LoL Support Tier List – The Best Supports for Patch 25.S1.1

Image Credit: Riot Games
Image Credit: Riot Games

Find out which are the best champions to climb the ranked ladder in this patch with our LoL support tier list.

Support Tier List – Best champions for LoL Patch 25.S1.1

The support role in League of Legends has gained incredible importance over the past few years. Having a great game sense and strong mechanics can allow you to make a huge difference in the early-mid game presence, giving your team a greater advantage to take the victory.

That said, it can be hard to 1v9 games considering the lower damage output and how you’re always bound to rely on someone else to carry the game for you. If you’re having difficulties trying to find the best picks possible, we got you covered: here is our support tier list for Patch 25.S1.1.

Check out also our tier lists for all the other roles:


These are the best Supports for Patch 25.S1.1

  1. Lux
  • Lux is strong right now due to her long-range poke, shield utility, and burst potential. She can safely poke down opponents while staying out of danger, and her shield has a big impact in team fights and skirmishes. Use E to poke and Q for snaring enemies, followed by R for massive burst. Focus on timing your shield (W) to protect teammates from high burst.
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  1. Thresh – holding fine
  • Thresh hasn’t been buffed or nerfed but he is slowly making his way back into the meta, mainly due to the nerfs of other support champions. His versatility and ability to synergy with lots of meta ADCs are his main strong points, and his ban rate shouldn’t be that high. An overall solid and reliable pick.
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  1. Pyke – the aggressive pick
  • If you like dives and playing aggressively during the early game, Pyke is the right champion for you. Not only is he much more mobile than most hook champions, but he also offers assassin like damage output with his combos. That said, he usually requires incredible playmaking. He also doesn’t bring much tankiness to the team, making him a high risk, high-reward champion.
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  1. Lulu – the best engage support
  • With the nerfs to tank supports like Rell and Leona, enchanter champions are on the rise and Lulu has gone back up again as one of the primary picks. While she didn’t get particularly strong, her relevance is up given the presence of some of her best ADC partners like Kog’Maw and Ashe. Unless you get countered, she can be your go-to enchanter pick in the current meta.
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  1. Nautilus

Nautilus is a tanky, crowd-control heavy support. His ability to lock down enemies is valuable for engaging or peeling. He’s strong at all stages, with his Q (Dredge Line) to hook, R (Depth Charge) to disrupt, and his natural tankiness to frontline in fights. Engage aggressively, especially when your ADC can follow up. Look to chain crowd control on carries or zone out priority targets.

  1. Nami

Nami is a versatile enchanter with healing, poke, and crowd control. She synergizes well with aggressive ADCs and excels in extended trades and skirmishes with her E (Ebb and Flow) for sustain and poke, and R (Tidal Wave) for impactful crowd control. Use W for consistent poke and sustain in lane. Use Q to follow up on enemy missteps and capitalize on aggressive plays, while R can initiate fights or disrupt the enemy in team fights.


Starting your journey in League of Legends’ support role is exciting. Champions like Yuumi, Soraka, Janna, Nami and Sona are great for beginners. They help you learn the basics without getting too stressed.

Improving at support takes more than just picking the right champion. It’s about understanding the game’s bigger picture. You’ll learn to set up your team for success.

The support role is perfect for new players because it focuses on the big picture. You’ll help your team by setting up vision and giving important info. Even though support players might struggle in solo queue, don’t give up. With time, you’ll get better at positioning, warding, and working with your team.

As you get better, try out more challenging champions like Thresh or Nautilus. They can really change how your team plays. Remember, League of Legends is always changing. Keep learning and practicing to get better and climb the ranks.

Thanks for Reading! If you want to gain more in-depth knowledge about LOL, check out many helpful articles here!

Good luck to you! – Cheng

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Updated 14d ago

LoL Support Tier List – The Best Supports for Patch 25.S1.1

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