLASH + EAA + AA: To execute from far away E then quickly Q and Flash right as you start the animation, then AA to dash and AA once more.
- E + W + Q + R + EAA + AA + AA: If being chased E away, using W during its animation. Q back at your target upon finishing the roll, then right as your W is about to land R back and instantly AA.
- AA + Q + E + FLASH + EAA: Your E roll animation can be cancelled with Flash. AA then instantly Q E. Cancel the roll with Flash and instantly AA.
- W + R + E + EAA + Q + AA: Going through your W with R will still stun the target. W at your target then take 1 step into the where the circle will be, then leave before your opponent sees your W. As soon as your W lands R, then E towards your target so you can eAA Q AA.
- W + E + FLASH + EAA + Q + AA + AA: From long range, W your target and right before it lands E forward. Cancel the very end of the roll with Flash then AA to get in range for the stun, followed by Q AA AA
- E + Q + R + EAA + AA: To very quickly burst someone face checking you use E Q instantly, then R and AA.
Game plan
- Early game
- Ekko is a strong early game Jungler. Use this to your advantage by looking to gank as often as you can in the early game. You can start ganking once you have your Phase Dive E and your Parallel Convergence W.
- While you’re a strong Jungler, you need to find a healthy balance between farming and ganking. Gold is incredibly important for Ekko and if he falls behind, he will struggle to get back into the game.
- Ekko has good objective control. Try to secure every objective if possible either alone or with your team to gain a lead over the enemy.
- Mid game
- Find a healthy balance between ganking lanes, getting picks with your Parallel Convergence W, securing objectives and farming your own jungle.Flank in team fights to make getting on the enemy backline easily. Make sure you’re near your team at all times so you can get in the fight fast.As you’re good at getting picks and killing isolated targets, try to ambush and assassinate enemies who are alone or walking around Summoners Rift alone. After killing someone, make the call for a nearby objective.
- Late game
- Stick with your team in the late game. Do not split up or walk away from them otherwise the enemy may try to pick you off or initiate a 4v5 fight when you’re away from your team.
- Avoid fighting in the late game unless your Ultimate Chronobreak R or Zhonya’s Hourglass is up. Do not fight or skirmish with the enemy until they’re both up. Getting killed could cost you the game.
- Play on the side of the map that has the next major objective up so you can rotate to take it with your team. Alternatively, if you have Teleport, you can go to the bot side of the map and use it to get to your team.
Ekko is a champion that embodies creativity, adaptability, and high-impact gameplay. With his ability to manipulate time, he offers endless outplay potential for those willing to invest the time to master him. While he has a challenging learning curve, the payoff is immense when you execute his combos and turn fights in your favor. Whether you're diving into the backline or escaping a sure defeat with Chronobreak, Ekko is a champion that can truly rewrite the rules of battle.
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Good luck to you! – Cheng