LoL ADC Tier List – The Best ADCs for Patch 14.24


If you’re wondering which are the best ADC champions to climb the ranked ladder in this patch, here is our tier list.

ADC Tier List – Best champions for LoL Patch 14.24

ADC are responsible for the majority of the damage output, yet the role’s importance has undergone several shifts over the past years. While the marksmen were considered the most OP roles in some seasons, there were other periods where they would be blown up by any champion jumping at them.

With the changes to the itemization this season, however, the role seems to be in a more balanced spot: ADCs are able to play their own game ,and the less “snowbally” playstyle allows them to scale up and reach those item spikes to be relevant. Nonetheless, picking the right champions in the meta is essential to increase the chances of victory: here is our ADC tier list.

Check out also our tier lists for all the other roles:

These are the best ADCs for Patch 14.24

From the performance data when climbing ranks, I compiled 6 playable champion ADCs in patch 14.24:

  1. Caitlyn
  • Caitlyn, the Sheriff of Piltover, excels as a long-range marksman with exceptional zoning tools and precision. Her passive, Headshot, synergizes with abilities like Yordle Snap Trap (W) and 90 Caliber Net (E) to deliver powerful bursts of damage. Her Piltover Peacemaker (Q) allows her to poke enemies and clear waves effectively, while her ultimate, Ace in the Hole (R), provides global execution potential. However, Caitlyn's low mobility and reliance on positioning make her vulnerable to gap closers and crowd control. She thrives in the early game and requires strategic play to remain impactful throughout a match.
  • Caitlyn ADC Build Guides, Runes, Items, and Abilities
  1. Jinx
  • Jinx is a high-scaling, hyper-carry ADC who can take over games when well-positioned. Her Q (Switcheroo!) allows her to switch between long-range, AOE rockets and close-range, high-speed auto attacks. Her passive, Get Excited!, grants her a huge speed boost after scoring takedowns, which can help her snowball in fights. With her R (Super Mega Death Rocket!), she has the potential to finish off low-health targets across the map or secure kills in chaotic fights.
  • Jinx’s playstyle is all about positioning and finding openings to deal maximum damage. In lane, play carefully and look for opportunities to poke with Q rockets, especially when you can hit multiple minions or champions. In team fights, position yourself behind the front line and focus on using Q rockets for range and AOE damage. Once you secure a kill or assist, her passive can let her reposition to clean up the fight. Jinx is vulnerable without her speed boost, so good positioning is crucial for survival and success.
  • Jinx ADC Build Guides, Runes, Items, and Abilities
  1. Jhin
  • Jhin continues to be the best ADC you can play in this meta, even with the nerf in place. His safe laning phase and ability to be independent in most matchups opens up opportunities for his team to find advantages on other sides of the map, knowing he will still be relevant later once he reaches his item spikes. His long range abilities allow him to quickly follow up on poke damage and finish off squishy targets from a safe distance.
  • Jhin ADC Build Guides, Runes, Items, and Abilities
  1. Ashe
  • Ashe has been one of the best ADCs for several patches already. Not only does she have good poke for the laning phase but she can set up fights and skirmishes with her ultimate. As long as you’re good with your positioning, you should find plenty of success with her.
  • Ashe ADC Build Guides, Runes, Items, and Abilities
  1. Ezreal
  • Ezreal is a highly mobile, poke-oriented ADC who excels at dealing consistent damage from a safe distance. His Q (Mystic Shot) is a low-cooldown ability that can apply on-hit effects, giving him strong poke and kiting potential. With his E (Arcane Shift), he has one of the best escape tools among ADCs, making him difficult to catch or pin down. His ultimate, Trueshot Barrage, gives him global pressure, allowing him to impact other lanes or finish off low-health enemies from afar.
  • Ezreal’s playstyle revolves around kiting and poking down enemies before committing to a full-on fight. In lane, use Q to poke and last-hit while keeping a safe distance, and use E to avoid dangerous situations or reposition in fights. In team fights, Ezreal's role is to stay at the edge of the fight, continuously poking with Q and using W (Essence Flux) to boost his burst when paired with his abilities. Due to his safe playstyle, he’s a good ADC choice for games with lots of burst damage or heavy dive threats.
  • Ezreal ADC Build Guides, Runes, Items, and Abilities
  1. Miss Fortune
  • Miss Fortune, the Bounty Hunter, is a beloved AD Carry in League of Legends, known for her explosive damage and ability to dominate team fights. With a kit designed for area-of-effect devastation and high mobility, Miss Fortune is a fantastic choice for players looking to make an impact in skirmishes and large-scale engagements. Her versatility allows her to shine in both aggressive and utility-focused playstyles, making her a staple pick in various compositions.
  • Miss Fortune ADC Build Guides, Runes, Items, and Abilities

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Good luck to you! – Cheng

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Updated 1mo ago

LoL ADC Tier List – The Best ADCs for Patch 14.24

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