Find out which are the best champions you should be playing to climb solo queue in this patch with our LoL mid lane tier list.
Mid Lane Tier List – Best champions for LoL Patch 25.S1.1
Mid lane has always been one of the best roles to climb the ranked ladder in LoL. Yet, the role’s importance fell off in the past few years, becoming more of an enabling role rather than a carry one.
In recent patches, however, the trend is reverting: carry mages and assassins are coming back and ready to take over. To save you time in finding out who you should be playing, find out the best picks in our LoL mid lane tier list.
Check out also our tier lists for all the other roles:
These Are The best Mid laners for Patch 25.S1.1
- Viktor
- Viktor, the Machine Herald, is a powerful mage in League of Legends who thrives on controlling fights with his area-of-effect abilities and scaling power. With his unique passive, Glorious Evolution, Viktor gains the ability to augment his spells, enhancing their utility and damage. As a mid-lane champion, Viktor offers exceptional wave-clear, zone control, and late-game scaling, making him a formidable presence on the Rift.
- Viktor Mid Lane Build Guides, Runes, Items, and Abilities
- Sylas
- Many champions with powerful ultimate are dominating the meta so it’s not surprising to see Sylas lead the mid lane champion pool. While he’s not the strongest champion when it comes to the laning phase, he’s one you want to play around and have him join skirmishes throughout the whole game. And with quite a few strong early-game junglers that want to fight and skirmish, there are high chances he can join the fray and snowball.
- Sylas Mid Lane Build Guides, Runes, Items, and Abilities
- Ahri
- With the nerfs of long-range mages and ADCs, Ahri is slowly coming back in the meta. Her mobility allows her to quickly follow up jungle’s proactive plays in the early-mid game and she’s one of the few mages that can get good backline access. She might not be the best pick to carry in low elos but once you get above emerald and diamond, you will see her value spike up.
- Ahri Mid Lane Build Guides, Runes, Items, and Abilities
- Galio
- If you have been following Worlds 2024 and watching professional games, you know that Galio has risen up as a great mid lane pick that can also be occasionally flexed to the top lane. His kit is entirely designed around neutralizing control mages with strong burst damage. He also comes with lots of crowd control and an ultimate to join fights from a distance. He might not be your go-to blind pick but his value is high as a counter is high this patch.
- Galio Mid Lane Build Guides, Runes, Items, and Abilities
- Yasuo
- Yasuo is a strong, AD-based skirmisher with a high skill ceiling. His passive, Way of the Wanderer, provides a shield that lets him trade more effectively, while his Q (Steel Tempest) allows him to poke and stack for a knock-up. Yasuo's ultimate, Last Breath, lets him extend combos by dashing to knocked-up enemies, making him deadly in coordinated fights. He also has high scaling potential, making him a strong late-game champion.
- Yasuo is a lane bully who thrives on close-range skirmishes. In lane, focus on hitting minions and opponents with Q to stack your knock-up and use E (Sweeping Blade) to dodge skillshots or dive in for quick trades. In team fights, position yourself carefully to catch multiple enemies in R after allies provide a knock-up. Yasuo’s goal is to dive into the backline, dealing as much damage as possible while using his mobility and shield to survive.
- Yasuo Mid Lane Build Guides, Runes, Items, and Abilities
- Lux
- Are you looking for a mid-lane champion who excels at long-range poke, crowd control, and burst damage? Look no further than Lux, the Lady of Luminosity. With her versatile kit, Lux can control the flow of fights, snipe enemies from afar, and provide essential vision control for her team. This guide will walk you through the best Lux mid lane build, from runes and abilities to itemization and gameplay tips.
- Lux Mid Lane Build Guides - Runes, Items, Abilities & More
Each of these champions requires a good understanding of timing and positioning to succeed. Yasuo, Akali, and Katarina shine in different ways, but all three can dominate games when played strategically and aggressively.
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Good luck to you! – Cheng