Karma Support Build Guides, Runes, Items, and Abilities

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Karmathe Enlightened One


Karma, The Enlightened One, is a versatile support champion in League of Legends, capable of shielding, healing, and providing strong crowd control. Her ability to adapt her playstyle—whether it’s poke, peel, or engaging—makes her a top-tier pick for players who want to control the game. This guide covers the best Karma Support build, runes, items, and tips to help you dominate the support role in Season 14.

Why Should I Play Karma?

  • Very rewarding to play when piloted well.
  • If you like being aggressive and having early laning pressure, Karma is kind of like an engage enchanter lane bully.
  • Around mid/late game, you play more like an enchanter, by constantly using Mantra (R), for big team shields from Defiance (E), and Soulflare (Q) to keep ticking down Mantra (R) cooldown.

Karma Overview: The Enlightened One

Karma, The Enlightened One, is a versatile support champion in League of Legends known for her strong utility, poke, and crowd control. As a champion with a unique blend of healing, shielding, and slowing abilities, Karma excels in providing strong protection for her team while dealing consistent poke damage to enemies. Her kit is designed for players who want to control the flow of the game, offering both offensive and defensive abilities that allow her to shine in team fights and the laning phase.

Role: Support Karma is primarily played as a support in the bottom lane, where her role is to protect and empower her AD carry while also controlling enemy movement and positioning.

  1. Strengths
  • Utility and Versatility: Karma is incredibly versatile, offering both damage (through poke) and protection (through shields and heals). Her abilities can be tailored to engage or peel for allies depending on the situation.
  • Strong Laning Phase: Karma has one of the strongest laning phases among support champions. With her ability to poke and shield, she excels at both harassing opponents and keeping her ADC safe.
  • Crowd Control: Her W - Focused Resolve is a great tool for locking down enemy champions, especially when empowered by her R - Mantra. This makes her a potent threat in skirmishes and team fights. Mantra Empowerment: Karma’s ultimate, R - Mantra, allows her to enhance her abilities, giving her more impact in team fights. This versatility allows Karma to play both a poke-heavy or a defensive role, depending on the match.
  1. Weaknesses
  • Low Survivability: Karma is inherently fragile. She lacks strong defensive stats or healing in her kit, making her vulnerable if caught out of position or focused by the enemy team.
  • Mana Dependent: Karma’s abilities have relatively high mana costs, especially in the early stages of the game. Managing mana properly is critical for maintaining her presence in lane and during team fights.
  • No Hard Engage: Karma’s kit lacks a hard engage tool, meaning she relies on teammates to initiate fights. This can limit her ability to start fights effectively, especially in aggressive matchups.
  1. Abilities Overview Passive - Gathering Fire Karma's abilities lower the cooldown of her ultimate, Mantra, every time she damages an enemy champion. This allows her to frequently enhance her abilities in fights, giving her more impact and utility.

Q - Inner Flame Karma releases a burst of energy in a targeted direction, dealing magic damage and slowing the enemies hit. When empowered by Mantra, this ability creates a larger area of effect, deals more damage, and heals Karma for a portion of the damage dealt.

W - Focused Resolve Karma tethers herself to an enemy champion, dealing damage over time and rooting them if the tether remains unbroken. When empowered by Mantra, Karma heals for a percentage of her missing health while the tether is active, making this ability useful for both utility and self-sustain.

E - Inspire Karma shields an ally and grants them bonus movement speed. Empowered with Mantra, the shield becomes larger, and the movement speed boost affects nearby allies in an area, making it a powerful tool for both peeling and engaging.

R - Mantra Karma’s ultimate empowers her next ability, giving it enhanced effects. This ability can be used to boost either her Q, W, or E, depending on the needs of the team.

  1. Playstyle Karma thrives in the laning phase by harassing enemies and protecting her ADC. Use Q - Inner Flame to poke down enemies, E - Inspire to shield your carry and speed them up, and W - Focused Resolve to catch out opponents and root them in place.

In team fights, Karma’s role is to provide utility, poke from a safe distance, and use her empowered Mantra abilities to turn the tide of battle. Always aim to position yourself in the backline, providing shields, healing, and crowd control from a safe distance.

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Karma Tips and Tricks

  • In team fights, use your empowered Inspire (E)rather than your empowered Inner Flame (Q) as the shield is more valuable in a team fight.
  • Try and poke the enemy down as much as possible with your Inner Flame (Q) in the early game. Use your level 1 ability advantage to get a lot of damage down early.
  • When playing against hard engage level 1 champions like Nautilus, Thresh, Alistar, Blitzcrank do not start Inner Flame (Q). Starting Inspire (E) is a better- safer option.

Karma Summoner Spells


Karma Items

World Atlas
World Atlas
Health Potion
Health Potion
Stealth Ward
Stealth Ward

Karma Runes

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Karma Abilities

Inner Flame
Focused Resolve
Inner Flame
Focused Resolve

Karma Ability Combos

  • Basic: Q + Flash
  • Medium: Flash + W + AA + Q + AA
  • Medium: E + R + Q + Flash + AA + W + AA
  • Medium: R + E + W + Flash + AA + Q + AA

How to Play Karma Support

  1. Early game
  • Poke the enemy as much as possible with your Inner Flame (Q) to get them low. Use your early lane dominance to gain a health advantage over the enemy.
  • Watch your positioning at all times. Karma is super squishy and will easily die if she walks too far forward.
  • Make sure you place vision around your lane to keep you and your ADC safe. Staying alive is key to winning in the later parts of the game.
  1. Mid game
  • Go to the mid lane after destroying or losing the bottom lane tower. Rotate with your ADC or hold hands with your Mid laner to prevent the enemy from taking the mid lane tower.
  • In team fights, use your empowered Inspire (E) to provide a large shield to your allies. Unless you need to use your Inner Flame (Q) or Focused Resolve (W), you should try to use your Inspire (E) to help them survive.
  • Stay with your allies in the mid-game. Do not move too far away from them at any given time as you’ll be an easy target for the enemy. Similarly, do not go to ward unless your allies are nearby and able to help you.
  1. Late game
  • Stay with your team in the late game. Getting caught out will result in the enemy forcing a fight or taking the Baron. Avoid straying too far away from them.
  • Protect your allies as much as possible in team fights. Keeping them alive for as long as possible while dealing damage will increase your chances of winning the game.
  • In team fights, use your empowered Inspire (E) to provide a large shield to your allies. Unless you need to use your Inner Flame (Q) or Focused Resolve (W), you should try to use your Inspire (E) to help them survive.
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Karma’s blend of poke, shields, and crowd control make her one of the most versatile supports in League of Legends. By following this Karma Support build guide, you’ll be able to maximize her potential and help your team win games with powerful engages, poke, and utility. Practice managing Mantra and positioning well in fights to become a Karma master!

This guide incorporates SEO-friendly keywords such as "Karma Support Build Guide," "Best Karma Runes," and "Karma Support Items" to ensure it ranks well on search engines.

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Karma Support Build Guides, Runes, Items, and Abilities

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