Kog'Maw ADC Build Guides, Runes, Items, and Abilities

Kog'Mawthe Mouth of the Abyss


Kog’Maw: The Mouth of the Abyss

Kog’Maw, the Mouth of the Abyss, is a marksman champion in League of Legends renowned for his exceptional range and damage output. With a kit focused on shredding through tanks and dealing consistent damage, Kog’Maw can dominate teamfights when properly protected. Despite being fragile and requiring strong positioning, his potential to melt enemies makes him a favorite pick for players who thrive on high DPS (damage per second) champions.

Strengths and Weaknesses of Kog’Maw

  1. Strengths:
  • Exceptional Scaling: Kog’Maw excels in the late game due to his scaling abilities and high damage output.
  • Tank Shredder: Bio-Arcane Barrage (W) allows Kog’Maw to deal a percentage of the target’s maximum health as magic damage, making him a natural counter to tanky opponents.
  • Long Range: Living Artillery (R) provides immense range, enabling Kog’Maw to poke enemies, secure kills, and reveal targets from a safe distance.
  • Area Control: Void Ooze (E) creates a slowing field that hinders enemy movement and makes it easier for Kog’Maw to kite or chase.
  • Bonus Damage Post-Mortem: Icathian Surprise (Passive) ensures Kog’Maw remains a threat even after death, dealing true damage in a small area.
  1. Weaknesses:
  • Extremely Squishy: Kog’Maw has low mobility and survivability, making him highly vulnerable to crowd control and assassins.
  • Positioning Reliance: Proper positioning is critical for Kog’Maw to dish out damage while staying alive. Missteps are often fatal.
  • Mana-Dependent: Living Artillery consumes increasing amounts of mana when spammed, which can limit its usage during extended fights.
  • Weak Early Game: Kog’Maw’s early-game presence is underwhelming, requiring time and gold to unlock his full potential.
  • Team Reliance: Kog’Maw often needs strong peel and protection from his team to survive in fights.

Kog’Maw Tips and Tricks

  • Maximize Bio-Arcane Barrage: Use W to target high-health enemies, especially tanks, to maximize damage output. Its extended range also helps maintain a safe distance.
  • Combo with Void Ooze: Use E to slow enemies before activating W. This makes it easier to land auto-attacks and kite effectively.
  • Smart Use of Living Artillery: Use R to poke low-health targets or reveal hiding enemies. Avoid spamming it unnecessarily to conserve mana.
  • Team Positioning: Stay behind your frontline and prioritize attacking the nearest threats. Trust your team to protect you while you focus on dealing damage.
  • Adapt to Icathian Surprise: Upon dying, aim to position yourself near enemies to deal maximum damage with your passive explosion.
  • Itemization Matters: Build attack speed and on-hit effects to synergize with your W. Defensive items like Guardian Angel can also help mitigate your squishiness.

Kog'Maw Summoner Spells


Kog'Maw Runes


Kog'Maw Items

Doran's Blade
Doran's Blade
Health Potion
Health Potion
Stealth Ward
Stealth Ward
Bio-Arcane Barrage
Caustic Spittle
Void Ooze
Caustic Spittle
Bio-Arcane Barrage
Void Ooze
Living Artillery

Kog'Maw Ability Combos

  • W + AA + E + Q + AA + AA + AA: For a longer trade W AA instantly followed by E Q as quickly as you can, then continue to AA.
  • Q + E + W + AA + AA + AA: To trade Q E instantly, quickly W and then AA.
  • E + Q + R + W + AA + AA + AA: A common fight opener is to E and instantly Q R. Follow up by quickly using W and then AA'ing.
  • E + Q + R: For a quick burst E and instantly Q R.
  • W + AA + E + Q + R + AA+ AA + AA + R: Your full combo is W AA instantly followed by E Q R as quickly as you can. Continue to AA until you can R to execute.
  • E + FLASH + Q + W + AA + AA + AA: To get away and combo safely E then instantly Flash and Q. Quickly use W then continue to AA.

Game plan

  1. Early game
  • Kog’Maw is rather weak in the early game. Play safe and avoid fighting until you have a few levels under your belt.
  • Avoid fighting in the early game. Instead, focus on farming and gaining as much gold and XP as possible. Once you have a few levels behind you, you can start to fight.
  • Once you’ve destroyed the bottom lane tower, rotate to the mid lane and try to take that tower down to open up the map.
  • He will keep spiking with every point in his Bio-Arcane Barrage W. This means that he will dish out a lot of damage when that ability is active and will melt through health bars.
  • At level six, Kog'Maw will gain access to his Ultimate Living Artillery R. This is important as the poke damage is really beneficial in taking down low on health enemies.
  • His first item component will give him a damage boost and take more trades in the lane. He will have to be careful about over-extending and being caught out, though.
  1. Mid game
  • Stay grouped with your team at all times in the mid-game. If you’re alone, you will be an easy target for the enemy team.
  • Play safe and avoid getting too cocky if you’re not ahead. If you get caught out in the mid-game when Baron is up, the enemy will be able to take it for free. Only play aggressive if your allies are nearby and ready to help you.
  • Stay with your Support at all times. Like we suggested, it’s important that you’re always with your Support in the mid-game otherwise you’ll be an easy target.
  • His Bio-Arcane Barrage W will be maxed out at level 9. This is terrible news for the enemy team as they will get melted down if they can't get to Kog'Maw in time to kill him.
  • Level 11 allows Kog'Maw to deal a lot of poke damage to the enemies. The vast range also allows him to take down low-health enemies recalling in the distance.
  • He will be perfect during the mid-game, provided he doesn't get collapsed on and shut down. CC is his worst enemy, and Kog'Maw will have to keep an eye on his flanks at all times.
  1. Late game
  • Continue grouping with your team and staying near your Support. If you’re ever too far forward, the enemy may look to pick you off. Stay towards the backside of your team.
  • Watch your positioning at all times in team fights. Try to stay at the maximum distance possible to increase your chances of dishing out damage and surviving the team fight.
  • Try and use the range from your Bio-Arcane Barrage W and the poke from your Living Artillery R to harass the enemy as often as possible before a team fight occurs. Do this without putting yourself in a poor position if possible.
  • Kog'Maw will have multiple items during this phase of the game. This will result in him dealing a lot of damage to enemies and just carving a way through the enemy frontline.
  • Kog'Maw is very squishy and can be killed quickly in the late game by assassins or enemies with tons of CC. He will have to rely on his team to help him survive.
  • Getting 3 points in his Ultimate Living Artillery R will amplify the poke damage dealt by the ability. It will also be a good finishing ability when dealing with low-health enemies.


Kog’Maw is a unique marksman that rewards patience, positioning, and game knowledge. While his lack of mobility and early-game power can be challenging, his unparalleled ability to shred tanks and dish out consistent damage makes him a formidable force in the late game. By mastering his abilities and adapting to his vulnerabilities, players can turn Kog’Maw into an unstoppable powerhouse and lead their team to victory.

Thanks for Reading! If you want to gain more in-depth knowledge about LOL, check out many helpful articles here!

Good luck to you! – Cheng

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Updated 1mo ago

Kog'Maw ADC Build Guides, Runes, Items, and Abilities

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