Lee Sin, the Blind Monk, is one of the most iconic champions in League of Legends, known for his incredible mobility, high skill ceiling, and game-changing plays. With a unique kit that offers both utility and damage, Lee Sin thrives as a versatile jungler capable of influencing games from the early stages. However, mastering Lee Sin requires quick decision-making, mechanical precision, and a deep understanding of his abilities.
Strengths and Weaknesses of Lee Sin
- Strengths:
- High Mobility: Lee Sin's Q (Sonic Wave / Resonating Strike) and W (Safeguard / Iron Will) allow him to quickly dash around the battlefield, making him excellent at both engaging and escaping.
- Early Game Dominance: With strong damage and utility in his abilities, Lee Sin can effectively pressure lanes and control objectives in the early game.
- Utility and Crowd Control: His E (Tempest / Cripple) provides AoE damage and slows, while his R (Dragon's Rage) is a game-changing ability that can disrupt enemy formations or secure picks.
- Energy-Based Resource: Unlike mana-reliant champions, Lee Sin uses energy, enabling him to sustain extended fights without resource limitations.
- Playmaking Potential: Dragon's Rage allows for flashy plays, such as kicking enemies into your team or peeling threats off your carries.
- Weaknesses:
- Falls Off Late Game: Lee Sin’s damage and effectiveness diminish in the late game compared to scaling champions.
- High Skill Ceiling: His kit demands precise execution and decision-making. Misusing abilities can leave him vulnerable.
- Energy Management: While energy regenerates quickly, spamming abilities recklessly can leave him unable to act in critical moments.
- Dependent on Early Game: Lee Sin’s impact is heavily reliant on securing an early advantage for himself and his team.
- Predictable Combos: Experienced opponents can anticipate and counter his plays if he becomes too predictable.
Lee Sin Tips and Tricks
- Master the Insec: Named after the famous pro player Insec, this play involves using Dragon's Rage to kick an enemy carry into your team. Use Ward Hop (placing a ward and dashing to it with W) to reposition for the kick.
- Weave Auto Attacks: Maximize the use of Lee Sin’s passive, Flurry, by auto-attacking twice between abilities to restore energy and gain attack speed.
- Aim for Vision Control: Use Sonic Wave for scouting or checking objectives. It grants valuable information while offering an engage option.
- Chain Abilities Effectively: Link Q > R > Q to maximize damage, especially against low-health targets.
- Utilize Safeguard: W (Safeguard) is not only for mobility; it also provides a shield. Use it to save allies, mitigate damage, or escape sticky situations.
- Kick for Utility: Dragon's Rage isn’t just for damage. Use it to peel assassins off your carries or disrupt the enemy’s front-to-back formation.
- Control the Tempo: Lee Sin shines in the early game. Prioritize ganking, invading, and securing objectives to capitalize on his strengths.
Lee Sin Summoner Spells

Lee Sin Runes

Lee Sin Items

Lee Sin Ability Combos
- E + AA + E + AA + W + AA + Q + AA + AA + Q: Start with E, then AA, E, AA, W, AA, Q, AA, AA and finish with your Q again.
- T + W + AA + AA + E + AA + E + AA + Q + Q: Start off with a quick ward hop with T & W, then AA, AA, E, AA, E, AA and finish with a Q, Q.
- W + AA + E + AA + E + AA + W + AA + R + Q: Self cast your W, then AA, E, AA, E, AA, W, AA then use your R and Q twice to finish them off.
- Q + Q + T + W + R: Q Q to your enemy, then use T and W to ward hop behind them and R them into your team.
- Q + Q + R + FLASH: Q and Q again to your enemy and then R and Flash to knock them back into your team.
- Q + T + W + R + Q + AA: Q then T and W to ward hop to your enemy, then use your R, and Q again followed by an AA.
- Q + T + W + R + Q + AA + E + AA: Q on your target, then ward hop with T and W, then R, Q again, AA E and AA to finish.
- Q + FLASH + R + Q + E: Use your Q and Flash R Q and E.
- Q + Q + FLASH + T + W + R: Use your Q and Q again to get nearer your target, then Flash and ward hop before using your R
- Q + Q + T + W + R + FLASH: Q and Q again to a target, then use your T and W to ward hop and then R Flash to kick them back into your allies.
Notes: T is Stealth ward.
Game plan
- Early game
- You have a lot of presence during the early game. Gank every opportunity you get, especially on pushed-up enemy targets, to get a lead.
- Efficient clearing is necessary to ensure that you can gank frequently. Don't be a miser when it comes to using your abilities as your Energy regenerates quite quickly.
- Warding will be an essential part of your playstyle during this phase of the game. The most important thing you want to do is keep a Control Ward in your inventory to use your Ultimate efficiently.
- Mid game
- Once you get two items, you should be able to dish out a lot of damage depending on which build you're going for.
- Just make sure that you use your appropriately to avoid CCYour main goal during fights will be to get to the highest priority enemy target and then displace them to your team with your Ultimate . Playing around vision will be really important to achieve this goal.
- Try to look for picks around the map. Your kit allows you to duel them easily and escape if a fight goes awry. Try to catch the enemy ADC in a side lane or the enemy Support while they are warding.
- Late game
- Your objectives are to secure picks and peel for your squishy targets during this phase of the game. Your Ultimate will come in very handy and allow you to make a lot of plays.
- If the enemy team is loaded with heavy CC, make sure you get a defensive item to help yourself out. You still need to remember that you hold the Smite for your team.
- Securing objectives is very important, especially during this phase of the game, as these objectives can be the game decider. Your should allow you to make some really fancy plays. You should try to get the enemy Jungler out of the pit by using your Ultimate.
Lee Sin embodies the spirit of mastery in League of Legends. While his high skill ceiling may be daunting, the rewards of mastering this champion are immense. From setting up breathtaking plays to controlling the jungle with ease, Lee Sin can turn the tide of any match in capable hands. Embrace the challenge, refine your mechanics, and let the Blind Monk lead your team to victory.
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Good luck to you! – Cheng