Find out which are the best champions to climb the ranked ladder in this patch with our LoL top lane tier list.
Top Lane Tier List – Best champions for LoL Patch 25.06
Top lane has been invigorated in the past two years. After being considered an island for various seasons, top lane has gained increasing importance and the new map changes make it even more difficult to punish these solo laners.
If you’re not sure what you should be playing in the top lane though, don’t worry: here are the five best champions of the Patch 25.06 top lane tier list.
Check out also our tier lists for all the other roles:
These Are The Best Top Laners for Patch 25.05

1. Irelia
Irelia – A master of blades, Irelia excels in mobility and burst damage. She dances around her enemies with swift dashes and stunning combos, making her a relentless duelist.

2. Garen
Garen – The Might of Demacia, Garen is a durable juggernaut known for his powerful spins and execution abilities. He excels at sustaining in lane and diving into team fights fearlessly.

3. Darius
Darius – The Hand of Noxus, Darius is a brutal executioner who thrives in extended fights. His ability to stack bleed and reset his ultimate makes him a terrifying force in duels and skirmishes.

4. Kennen
Kennen – A nimble ninja with control over lightning, Kennen uses his speed and crowd control to dominate team fights. His area-of-effect stuns can change the tide of battles in an instant.

5. Warwick
Warwick – The Uncaged Wrath of Zaun, Warwick is a fearsome fighter with exceptional sustain and mobility. His ability to chase down low-health enemies and suppress key targets makes him a dangerous predator.

6. Aatrox
Aatrox – The Darkin Blade, Aatrox is a fearsome warrior with lifesteal and high burst damage. He excels in prolonged fights, using his mobility and area damage to outlast opponents.

Each of these champions has a unique identity in terms of playstyle and strength. Knowing when and how to capitalize on their strengths will set you up for success in the top lane or as a flex pick in mid.
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Good luck to you! – Cheng