Gangplank Runes & Items explained
Have you ever wanted to play a champion like Gangplank, looked him up on u.gg or probuildstats.com and didn't understand why the would take a Rune setup over the other? Maybe you see something completely random like AP GP and don't know if it's viable or a for fun build.
Here I will clear all those doubts and explain what Runes to take and when as well as explaining why you buy each item.
This guide will be updated and will have videos at the bottom so you can also learn the gameplay aspects of the champion.
Summoner Spells

You will be taking these runes probably 90% of your games. Because of your Q - Parley passive giving you free gold whenever you kill something with it you want to be able to farm the majority of your game, making Teleport the best choice.
Rune setups

Starter items

You have 3 options for starter items:
- Doran's Blade if there's going to be a lot of fighting happening in your lane
- Doran's Shield if you aren't feeling confident in the matchup, you're against a lane bully or a very annoying ranged champion.
- Long Sword + Refillable Potion if you're FULLY CONFIDENT you are going to WIN your lane

You pretty much get Ionian Boot's of Lucidity most games because of the Ability Haste.
Cooldown reduction on your summoner spells is great, specially if you're running ignite since you should have Cosmic Insight on top of it.
Boots of Swiftness is great because of it's Slow reduction and they give the most Movement speed out of all boot options.
Core Items

Full crit is what I would recommend you to build every single game, simply the best way to play Gangplank currently.
You should look to get Sheen in your first recall or as soon as possible at least. Essence Reaver being your best Sheen item currently is what you're going to get as first item. Navori Quickblades will be your second item no matter what.
I put the Cloak of Agility here because you can get 1 or even 2 right after Navori.