LoL ADC Tier List – The Best ADCs for Patch 25.04


If you’re wondering which are the best ADC champions to climb the ranked ladder in this patch, here is our tier list.

ADC Tier List – Best champions for LoL Patch 25.04

ADC are responsible for the majority of the damage output, yet the role’s importance has undergone several shifts over the past years. While the marksmen were considered the most OP roles in some seasons, there were other periods where they would be blown up by any champion jumping at them.

With the changes to the itemization this season, however, the role seems to be in a more balanced spot: ADCs are able to play their own game ,and the less “snowbally” playstyle allows them to scale up and reach those item spikes to be relevant. Nonetheless, picking the right champions in the meta is essential to increase the chances of victory: here is our ADC tier list.

Check out also our tier lists for all the other roles:

These are the best ADCs for Patch 25.04

1. Jinx

Jinx – A chaotic marksman who thrives on mayhem, Jinx excels at dealing massive AoE damage with her rockets and executing low-health enemies with her Super Mega Death Rocket.


2. Twitch

Twitch – The Plague Rat who specializes in stealth and surprise attacks, Twitch melts enemies with his poison and rapid-fire attacks, making him a deadly threat in team fights.

3. Kog'Maw

Kog'Maw – A hyper-carry with exceptional range and attack speed, Kog'Maw shreds through even the tankiest foes with his Bio-Arcane Barrage and deals consistent DPS from a safe distance.


4. Nilah

Nilah – A melee ADC who thrives in close combat, Nilah's unique playstyle rewards aggressive positioning and synergizes well with engage supports, making her a powerful team fight presence.

5. Ashe

Ashe – A versatile utility marksman known for her crowd control and vision control, Ashe provides reliable poke and engages opportunities with her Enchanted Crystal Arrow.


6. Miss Fortune

Miss Fortune – A lane-dominant ADC with potent AoE damage, Miss Fortune excels at zoning and bursting down grouped enemies with her iconic Bullet Time ultimate.



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Good luck to you! – Cheng

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Updated 10h ago

LoL ADC Tier List – The Best ADCs for Patch 25.04

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