All Items and Runes explained
Renekton is an AMAZING champion for any new League of Legends player or anyone who is trying to learn the fundamentals (but mostly learn toplane). He is a very simple, easy to learn champion that any player will be able to find success on.
With this guide you will no longer have to look up op.gg or u.gg to find what items to build and just blindly follow stats, I will explain what items YOU should buy and even add a video on HOW to play him so you can start winning more games.

Just the best runes setup for practically every game. You don't really have to worry about changing anything either, it's completely fine to run this every game.
However, if you want to start min-maxing your runes every game:
- Change Legend: Alacrity for Legend: Tenacity if they have a lot of CC but you aren't building Mercury's Threads.
- Change Second Wind for Bone Plating if the enemy laner can't really proc the healing.

As of patch 14.6, Renekton fully maxes Q - Cull the Meek first and E - Slice and Dice second, insteaad of W - Ruthless predator. This is very common whenever the bruiser build is meta on him rather than a full damage one (full Lethality Renekton, e.g.).
Summoner Spells

Currently it's best to take Teleport most of your games.
Starter items

Very simple decision here, Doran's Shield vs Ranged champions, or ones with a lot of healing, and Doran's Blade the resst of games. Don't have to think too hard, whichever you buy will work fine even if it isn't the optimal decision that matchup.
Core items

As of patch 14.6 Eclipse is the best 1st item on Renekton. Almost every single game it will provide all the damage and utility you need.
How to climb with Renekton
I've covered all the aspects you MUST know about Renekton's build, but if you want to know how to play him and reach Diamond elo check out this video where I explain every decision I make as a Challenger player in lower elos to teach you how to carry bad teammates and master this champion.