Lillia is a skirmisher jungler with the ability of clearing camps with ease, and swiftly prance around the map with her fast movement speed. Her strengths are increased as the game goes on, mid-late game she becomes uncatchable and is able to burn enemies down while running around them, or turn fights to her team's favor with her amazing ultimate ability.
Pros and Cons
- Pros
- Rewarding to play
- High damage & good against tanks
- Good kiting
- Scales incredibly well
- Powerful ultimate
- Great clear speed
- Built-in sustain
- Really fast
- Great teamfighter
Lillia is a character with amazing potential, she has both burst and DPS, and she's really strong against tanks/bulky targets because of her true damage & max health damage. She is extremely fast thanks to her Q passive, and has a powerful ultimate. Even though her early game is weak compared to most junglers, once you get to levels 6-9 your ganking and dueling potential are huge thanks to Lilting Lullaby, and putting levels into Q. As the game goes on Lillia's clear speed and amazing scalings more than make up for your early game if you manage powerfarm your way into mid-late game. On teamfights, your job is to prance in and out of them with your fast Q passive movement speed, damaging, harassing enemies, healing yourself in the process, and applying your passive on key targets so you can put them to sleep with your ultimate, and deliver a devastating blow with W.
- Cons
- Tricky to master
- Squishy
- Weak to crowd control
- Bad early game
- Lilting Lullaby Sleep that can be easily canceled
- Underwhelming ganks pre-6
- Only defensive ability is countered by Grievous Wounds
- Slow without AP items
- Counterpicks and counter items Mercury's Treads, Mikael's Blessing, Banshee's Veil, Edge of Night, Quicksilver Sash.
While her kit is easy to understand on paper, Lillia has a lot of room for skill expression, her kiting gameplay might be a bit hard for some players to perform initially. Her early game is very weak since both her Q cooldown and mana cost are high, her bonus movement speed is not much, and her passive healing isn't great without AP eiher, meaning she's bad at 1v1s and vulnerable to invades. She has no hard CC without her ultimate at level 6, so her best early ganking tool is her E's slow, which on itself is already hard to land on smart opponents. On mid-late game teamfights, she's really fast, but her only defensive ability is a healing, she's still squishy, and a single crowd control ability is all it takes to pin down and eliminate Lillia. And even though her ultimate is strong, it has a lot of counters by being a sleep, and sometimes one of your allies might wake up an asleep enemy early, causing both of you to lose the kill.
Lillia Summoner Spells

Lillia Runes

Lillia Items

Lillia Skill Order

Lillia Ability Combos
- E + W + Q: Lead with your E then W onto your enemy and finish off with a fadeaway Q!
- AA + Q + AA + W + AA + E + AA + AA + Q: Start with an AA, Q and AA. Then W, AA, E, AA, AA and Q again to finish the combo.
- E + R + W + Q: Hit your target from range with your E and then press your R. Then W onto your enemy and Q them to burst them down.
- E + R + Q + FLASH + AA + W: Lead with your E then R your enemy. Then use your Q and Flash to get onto your enemy, AA them and finish them off with your W.
- Q + FLASH + R + Zhonya's Hourglass: Q Flash into an enemy team and then press R and Zhonya's Hourglass.
- E + Q + FLASH + R + W + Q: E into your enemies then use your Q and Flash before sending them all to sleep with your R. Then just as they wake up, hit them with your W and Q combo to finish.
- How to Jungle
The jungle is the most unique role in League due to it's PvE aspect rather than the PvP aspect of every other lane. It might be tricky for begginers, but we'll go step by step on how to master it's basic concepts, starting by how to clear your camps.
- Kiting
Kiting is a core technique to kill monsters, it's when you walk up to an enemy attack them, and retreat to get out of their attack range to avoid damage, heal, and to have both your cooldowns and auto attack timer up again so you'll take as little damage as possible from them while still dishing out yours. Kiting takes practice, but it's essential to have a healthy clear and duel enemy champions.
- About the Monsters
The monsters are the source of jungle's uniqueness, your job is to farm those camps, clearing them one by one through kiting and abusing their patience level. Now, let's see some brief explanations on how those monsters work and how to clear them effectively:
Red Brambleback - One of the 2 main large monsters. Red buff is essential, it grants a passive healing when you're out of combat and enhances your auto attacks with extra true damage and slows. You should aim to clear it as early as possible since the red side jungle offers a healthy clear to Lillia. It's not an easy monster to kite early on, but you should use Smite on it to make your life easier. It spawns at 1:30 and respawns 5 minutes after being cleared.
Krug - Krugs are a very bulky multi-monster camp, that comes with it's ups and downs. They spread into smaller versions of themselves, use Smite on the larger and medium Krugs since they take ages to kill, and keep dragging the smaller ones to the direction where you're going so you can Q one-shot them and keep your movement speed buff for as long as you can. They spawn at 1:42 and respawn 2:15 minutes after being cleared.
Crimson Raptor - Raptors are by far the easiest camp to clear as Lillia, they spawn at 1:30 and respawn 2:15 minutes after being cleared. They're ranged, but your AoE damage will outheal them and quickly kill them. After starting the camp, try to run behind the larger Raptor to drag all the smaller ones to your position so you can use W and get the 200% damage off on as much raptors as possible.
Blue Sentinel - The other main large monster. Spawns at 1:30 and respawns 5 minutes after being cleared. Blue's mana regen and AH is amazing for AP junglers, and Lillia is no exception. Clear it as early as possible too, it's a really slow camp, extremely easy to kite with Qs and AAs, but you can Smite it. Another important tip to reduce your clear speed if you're at level 3 or above is to farm both Blue buff and Gromp at the same time, you can pull both of them into a sweet spot in between their camps and clear them there, it takes some practice, but it's a really important trick.
Gromp - Gromp is one of the hardest camps to clear, it takes a long time to do it and it's not easy to kite since it's ranged, but it's attack speed is reduced with time and you'll get HP and mana restored after clearing it. Definitely Smite it if possible. Spawns at 1:42 and respawns 2:15 minutes after being cleared.
Murk Wolf - The wolves spawn at 1:30 and respawn 2:15 minutes after being cleared. Similar to Raptors, you can pull the wolves together and use W center to hit all 3 of them. Not much to say about this camp, easy to clear with your AoE, Smite isn't needed.
Rift Scuttler - Scuttle is a passive monster that spawns at 3:15 and respawns 2:30 minutes after both crabs are cleared. Easy to kill, but there's a chance that the enemy jungler might want fight you for it. The monster doesn't give much value early game anyways, so it isn't worth the hassle of fighting for it like it used to be, if you feel like it's safer to skip it, do it.
Small tip: if you think that no one will try to steal your Scuttle or if you need to clear it as fast as possible, you can use Smite to remove the shield instantly. This is really useful for junglers like Lillia that have no CC to use on monsters.
- Jungle plans
Blast Cones -The Blast Cone is a plant the knocks away all units in it's radius, useful for champions that can't go through walls normally. The inner cone first spawns around 1:20 minutes and respawns between 5 and 7 minutes after. The outer cone spawns around 5:10 and respawns around 5 and 6 minutes after. This plant gets enhanced with the Chemtech map, launching champions for double the original distance.
Honeyfruits - The Honeyfruit is a plant that drops 5 fruits that can heal you and restore your mana, but it slows you for a bit, good to use if you need to restore HP quickly, but can't afford to go to base yet. The first one spawns around 6 minutes and respawns between 5 and 7 minutes after. This plant gets enhanced with the Chemtech map, no longer slowing when collected, and granting a shield to the user.
Scryer's Bloom - The Honeyfruit is a plant that drops 5 fruits that can heal you and restore your mana, but it slows you for a bit, good to use if you need to restore HP quickly, but can't afford to go to base yet. The first one spawns around 6 minutes and respawns between 5 and 7 minutes after. This plant gets enhanced with the Chemtech map, no longer slowing when collected, and granting a shield to the user.
Blood Roses - The Blood Rose is a new type of plant that spawns around the map once Atakhan arrives. Collecting one will grant your whole team bonus EXP and adaptive power.
- Gank
- Ganking is the act of flanking an enemy laner, it's one of the core parts of playing jungle, here are a some things to take into consideration before trying to perform one:
- Who has the most resources. This is really important, you don't want to gank a a lane where a fed enemy is sitting with HP, Summoner Spells, and level advantage because of the possibility of you dying to them alongside your laner. On the opposite side, ganking a lane that has wasted spells like Flash, important cooldowns like their ult, or is low in HP might be a way better shot.
- Will the enemy jungler be here to countergank? And if the answer is yes, ask yourself if you can win a 2v2 situation before engaging or if it's better to just leave. Also, always try to countergank to help your laner if you see the enemy jungler approaching them.
- If they have vision in your location. It's easier to gank enemies when they don't have vision on you, so make sure to use Oracle and Control Wards to make your job easier.
- The enemy's positioning. Catching overextended champions is what you should be aiming to do most of the time, it's infinitely easier to secure a kill on them when they're far from their own tower, here's a graph showcasing this in a scenario where your team spawned on the blue side of the map:

- Champions positioned in areas 1 and 2 are vulnerable to ganks that you can easily perform by approaching from the river or tribush. Area 3 is way harder, but doable if your ally has a strong CC ability, or if the enemy is low on health or with no resources left. Area 4 is a tower dive, they're very dangerous, so only go for those if you're absolutely sure that you can get the kill.
- You can also hide in one of the bushes inside the lane when the enemy doesn't have vision on it to surprise gank them, just ping your ally laner to bait them into fighting before jumping in.
- How to Gank
To start things off, know that ganks aren't one of Lillia's main strenghts at all. Your objective in the early game is to farm your way into a good mid-late game, but that doesn't mean that early ganks aren't doable. Lillia has no hard CC pre-6, so the best scenario to pull off a gank is to not force them and only go for one when the enemy is mispositioned near your team's tower, or if your ally has any form of hard CC that will help secure the kill, then use your Prance movement speed from a nearby camp to reach the lane quickly ( Raptors for mid, Gromp/ Krugs are the best for bot/top, and Scuttle for all lanes) then you can throw a Swirlseed when you're close to the enemy for a guaranteed hit.
Post 6 you have unlocked your ultimate, and with that now you have a hard CC tool that's great for ganking and dueling. At this point in the game you should also have a little more AP, meaning your bonus movement speed will finally start to kick off. With all of this, your gank timings are more forgiving and you're able to be more aggressive with the huge damage output from W + R. Note, if you ever get a successful gank, help your ally clear the minion wave, it's an easy job because of your Q, and it helps everyone! You get some extra XP and gold, while your laner can go back to base and have a good positioned wave waiting for them when they return.
Teamfighting is a core part of League's mid-late game, and understaing how to play one correctly is more than crucial to have a good game. As Lillia, your objective in teamfights is to be constantly moving in and out with your movement speed while wreaking havoc by whittling the enemies with your burn damage, healing yourself, and applying crowd control (repeat the first three steps until you win). Now here are a few examples on how to perform this:
When both teams are just about to fight, your job is to constantly spam Swirlseed to poke them, you can take a relatively good chunk out of their health because of Lillia's passive DoT. And if your E manages to hit 2-3 key targets while doing this, you can activate your ultimate to put them to sleep. Just make sure that your team is actually able to follow up before ulting, otherwise it's better to use your ultimate on another opportunity.
As the name suggests, this is a really simple way to have impact on a fight. Stack your passive as much as you can in nearby minions or monsters, run into the middle of the enemy team, apply passive to as much of them as you can and use ultimate, then you either run away or use Zhonya's while you wait for them to fall asleep... so you can come back and finish them.
You should try to perform this after your team has already engaged, since the enemies won't have time to focus on you.
Similar to the above, this is one of the most infamous ways to play Lillia, this is a devastating teamfighting combo, the enemies won't have enough time to react. Perfect for starting fights, or if your team lacks engage.
Not every game is the same, unfortunately, there will be situations where you will be weaker than your enemies/allies. But fortunately for us, Lillia is a champion with a solid amount of utility, so you still have some playstyle options.
Keep fishing for good ultimates, Lilting Lullaby's power shouldn't be underestimated even if you're behind, getting a good ultimate for your team is still a priority. Keep using E or try to get Flash + Q + R + Zhonya's plays if you have that item, so you're team can sweep the enemies while you're safe, sound, and now coming back to the game with the takedown gold!
How to play Lillia in LOL
- Early game
When the game starts, your main objectives as Lillia jungler are: Get a good first clear, contest scuttle if possible, gank if you see an opportunity, and set up a path to the lane & the objectives that you want to prioritize. Now let's cover how to achieve these in details.
The first clear is extremely important for every jungler. When playing Lillia, you want to quickly clear camps with your AoE abilties, abusing the monsters' patience bar while using your fast movement speed to kite them with auto attacks.
Ideally, your first clear should go like this:
- Red Buff (smite if leashless) > Krugs (Smite) > Raptors > Wolves > Blue Buff (Smite) > Gromp > Rift Scuttler.
Red side is the best one to start as Lillia, it's way healthier because of camps with multiple monsters like Raptors, and because you can clear both Blue Buff and Gromp at the same time at level 3. You can use Smite early on either Red Buff or Krugs to reach Blue Side faster.
But sometimes you want to start Blue side instead if you want to play for your laner(s) on the Red side of the map to help them right after clearing in case they're easier to gank or need the help. In this situaton, your clear should be like this:
- Blue Buff > Gromp (Smite) > Wolves > Raptors > Red Buff (Smite) > Krugs > Rift Scuttler.
This isn't your ideal clear, but it's important to recognize when to go for it. Krugs used to be a skippable option back in Season 11 since they take a bit longer to clear, but now they're the best way to reach level 4 early. Use the movement speed from your passive after clearing them to quickly gank a nearby lane, get to Scuttle crab, or counterjungle.
- Mid game
Fights for objectives have become even more important now, and you're starting to scale, what to do now?
Because of the extra AP you should have by now with 2-3 items, both your clear speed and Prance movement speed should be faster, allowing you to keep high CS numbers while zooming around the map at Mach 3 to help your team get kills on mispositioned enemies.
Vision wins games, activate Oracle Lens to remove enemy wards and deny them information about your team, while using your movement speed to go from ward to ward and destroy as much of them as possible. Additionally, place Control Wards while you're doing this in key locations, like the river, objectives, and even the enemy jungle if you're counterjungling. Clearing the Rift Scuttler is also essential to gather vision in the middle of the river and objectives for 90 seconds.
Against ranged opponents, you have to use your movement speed to dodge skillshots and to keep up with them, because they'll try to get as much distance as possible away from you. Once you've closed enough distance (and preferably after your enemy has wasted their mobility tools if they have any), use your W in the direction they are walking towards to hit the sweet spot. Swirlseed or Chilling Smite's slow are great against them (and speaking of Smite, remember to use it on a nearby camp if you're dueling on the jungle and you need a free heal, sometimes this can be the difference between life and death).
- Late game
Late is similar to mid game, but if you got to this stage in the game, you have scaled even more! Unless you're far behind, of course. Your movement speed and damage output are unreal at this point so you can shred your enemies with ease, late game is your reward for all the powerfarm and hardwork, make good use of it! Nevertheless, remember to prioritize objectives over kills, yes, you can and you should abuse your power, but objectives are what wins games, always remember that.
Lillia is a very fun and easy champion to play and master. Her high mobility means that you can always look to run around and have some fun during the game whilst also dealing a lot of damage and having a lot of crowd control, making enemies fall asleep.
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Good luck to you! – Cheng