You dont need ignite to win toplane. If you rely on it with irelia its just another area you need to improve in. TP gives you so many options you need to have in a game to have a higher chance of winning.

W has more survivability and damage so its the obvious choice over E.

Presence is better than Triump because it allows you to spam your abilities more freely. Since unflinching doesnt give tenacity anymore demolish is the obvious choice. Bone plating against champs that all in or Second wind against champs that Poke a lot.

Can replace the GA with something like Titanic Hydra . This feels like it has the most damage to tankiness ration and you also have 36% tenacity which does help a lot.
Matchups (S is hardest)

- Very good duelist
- Good CC
- If you have the skill you can win almost every matchup
- Does pretty good into ranged matchups
- Very mechanical champ
- 3/4 abilities are skillshots
- Quite a lot of hard matchups
- Weak level 1
Early Game
Depending on the matchup you want to start q or e. E into hard matchups and Q into ones you go even or better. Always try to initiate trades when you have minion advantages, his minions are low and when you have your passive stacks up.
Against Ranged you want to give up a few cs until you get to lv 3-4 and then you can engage if you are healthy enough. Goal is to get exp in the begining and then you can go aggro.
Try to use the bushes to your advantage you can start an E there and its easier to land the other.
Another Trick with E is to start it where you are, use Q on a minion then you can use it again the moment you dash to surprise them. This combo should be made very quickly so i advise trying to do this in practice tool to get consistent.
Mid Game
Irelia is a good duelist but different from the other duelists she is better at teamfighting than splitting. That doesnt mean that you want to just want to aram it down get farm in sidelanes and do split when theres nothing to do on the map then regroup with your team when there is an objective or when you see that someone might get caught.
Late Game
You do fall off a bit in the late game so you want to finish the game before everyone is 6 items. Try to set up ambushes and use your utility well either to defend your backline because you still do a lot of damage or isolate their backline. If you get to their bacline your ult is a very good tool to slow them down and it does help the team a lot. If you are playing with tp you want to create pressure but if theres a major objective try to pull someone to you and imediately tp to your team and engage in hte 5v4 fight