How to Play Arena Mode in League of Legends: Tips & Tricks

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Arena mode in League of Legends is a fast-paced 2v2v2v2 battle where you fight in rounds to be the last duo standing. Here are some essential tips & Tricks to dominate:

1. Choose Strong Champions

  • You pick Scaling Champions in the current patch (Patch 25.05) such as:

Assassin: Ambessa, Master Yi, Sylas, Zed,...

Marksman: Vayne, Tristana, Kalista,...

Fighter: Sett, Ambessa, Volibear,...

Tank: Sion, Nasus, Dr. Mundo,..

Mage: Swain, Mel, Brand, Lux,...

Support: Lux, Rell, Brand,...

  • Pick a champion that synergizes well with your teammate's champion.

For example, a great combination is Ambessa and Fiddlesticks, forming a perfect combo. When Fiddlesticks executes his E + Q + W combo, Ambessa can dive in to attack the opponents.

Another strong synergy is Malphite and Yasuo, when Malphite uses his R, Yasuo can immediately follow up with his R for a devastating teamfight engage.

2. Avoid the Ring of Fire

  • Try to avoid the flames if possible.
  • Use champions with abilities to push opponents out of the Ring of Fire, such as Alistar (W), Poppy (R), Jayce (E), etc.
  • Don't let the round end in a tie, dealing damage to your team.
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3. Combat Phase

  • Use abilities or summoner spells wisely.

You and your teammate need to create a coordinated combo to maximize damage.

For example, Zac jumps in with E, uses W, then casts Q1 on the first enemy and Q2 on the second enemy, knocking them into each other. Yasuo immediately follows up with Last Breath (R), and Zac continues by using R to extend the crowd control.

  • You need to dodge enemy skillshot, such as Lux's Q, Karma's R + Q, Jayce's E + Q, Hwei's Q + E, etc.
  • Don't play aggressively against trickster champions, such as Wukong, Shaco, Leblanc, Neeko, Zoe, Singed...
  • Use Flash when you are trapped, such as Jarvan IV's R, Thresh's R, Camille's R, Veigar's E, Yorick's W,...

4. Items

  • You can use Edge of Night for assassins or marksmen and Banshee's Veil for mages to counter the ultimates of Fizz, Malphite, Karthus, etc.
  • For healing reduction items: Thornmail, Chempunk Chainsword (Fighter); Mortal Reminder (Fighter, Marksman); Morellonomicon (Mage, Support); Chemtech Putrifier (Support)
  • For high-health enemy champions: Liandry's Torment (Mage, Support); Blade of the Ruined King (Fighter, Marksman).
  • Against attack speed-based champions, use Frozen Heart.
  • Against armor-stacking champions, use Black Cleaver.
  • For champions that need high mobility in fights, use Turbo Chemtank, as Hecarim, Singed,...
  • If the enemy has a lot of crowd control, use Cruelty, Mikael's Blessing, Mercurial Scimitar,...
  • If the enemy has a lot of critical strikes, use Randuin's Ome, Locket of the Iron Solari, Gargoyle Stoneplate,...
  • For assassins, you should have Edge of Night, Duskblade of Draktharr, Spectral Cutlass or Guardian Angel.
  • To break shields, use Profane Hydra.
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5. Maps

  • Use Flash and Flee wisely to engage or escape from enemies.
  • You need to stand in the Revive Zone to revive your teammate.
  • You can hit Blast Cones to engage enemies or escape.
  • You can hit Power Flowers to heal, gain a shield, or restore mana.
  • Use Arcane Sweeper to gain true sight.
  • Champions can interact with these gates to initiate Hexgate Warp instantly and Dash dash to the other side of the gate over 1.75 seconds, during which they are Untargetable icon untargetable and Lockout icon 2 unable to act.
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Updated 21d ago

How to Play Arena Mode in League of Legends: Tips & Tricks

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