League of legends Patch 14.21 Notes


" Welcome to Patch 14.21, aka “the Swain patch”!

We’ve got a big gameplay update to Swain, aimed at making him more self-reliant and more fun, specifically in solo lanes. Read more about him below! We’re also updating the bounty rules on Summoner’s Rift and Howling Abyss, aimed at making them activate at more intuitive times and slightly decrease their average payouts. They’ve also got lengthy sections in the patch notes if you want all the details. On the game balance side of things, we’re tweaking the on-hit space with changes to Blade of the Ruined King and Lethal Tempo, nerfing Sorc Shoes to be more comparable to other boots, and otherwise making a large number of champion changes aimed at tightening overall game balance. We’ve also got some balance changes for ARAM and Ultimate Spellbook in this patch, and an update on the Worlds Viego Border (we finally got it into the game so you can grab it and it'll be available for a little longer than normal to make up for that delay). TFT patch notes here!

Patch Highlights


  • Champion bounties are now based on gold earned and lost, as opposed to kill/death streaks and the relative amount of farm.
  • Gold from champion-specific sources (e.g. Draven’s Adoration and Twisted Fate’s - --Loaded Dice) never contribute to champion bounties.
  • Champion bounties are now accrued granularly. For example, it’s now possible to have a bounty of +1 gold.
  • Bounties will not display on the scoreboard until they are worth at least 150 gold and update in further increments of 50 gold.
  • The “Shut Down” announcement will display for any champion killed with at least a 150g bounty on their head.

Positive Bounties

  • A positive bounty is bonus gold given to a champion’s killer when slain (unchanged). Positive bounties are no longer based upon kill streaks.
  • Positive bounties are no longer based upon your minion and monster kills relative to the average minion and monster kills of the enemy team.
  • Champions now accrue 1 bounty gold for every 4 gold earned from kills and assists. Shut Down gold does not increase the killer’s positive bounty.
  • Potential bounty gold is now reduced by 1 for every 4 gold given away to killers and assisters on death.
  • While in a positive state, champions now accrue 1 bounty gold for every 20 gold earned from minions and monsters.
  • When a champion is “Shut Down” all bounty is removed from the champion.
  • As an exception, a champion with a bounty greater than 700 gold will carry over their remaining bounty into their next life.
  • The first 100 bounty gold is not applied. For example, 400g worth of kills and assists will not give you a bounty, but the next 400g will set your bounty to +100g.
  • When active, objective bounties will now devalue positive bounties for the losing team. - This modifier starts at a 10% reduction and can reach about an 80% reduction in the most extreme scenarios.

Negative Bounties

  • A negative bounty is a baseline devaluation of a champion’s kill gold. Unlike positive bounties, this reduced value is also factored into assist gold (unchanged).
  • Negative bounties are no longer based upon death streaks.
  • Negative bounties are no longer reset from earning a single kill.
  • Negative bounties no longer “undo” one death per assist.
  • While in a negative state, base gold value is reduced by 1 for every 4 gold given to killers and assisters on death.
  • While in a negative state, base gold value is increased by 1 for every 4 gold earned from kills and assists. Shut Down gold is applied to negative bounties.
  • While in a negative state, base gold value is increased by 1 for every 10 gold earned from minions and monsters.
  • The first 50 negative bounty gold is not applied. For example, a 300g death will set your base kill gold to -25, not -75.

Objective Bounties

"In addition to champion bounties, we’re also changing objective bounties in this patch. While the champion bounty changes were large in scope, this update is mostly under-the-hood cleanup aimed at making objective bounties turn on and off at more appropriate times. Void Grubs now contribute, bounty values have been decreased if the losing team is already successfully mounting a comeback, and the relative value of things like drakes, turrets, experience, and gold have been moved around to align more closely with their values."

We expect objective bounties will occur slightly more often than they currently do and apply in more appropriate situations but also pay out a bit less gold on average.

  • Void Grubs now contribute.
  • Experience differences contribute about 40% less.
  • Gold differences contribute about 25% more.
  • Turret and drake differences are slightly more likely to contribute.
  • Objective bounties will deactivate more quickly when the losing team makes a comeback.
  • Objective Bounties are ending soon timer: 60 seconds ⇒ 30 seconds.
  • Objective bounties are decreased by 20-40% in situations where the losing team is already coming back.
  • Baron Nashor base objective bounty: 500g ⇒ 300g.

Champions Changes

Bugfixes & QoL Changes

  • Fixed an issue that caused Aphelios’s Q (Moonshot) to fire backwards after casting Q (Blinding Eclipse).
  • Fixed an issue where when casting Elise’s E while the cursor was out of the cocoon range would cause her to move into range before firing.
  • Fixed an issue that caused a few targeted abilities to be unable to select minions.
  • Fixed an issue where component purchases for an item other than what was queued would cause you to make an inaccurate purchase.
  • Fixed some formatting issues with Statikk Shiv’s tooltip.
  • Fixed an issue that caused Bramble Vest/Thornmail “damage to champion” counter to display pre-mitigation values.
  • Fixed an issue where if multiple players with Axiom Arc attack and kill the same target simultaneously, only the player who caused the kill would get the R cooldown reduction.
  • Fixed an issue that caused Press the Attack to track outdated stats.
  • Fixed an issue that caused Yorick’s E VO to not play.
  • Fixed an issue that caused Trundle’s VO to play unlocalized versions.
  • Fixed an issue where auto attacking with red buff would be considered an ability for Spear of Shojin.
  • Fixed an issue where Naafiri’s W would cause a 99% slow if used with Stridebreaker.
  • Fixed an issue where Ryze was unable to trigger the Hypershot effect on Horizon Focus.
  • Fixed an issue where Kai’Sa’s voicelines would sometimes not trigger or be out of sync.
  • Fixed an issue where Moonstone’s shield would not expire when applied by K’Sante’s E.
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Created 3mo ago

League of legends Patch 14.21 Notes

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