Have you ever encountered an opponent who plays Aatrox very well and has extremely good skills? Smash the sword with the skill "The Darkin Blade" 3 times and hit all 3 times.
See more: Top Champions Counter Picks for Aatrox
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Aatrox Counters Summary
In the selected top position, Aatrox is strongest against Camille and Sion, with win rates of 55.0% and 54.2%, respectively. Aatrox a great counter pick to either champs. Conversely, he is not good in top lane against Heimerdinger and Singed. You should be careful about brining Aatrox into either of these two champs.
How to Counter Aatrox
Aatrox is considered a lane bully, especially if he manages to secure an early lead. To play against him effectively, try to deny his lead by avoiding early fights and focus on farming and leveling up instead.
Make the most of Aatrox's long cooldowns. He's vulnerable when these are active, giving you an opportunity to launch offensive attacks. Be particularly wary when his E ability (a mobility skill) is on cooldown.
Aatrox will fall off in the later stages of the game. If playing against him, try to prolong the game as long as possible, as his threat level in team fights will decrease over time.
Avoid extended trades with Aatrox in the early game. Wait until you've gained a few levels before engaging with him. It's also crucial not to overcommit to fights while his Q hotspots are active in the lane.
His damage and sustain dramatically increase once he secures his Ultimate R ability. Avoid direct skirmishes with him once he has this ability unless you have enough support or are confident in your ability to take him down.
In the mid and late game, Aatrox tends to split push and apply pressure elsewhere on the map. Be ready for this strategy by maintaining strong map awareness and responding quickly to his split push tactics.
If Aatrox gets ahead, remember to play around his Ultimate R. Fighting while it's on cooldown could be the difference between winning a fight and losing it. Pace yourself, and have patience - your chance to strike back will come.
Aatrox counter tips
- Laning Against Aatrox
- Use the minion wave to block Aatrox from landing his Infernal Chains W and going for the all-in. Always ensure that there is at least one minion between you and him at all times.
- Both his The Darkin Blade Q and Umbral Dash E have rather long cooldowns in the early game. If he uses them, try to abuse the cooldowns and trade with him while they’re down.
- Aatrox benefits from bursty trades with his The Darkin Blade Q. Try and keep your distance at all times and be prepared to sacrifice a little bit of CS, so he doesn’t burst you down.
- Strategy VS Aatrox
- In team fights, as soon as Aatrox runs in, try to CC him and burst him down first. He is pretty vulnerable to CC, and if you can kill him before he gets his combo off, the enemy will lose out on a lot of damage.
- Try to look for fights when Aatrox doesn’t have his Ultimate or Flash. He will have a much harder time at impacting fights when either of these are on cooldown.
- Aatrox likes to split push after the laning phase has ended. When he shows in a side lane alone, you could start a team fight with his teammates. Have wards on that side of the map, though, if he makes his way to join the battle.
- Aatrox Power Spikes
- Aatrox is strong from levels 2-6. Make sure you keep your distance to make it harder for him to land his The Darkin Blade Q and poke you down.
- Aatrox spikes when he gets his first item (as well as both component items). Respect his all in potential when he’s completed the recipe as his damage output will heavily increase.
- Aatrox is strong no matter what if you cannot dodge all instances of his The Darkin Blade Q. Practice makes perfect, but do try and dodge them whenever you’re able to.
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Good luck to you! – Cheng