Leona Build Guide - Runes, Items, Abilities & More - Patch 14.20

Leonathe Radiant Dawn


Leona is a tanky support champion in League of Legends who excels at locking down enemies and protecting her teammates. With her powerful crowd control abilities and immense durability, Leona thrives in teamfights, providing both offensive and defensive capabilities. In this guide, we’ll dive into the best Leona build for Patch 14.20, covering runes, items, and optimal playstyles to maximize her potential.

Leona Overview

Leona is a tanky, crowd-control-heavy support champion in League of Legends, known for her ability to engage and lock down enemies in teamfights. With a kit centered around stuns, roots, and area-of-effect crowd control, Leona is a reliable pick for protecting allies and initiating fights. Her durability, combined with her ability to consistently disrupt enemy champions, makes her a popular choice for players who enjoy playing a front-line support role.

  1. Strengths:
  • Strong crowd control abilities, making her excellent for initiating fights.
  • High durability, allowing her to soak up damage while protecting her team.
  • Synergizes well with aggressive ADCs and teamfight-heavy compositions.
  • Scales well with tank items, becoming a near-immortal force in the late game.
  1. Weaknesses:
  • Vulnerable to poke damage in the early game.
  • Requires good coordination with the team to land her combo effectively.
  • Once her abilities are on cooldown, she can be kited and outmaneuvered.

Ideal Playstyle:

Leona excels in aggressive play, engaging enemies with Zenith Blade and following up with Shield of Daybreak to lock down key targets. In teamfights, her Solar Flare can change the course of the battle by stunning or slowing multiple enemies, making it easier for her team to capitalize on her initiation.

Leona’s ability to peel for her carries while being a menace to the enemy team’s backline makes her a versatile support, especially in high-pressure teamfight situations.

Leona Runes


Leona’s primary role is to engage fights and tank damage for her team, so the best rune setups focus on durability, crowd control, and sustain.

Leona Summoner Spells


Leona Items

World Atlas
World Atlas
Health Potion
Health Potion
Stealth Ward
Stealth Ward

Leona’s itemization revolves around maximizing her tankiness while enhancing her crowd control utility.

Leona Abilities

Zenith Blade
Shield of Daybreak
Shield of Daybreak
Zenith Blade
Solar Flare

Combos of Leona

  • Basic: AA + Q + AA
  • Basic: E + Flash
  • Medium: Full Combo E + R + W + AA + Q + AA
  • Medium: W + E + Q
  • Hard: W + E + R + Q

Leona tips and tricks

  • You can use your AA + Shield of Daybreak (Q) + AA combo to quickly destroy wards to deny vision.
  • Try to keep the minion wave even or closer to your side of the map as it will be very hard for you to engage in the early game if your lane is constantly pushing.
  • If you’re unable to get kills in the bottom lane post 6, don’t be afraid to roam and help other lanes. As your Ultimate Solar Flare (R) is a very good tool that can help you snowball, whenever it’s up, try to roam and help your mid lane.

Leona Playstyle

  1. Early Game Leona is an aggressive early-game support who thrives on making picks. Look for opportunities to engage with Zenith Blade (E) followed by Shield of Daybreak (Q) for a stun. Coordinate with your ADC to maximize the damage output and force enemy summoner spells.
  • Use Hexflash to surprise opponents from brushes, and Aftershock will keep you alive during extended trades.
  • Always look to roam mid-lane after level 6. Solar Flare (R) can turn mid-lane fights in your favor, giving your team the advantage.
  1. Mid Game During mid-game, focus on engaging and peeling for your team. Leona shines in teamfights due to her ability to lock down multiple enemies. Look to engage with Solar Flare followed by Zenith Blade and Shield of Daybreak to maximize your crowd control.
  • Stick close to your carry and use Knight’s Vow to protect them.
  • In teamfights, always look to hit the backline carries with Solar Flare, creating opportunities for your team to follow up.
  1. Late Game Leona's late game is all about positioning and peeling for your carries. At this point, you’ll have maxed out your items, making you nearly unkillable. Focus on using your crowd control to zone out threats and protecting your backline.
  • Use Locket of the Iron Solari and Zeke’s Convergence to maximize your teamfight impact, ensuring that your team’s carries stay alive.


Leona is a powerful, tanky support that can change the outcome of fights with her reliable crowd control and durability. By mastering her rune setup, itemization, and playstyle, you can carry your team to victory. Follow this guide, and you’ll be dominating Summoner's Rift as Leona in Patch 14.20!


SEO Keywords:

  • Leona Build Guide
  • Leona Runes
  • Leona Items
  • Patch 14.20 Leona Build
  • Best Leona Build
  • Leona Tank Build
  • Leona TFT Guide
  • League of Legends Leona
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