The basic summoners you want to run. Makes splitting give more pressure and helps early in harder lanes so you can back and not lose a lot.

Because of the q buff reducing its cooldown you always want to take e second to get the most value out of it. For level one tho you can get either Q if you need to be aggressive and want to fight or E if you want to be a bit safer and just get the minions without being harassed and pushed off

Good if you want to be scaling. Presence of mind helps a lot if you take resolve secondary because you wont have mana issues.

Corrupting if you are insecure or new to jax.
Dorans blade is what i normally take it feels the best value.
Dorans shield against hard matchups like jayce, urgot, gnar, quinn.
Matchups(S is hardest matchups)

- Sidelane pressure.
- Mixed damage.
- Insane scaler
- E makes him very good against auto attackers
- His kit has everything built into it. Gapcloser, damage, armor, magic resist and attack speed
- Can 1v5 a lot of games
- Weak to lane bullies
- High mana usage
- Hard to get back if behind because his items are expensive
- Weak to CC
- Hard to master
Hard matchup lane tips
You want to be running defensive runes,e start and go d shield. The main goal is to get as much farm as possible and if they make a mistake or we get a gank obviously get a kill but cant bank on that happening.
If they can poke us hard for a minion then its better to just lose the gold but always try to stay in exp range. If they are freezing call for your jungler and if they dont come go do a gank mid or go to the enemy jungler to find them if they are weaker.
In most cases they will stop freezing and then even if the gank or fight with jg was not sucessful at least we will get some farm.
If its pushing to us we dont want to fight at all and i personally discourage my jg from coming because if we dont get the kill we will lose a lot of farm and worse case scenario we get counter ganked, they get 2 kills and we lose all the farm. If it is pushing to us or crashing but we are low unless there can be a play made when we get dove i advise just backing and losing some farm to the alternative where we get dove, die and we lose all the farm.
The goal is just to survive until we get to a point we can fight and kill them. Most matchups that point is around item 1+ boots or lv 11.
Early game
Generally want to get some passive stacks before starting a fight so its at our utmost advantage. Pushing depends on where the enemy junger has started. I personally slow push the first 2 waves and then slow push when the canon wave comes into the tower to get a good back before 5 and then we have the wave pushing plus a buy advantage. Be careful to pick the fights when we have knowledge of enemy jg or when the wave is in a favorable position for us because we dont want to fall behind with jax.
Mid/Late Game
Want to create side lane pressure as much as we can espeially if we are stronger. I am not afraid to dive the tower in some situations or depending on the enemy champ you can straight up ignore them and just keep hitting the tower.
Keep in mind to rotate before an objective or have an eye on it if TP is available.
Never overpush unless your confidence is high that you can win a 1 vs multiple scenario. You always want to push relatively the same line as other lanes because if your team is in base and you are trying to take a tier 2 or inhibitor tower obviously the enemies will group up on you because you are the only point of pressure in the map.
Remember, mastering Jax requires practice, matchup knowledge and game knowledge, so don't get discouraged if you don't see immediate success. Experiment with different builds and playstyles to find what works best for you. Good luck on the Rift!