Janna Support Build Guides, Runes, Items, and Abilities - Patch 14.21

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Jannathe Storm's Fury

Introduction Janna

Janna, known as the Storm’s Fury, is a powerful wind spirit who harnesses the elemental forces of air to protect and guide those in need. As a support champion in League of Legends, Janna excels at shielding and controlling the battlefield with her wind-based abilities. She can summon swift gusts to disrupt enemies, provide shields and movement speed boosts to her allies, and use the raw power of the wind to disengage fights or heal her team.

Janna's supportive playstyle revolves around protecting her team from harm, disengaging dangerous fights, and peeling for her carries. With a combination of powerful crowd control and healing, she is the perfect pick for those who enjoy enabling their teammates while frustrating and outplaying the enemy with well-timed abilities. Her control of the winds makes her a calming yet formidable presence on the Rift, always ready to turn the tide of battle in favor of her allies.

Why Play Janna?

There are several compelling reasons to play Janna if you enjoy being a protective and disruptive force in League of Legends. Here's why Janna stands out as a great support pick:

  1. Excellent Peel and Crowd Control Janna is one of the best champions for peeling, with her Q - Howling Gale and R - Monsoon being incredibly effective at disrupting enemy engagements. These abilities can knock up or push back enemies, preventing them from reaching your carries and giving your team time to reposition.

  2. Strong Disengage Tools Janna’s ultimate, Monsoon, can completely reset a fight by knocking back all nearby enemies and healing your allies. It’s perfect for disengaging unfavorable team fights or preventing key enemy champions from diving into your team’s backline.

  3. Powerful Shields and Buffs With her E - Eye of the Storm, Janna provides a strong shield that also boosts the attack damage of an ally, making her invaluable in both defensive and aggressive scenarios. She can shield her ADC during trades or team fights, allowing them to deal more damage while staying protected.

  4. High Mobility for You and Your Team Janna’s W - Zephyr increases her movement speed passively and can be used to slow down enemies, allowing her to catch up to her team or disengage more easily. Her Tailwind passive also increases the movement speed of nearby allies, giving her team better mobility for rotations or chasing down opponents.

  5. Versatile Playstyle Janna is highly versatile and fits into many team compositions. She can play both defensively, keeping the enemy at bay with her disengage tools, or offensively, buffing her teammates with shields and enabling them to go for aggressive plays.

  6. Lane Safety and Poke Janna’s Q - Howling Gale can be charged and unleashed to poke enemies or interrupt their abilities, offering safe wave control and zoning in the laning phase. With her shield and range, she can help her ADC farm safely while punishing enemies who try to engage.

  7. Scales Well into Late Game Janna's utility and ability to shield and protect key allies remain impactful throughout the game. As fights get more chaotic, her Monsoon and shields become even more crucial for keeping teammates alive and controlling the flow of battle.

  8. Low Risk, High Reward Playstyle Janna’s kit allows her to play safely from the backline while still having a huge impact on the game. Her strong disengage, shields, and movement speed make her hard to kill, while her crowd control can make it difficult for the enemy to execute their game plan.

In summary, Janna is the ideal pick for players who prefer to stay safe in the backline, while providing significant protection, disruption, and utility for their team. Her ability to peel, shield, and disengage makes her a strong support champion, especially in team compositions that rely on protecting high-damage carries.

Janna Overview

Janna, the Storm’s Fury, is a versatile support champion in League of Legends, known for her exceptional ability to control fights, protect allies, and provide powerful disengages. She manipulates the wind to knock up enemies, shield her teammates, and disrupt key engagements with her ultimate, creating a protective barrier for her team.

Her kit offers a unique combination of crowd control, healing, and mobility that makes her invaluable in both early-game skirmishes and late-game team fights. Janna excels at playing defensively, helping her team survive through hard engages, while also enabling aggressive plays with her shields and movement speed boosts.

  1. Strengths
  • Disengage and Peel: Janna’s Howling Gale and Monsoon allow her to effectively stop enemy dives and disengage dangerous fights.
  • Strong Utility: Her Eye of the Storm shields allies and increases their damage output, making her essential for protecting and empowering carries.
  • Mobility and Zoning: Her passive and Zephyr enhance team mobility, while her CC abilities zone and control enemy movement.
  1. Weaknesses
  • There is a stigma behind Janna players. Ignore the haters!
  • She is vulnerable to poke and engage. You need to be careful when it comes to trading and you’ll need to play around cooldowns so you don’t die when you try to harass the enemy- especially with your basic attacks and Zephyr (W)
  • She relies on her team more than some other Supports like Leona or Thresh. If your team is behind, it will be harder to win on Janna.
  1. Playstyle: Janna thrives in a supportive, backline role where she focuses on keeping allies alive and disrupting enemy attempts to engage. She fits well into team compositions that rely on kiting, poke, or protecting key damage dealers. Whether defending or setting up plays, Janna's wind-based abilities always bring a sense of calm and control to the battlefield.

If you enjoy a selfless, strategic playstyle with the power to influence the game’s pace and protect your team, Janna is a top-tier choice in the support role.

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Janna Tips And Tricks

  • Your mindset throughout the game should be to keep your ADC alive at all costs. Stick to them like glue and use everything you can to keep them alive. If needed, cast your Ultimate to knock back would-be engagers to stop them from getting on you or your ADC.
  • Never leave your team's side and don’t wander too far away from them at any given time. Janna is needed to protect her teammates and not being with them is a big no-no. If this means that you can’t ward an objective or have to delay a ward, then you’ll have to do so as the enemy may ambush you as you go to ward alone.
  • Use your Zephyr (W) and basic attacks to harass the enemy as much as possible in lane. A good method of poking is by waiting for the enemy to waste an ability and then walk up to them, auto-attack once and then use your Zephyr (W).

Janna Summoner Spells


Janna Items

World Atlas
World Atlas
Health Potion
Health Potion
Stealth Ward
Stealth Ward

Janna Runes

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Janna Abilities

Eye Of The Storm
Howling Gale
Howling Gale
Eye Of The Storm

Janna Ability Combos

  • Basic: R + Flash
  • Medium: Q + AA + E + W + AA + AA
  • Medium: E + AA + Q1 + Q2 + W + AA
  • Medium: Q + E + W + AA + R
  • Medium: Flash + Q1 + Q2 + E + AA + W + AA

How to Play Janna Support

  1. Lane phase: Janna's weakest point is lane phase, her shield is very weak early, she is outdamaged by most supports and adcs. The most important part of laning with Janna is knowing when and how to use Q. Using Q randomly can result in losing all pressure in lane vs certain matchups for example: Tristana will find it very hard to just W into a janna with Q up, but if you have used Q she has a timer to do so. There are many examples like this: Lucian Pyke Ezreal etc... anyone who can engage will look to do so when you do not have Q up. On the other hand using Q from bushes during lane can create alot of pressure in lane and poke enemy laner out and sometimes lead to kills. Learning when and where to use Q comes with experience but a few things to think about when Qing in lane.
  • Wave state - if you are going to Q through a minion wave it can push the wave. It can also mess up the minions for your ADC and make them lose farm.

  • Movement Prediction - When using Q dont just aim where the enemy champ is standing, use your brain to Q where they will move. A good trick for this is to Q behind them and walk forward to W, Most reactions to this is to kite backwards. Obviously its situational, you cant just walk forward into 2 champs that can kill you.

  • Can you use Q here? - a simple way to think about this is: Can they all in us? if answer is yes, keep Q for disengage. If no use Q for poke and get pressure.

If you are pushed in under tower all game you will find less chances to roam, your gameplan is to relieve pressure bot so that you can win the map. OF COURSE its matchup dependent and wincon dependent. If my adc is Draven i will look to play around bot more than usual, same for if my top is a tank.

  1. Roaming: Roaming is what makes Janna so great and fun. I am looking to roam on every reset or AT least get vision before returning to bot. Roaming is a hard concept to grasp but i would say most bad Janna's are afraid to leave their ADC alone. Janna isnt a great lane champ if you dont want to roam dont play Janna.

Janna isnt very mechanical, the skill to her is down to macro. Being where you should be at the right time. Giving your team numbers advantage when they need it. You need to be careful when roaming that you dont completly sell your adc and let them get dove all game.

Times i look to roam:

  • Wave is slow pushing towards my adc so he is safe and does not need to walk up to farm. (if my adc is diveable though i need to look to be back bot to cover it)
  • My adc is resetting and im full hp with nothing to buy.
  • I reset and see a play manifesting on the map.
  • Herald spawn
  • Grub spawn Times i need to be bot.
  • Wave is slowpushing towards enemy bot
  • Enemy are looking to dive ally ADC
  • We need XP still, lvl 11 is really strong for Janna.

There are times where i dont go by these rules, again its experience and your own judgement whether if you want to roam or not. Play around your wincon mostly.

  1. Teamfighting: Teamfighting isnt very hard for Janna. Use Q and R to peel, interrupt engage, heal your low allies. Again another Judgement on your end, using R to save someone can be not worth. For example saving ult for your 10 - 0 ADC with 1k bounty is way better than using it to save 0 - 5 teammate who is dying for fun. Redemption heals alot, but takes time to drop, dont be scared to use it.

  2. Early game

  • Look to harass the enemy as often as possible in the early game. This will allow you to get your Support item quest done rather quickly.
  • Your main focus in lane should be to peel and protect your ADC as much as possible. If you or they fall behind, it’s going to be harder for you to win the lane and the game.
  • Keep an eye on your positioning in lane. Try to adapt your positioning accordingly and play around where your ADC is stood at all times. If you’re too far back, they will struggle to farm and you’ll have no priority in lane.
  1. Mid game
  • Move to the mid lane and either stick with your ADC in the mid lane or hug your Mid laners hand to prevent the enemy from taking the mid lane tier 1.
  • Make sure you place vision around nearby lanes and objectives. If you can spot the enemy moving around the map, your team may be able to collapse on to them and get a free kill.
  • Avoid wandering too far away from your allies at any given time. If you get caught out, the enemy may be able to take a nearby objective like Baron, Dragon, a tower or even win a 5v4.
  1. Late game
  • As you’re a Support, avoid warding alone in the late game. If you get picked off, the enemy will be able to take nearby objectives or use their numbers advantage to win a team fight.
  • Consistently place vision around the map to help your team secure objectives and get picks. Having vision around the Baron and Dragon is needed to help your team to victory.
  • In the late game, make sure you’re with your team at all times. If you leave them, the enemy may start a fight without you being there to protect them and keep them alive.
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In conclusion, Janna is an exceptional support champion, perfect for players who prioritize protecting and enabling their teammates. Her powerful disengage tools, strong crowd control, and ability to shield and buff allies make her a highly impactful presence in any game. Janna’s kit allows her to peel for her carries, reset unfavorable fights, and provide vital utility throughout the match. Whether you're stopping a dangerous engage or empowering your team with shields and speed boosts, Janna’s versatile playstyle ensures that you can always influence the outcome of battles. If you enjoy playing a supportive, tactical role with game-changing abilities, Janna is the ideal champion for you.

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Updated 5mo ago

Janna Support Build Guides, Runes, Items, and Abilities - Patch 14.21

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