Kai’Sa – The Daughter of the Void
Kai’Sa, known as the Daughter of the Void, is one of League of Legends’ most versatile champions. Her hybrid playstyle, combining magic and attack damage, makes her a unique marksman who can adapt to various situations. Whether diving into the backline with her ultimate or raining down missiles with precision, Kai’Sa is a dynamic choice for players seeking a high-impact champion with flexibility.
Strengths and Weaknesses of Kai’Sa
- Strengths:
- Hybrid Scaling: Kai’Sa’s passive, Second Skin, allows her to deal both magic and physical damage, making her a threat to enemies who stack only one type of resistance.
- Mobility and Safety: With Supercharge (E) granting movement speed and invisibility when upgraded, Kai’Sa has tools to reposition effectively in team fights.
- Powerful Burst Damage: Icathian Rain (Q) and Void Seeker (W) offer significant single-target damage, especially when enhanced with Living Weapon upgrades.
- Global Impact: Killer Instinct (R) allows Kai’Sa to quickly close gaps and focus isolated or vulnerable targets, enabling high-pressure plays.
- Synergy with Crowd Control: Her passive synergizes well with allies’ immobilizing effects, letting her apply Plasma stacks more efficiently.
- Weaknesses:
- Reliant on Scaling: Kai’Sa’s power spikes depend heavily on items to unlock her Living Weapon upgrades.
- Short Attack Range: Compared to other ADCs, her relatively short range puts her at risk in extended trades.
- Squishy: As a marksman, Kai’Sa lacks innate tankiness and is vulnerable to crowd control and burst damage.
- Skill-Dependent: Effective use of her abilities, especially Void Seeker and Killer Instinct, requires good decision-making and positioning.
Kai’Sa Tips and Tricks
Focus on Upgrades: Tailor your item build to activate Kai’Sa’s Living Weapon upgrades early. For example:
- Building AD items like Kraken Slayer enhances Icathian Rain (Q).
- AP items such as Nashor’s Tooth improve Void Seeker (W).
- Attack Speed items like Guinsoo’s Rageblade unlock Supercharge (E).
Position Smartly with Killer Instinct: Use Kai’Sa’s ultimate not just to engage but also to reposition in team fights. Target isolated enemies or flank the enemy backline.
Maximize Plasma Stacks: Pair with allies who have crowd control to quickly stack Plasma and unleash devastating bonus damage.
Adapt to Team Composition: Kai’Sa’s flexibility allows her to fit both traditional ADC and AP-centric builds. Choose the build path that best counters the enemy team.
Mind the Cooldowns: Upgraded Void Seeker (W) can significantly reduce cooldowns if it hits a champion. Use it to poke or engage, especially in extended fights.
Wave Management: Icathian Rain (Q) is excellent for clearing waves. Use it strategically to maintain lane pressure and gain farm efficiently.
Kai'Sa Summoner Spells
Kai'Sa Runes
Kai'Sa Items
![Doran's Blade](https://raw.communitydragon.org/latest/plugins/rcp-be-lol-game-data/global/default/assets/items/icons2d/1055_marksman_t1_doransblade.png)
![Health Potion](https://raw.communitydragon.org/latest/plugins/rcp-be-lol-game-data/global/default/assets/items/icons2d/2003_class_t1_healthpotion.png)
![Stealth Ward](https://raw.communitydragon.org/latest/plugins/rcp-be-lol-game-data/global/default/assets/items/icons2d/3340_class_t1_wardingtotem.png)
Kai'Sa Skill Order
![Icathian Rain](https://raw.communitydragon.org/latest/plugins/rcp-be-lol-game-data/global/default/assets/characters/kaisa/hud/icons2d/kaisa_q.png)
![Void Seeker](https://raw.communitydragon.org/latest/plugins/rcp-be-lol-game-data/global/default/assets/characters/kaisa/hud/icons2d/kaisa_w.png)
![Icathian Rain](https://raw.communitydragon.org/latest/plugins/rcp-be-lol-game-data/global/default/assets/characters/kaisa/hud/icons2d/kaisa_q.png)
![Void Seeker](https://raw.communitydragon.org/latest/plugins/rcp-be-lol-game-data/global/default/assets/characters/kaisa/hud/icons2d/kaisa_w.png)
![Killer Instinct](https://raw.communitydragon.org/latest/plugins/rcp-be-lol-game-data/global/default/assets/characters/kaisa/hud/icons2d/kaisa_r.png)
Kai'Sa Ability Combos
- AA + W + Q + AA: If you can guarantee your W then use it early. AA then instantly W and Q during its animation then AA twice.
- AA + Q + AA + W + AA: To trade normally try to AA and Q at the same time then AA W AA.
- E + AA + Q + R + AA + AA + W + AA: To chase opponents down E forward then AA Q and mid animation use R. Continue to AA then execute with W.
- R + W + AA + Q + AA + AA: When your target already has a plasma stack on them, use R. Start your W cast mid flight then AA Q and continue your AA's.
- W + R + AA + Q + E + AA + AA: Engage with W then once it lands R to your target. Quickly AA Q, use your E to reposition then continue to AA.
- E + AA+ AA+ AA + Q + W + FLASH + AA: Flash W can secure kills much easier. E forward then AA twice. During the back end of the third AA use Q W quickly. Flash right as you start the W animation and AA.
- E + AA + Q + AA + AA + W + R + AA: E forward then AA Q quickly. Once at 3 or 4 plasma stacks use W R together, then continue to AA.
- E + W + R + Q + AA + AA +AA: When your target already has a plasma stack, use E then W R together. Q as soon as you land and AA.
Game plan
- Early game
- Play safe for the first few levels. You need time to come online and you shouldn’t be fighting unless you have a clear early advantage (like an engage Support).
- Once you have a few levels under your belt, you can start to look for aggressive plays. You benefit from extended trades, so try to go for them frequently.
- After destroying the bottom lane tower, rotate to the mid lane and try to take that tower. This will open up the map and give your team a gold lead.
- Mid game
- Stay with your Support throughout the mid-game. If you move away from them, you will be an easy target for the enemy. Make sure you’re always near at least 1 ally.
- Group and stay with your team at all times. Do not split push or avoid grouping unless you have a good reason to be away from them.
- Look for picks with your Support/Jungler to get kills and increase your lead. If you kill a key target, you could make the call for Baron.
- Late game
- It is important that you stick with your team in the late game. Do not move around the map or go anywhere unless someone is with you.
- Stand towards the back end of your team near your Support. Avoid walking too far away from anyone in the late game. Getting caught out will result in the enemy being able to push their advantage and finish the game.
- Watch your positioning in the late game. Focus on kiting and auto-attacking the nearest enemy champion. Avoid walking too far forward so you do not get caught out and focused by the enemy.
Kai’Sa’s unique playstyle and adaptability make her a rewarding champion for those willing to master her intricacies. While she requires good game knowledge and positioning, her potential for high-impact plays makes her a favorite among marksmen enthusiasts. By understanding her strengths, mitigating her weaknesses, and utilizing her Living Weapon upgrades effectively, Kai’Sa can become a fearsome force on the Rift. Whether you’re looking to carry games or flex your mechanical skills, Kai’Sa is a champion worth mastering.
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Good luck to you! – Cheng