I> Introduction
Having played numerous games as Cho’gath locked into jungle, I can say fairly certainly that he is an OK choice. He will not do well against high elo players, because Cho’gath is mechanically designed to be a laner, not a jungler. He only has a 46 percent winrate in the jungle, and with good reason. He doesn’t have the speed to do full clears. As Cho’gath, you will need to pull off good ganks and farm hard when you do. If you can manage to do these things, however, you will be able to have, at the very least, a great league story to tell.
Cho’gath jungle is a troll pick that has potential to do OK, but only with practice and time. Jungle is a hard role anyway, and it needs knowledge of the game and the mechanics of your champion if you want to do well. Cho’gath himself is a fairly basic champion, but since he is not intended to be a jungle champion, he will do poorly against champions who are designed for jungle. If you are a jungle main, and can pick up Cho’gath, he has potential to do well, but will fall short in higher-leveled ranked games.
You will want to go for red buff. Afterwards, go chickens. Cross through mid, and take wolves. Take blue buff and then grawp(or both if you can handle it). Once you’ve hit level 3(no matter what camp you are at) go for the closest lane, and if viable, gank it. You should be able to pull it off with your Q and W both doing CC, and E giving more damage, while not being too underleveled. Finish the clear if you aren’t done, and take your first back. Afterwards, do full clears in the same order with krugs before chickens. If you can, gank a lane. Rinse, Repeat.
Don't play Cho'gath in the jungle unless you like to do dumb things like I do. If you do, clear fast and gank hard. If you do this, you will do alright. Otherwise, you're dead meat. If there's anything I left out, DM me or make a comment with a suggestion or some feedback. Remember that this is not supposed to win, it is supposed to be fun.
1. Pros & Cons:
a. Pros:
- Cho’Gath has great objective control and can secure every Drake with his Ultimate Feast R.
- Has great sustain in the jungle thanks to his Passive.
- Tons of built-in CC with his Rupture Q and Feral Scream W. It makes him a huge threat when ganking or skirmishing with the enemy.
b. Cons:
- Cho’Gath can easily get kited by ADCs and champions with dashes in team fights. This makes it hard for him to catch out mobile champions.
- If you can’t hit your Rupture Q or Feral Scream W on a target when fighting them alone, you’re pretty much always going to lose the skirmish as you need to land these abilities to interrupt the enemy.
- When you’re behind, it’s really hard for you to get back into the game as the enemy can invade you over and over again.
2. Cho'Gath tips and tricks
- Use your Rupture Q slightly behind the enemy rather than on their current location to make it harder for them to dodge it.
- Wait for the marker before pressing your Ultimate Feast R. Don’t use it unless the marker appears.
- Whenever your Rupture Q or Feral Scream W is up, don’t automatically use either one of them unless you’re certain that the enemy isn’t a threat to you. Otherwise, the enemy may wait for you to use either one of these abilities and then play aggressive while it’s on cooldown.
- Feast R of Cho'Gath can kill the target to stack of Feast. Only 6 stacks can be gained from non-epic monsters or minions. Each kill grants one stack, maybe add stacks when knocked down Shaco, Wukong, Yorrick, Annie,...Add numbers stacks by killing Dragons, Baron Nashor, two Voidgrub, Rift Herald and Elder Dragon.
3. Combos of Cho'Gath:
- Basic: W + Flash
- Basic: AA + EEE
- Medium: W + Q + EEE
- Hard: Q + W + Flash + AA + EEE + R
II> Builds:
- Cho'Gath build guide:
1. Cho'Gath Summoner Spells

2. Cho'Gath Starting Items:

3. Cho'Gath Runes

4. Cho'Gath Skill Order

5. Cho'Gath Items

Situational items:
- Jak'Sho, The Protean: Good tank item that enhances your damage in fights
- Unending Despair: Sustain tank item providing health and armor.
- Randuin's Omen: Pick the item if 1) enemy team has a lot of physical damage, 2) you need increased armor, 3) you want to slow down enemy attack speed. Effective against champions who deal consistent crit based damage like Jinx, Yasuo or Tryndamere.
- Frozen Heart: Recommended whenever you need to 1) increase mana usage; 2) reduce enemy attack speed. It's effective against AD champions who rely on basic attacks (Jinx, Tristana, Vayne) or use their abilities frequently (Yasuo, Riven, Zed).
- Force of Nature: Tank item which is recommended in situations where: 1) enemy team has a lot of magic damage; 2) you need increased movement speed. Effective against champions like Syndra, Brand, LeBlanc.
- Abyssal Mask: It’s good whenever you need more defensive stats to deal with AP champions. It’s also good when your team's AP dominant, as it reduces nearby enemy's magical resistances.
III> Game plan
- Early game
- You will need to get your level 3 quickly so ask for a hard leash early on and quickly get to that level. Once that happens, you can start ganking with your RuptureQ.
- See if you can ambush the enemy Jungler near the Scuttle Crab by using the lane brushes to hide and then Rupture Q'ing them.
- Getting neutral objectives is going to be very important, especially once you get your Ultimate Feast R. Focus on the bot lane and get them to help you regularly.
- Mid game
- The mid-game should be focused on getting your core items as quickly as you can. It will amplify your damage or your damage absorption capacity depending on your build.
- Always look for flanks during team fights. This will help you separate the enemy backline from the frontline and you will be able to take the squishies out of the fight quickly.
- Your Ultimate Feast R can really help you during fights, especially if you manage to get into the enemy backline and Ultimate Feast R kill a major carry.
- Late game
- Try to take fights around choke points. This will let you use your Rupture Q really easily and will increase your overall efficiency during the game.
- You may have to adjust your gameplay depending on your lead in the game. If you're too far ahead, focus on building damage, else focus on saving your teammates.
- Be a part of as many neutral objective fights as you can in this phase of the game. It will really help you get more objectives due to how your Ultimate Feast R works.