Lucian ADC Build Guides, Runes, Items, and Abilities

Lucianthe Purifier


Lucian, the Purifier, is a highly mobile marksman in League of Legends renowned for his ability to weave auto-attacks and abilities seamlessly. His kit combines burst damage, sustained DPS, and high maneuverability, making him a versatile pick in both the bot lane and solo lanes. Lucian thrives in aggressive playstyles, excelling at dueling and snowballing leads. With his iconic dual pistols, he delivers swift justice to his foes, embodying the relentless pursuit of vengeance.

Strengths and Weaknesses of Lucian

  1. Strengths:
  • High Burst Damage: Lucian’s Lightslinger (Passive) allows him to double his damage output after using abilities, making his trades exceptionally potent.
  • Exceptional Mobility: Relentless Pursuit (E) provides Lucian with a dash to reposition or escape, and its cooldown reduces with each Lightslinger attack.
  • Strong Early Game: Lucian’s burst potential and mobility make him one of the strongest early-game champions, capable of pressuring lanes and securing leads.
  • Synergy with Crowd Control: His passive grants bonus magic damage when allies immobilize enemies, making him an excellent pick with champions that provide crowd control.
  • Waveclear and Poke: Piercing Light (Q) and Ardent Blaze (W) give Lucian tools to clear waves and poke enemies effectively.
  1. Weaknesses:
  • Short Attack Range: Compared to other marksmen, Lucian’s range is limited, forcing him to position aggressively in fights.
  • Mana Dependency: Lucian relies heavily on his abilities, which can lead to mana issues if not managed properly.
  • Vulnerability to Burst: Despite his mobility, Lucian is squishy and can be quickly eliminated by assassins or heavy crowd control.
  • Falls Off Late Game: Lucian’s power spikes are strongest in the early and mid-game, but he can struggle to compete with hyper-carries in extended late-game fights.

Lucian Tips and Tricks

  • Weave Auto-Attacks and Abilities: To maximize damage, use an ability before each auto-attack to trigger Lightslinger. For example, use Piercing Light (Q) or Ardent Blaze (W), followed by an auto-attack.
  • Use Piercing Light Smartly: Align your Piercing Light (Q) to hit multiple enemies by targeting minions or champions in a line.
  • **Maximize Relentless Pursuit: *Dash aggressively during trades and team fights, as Lightslinger reduces its cooldown significantly.
  • Position Carefully: Stay on the move and use your range effectively. Despite his mobility, Lucian’s short range makes positioning crucial in fights.
  • Pair with CC Allies: Coordinate with allies who have crowd control to trigger the bonus damage from your passive.
  • The Culling for Zoning: Use The Culling (R) to zone enemies, secure kills, or pressure objectives. Remember, you can move and reposition while channeling it.

Adapt to Matchups: Build aggressively in the early game to capitalize on your power spikes, but adjust your playstyle and itemization if behind.

Lucian Summoner Spells


Lucian Runes


Lucian Items

Doran's Blade
Doran's Blade
Health Potion
Health Potion
Stealth Ward
Stealth Ward

Lucian Skill Order

Piercing Light
Relentless Pursuit
Ardent Blaze
Piercing Light
Ardent Blaze
Relentless Pursuit
The Culling

Lucian Ability Combos

  • Q + AA + E + AA: For the basic concept of how to optimise your passive with Lucian Q then instantly AA. After the first bullet connects quickly E to reposition and AA.
  • W + AA + E + AA + Q + AA: To get a movement speed buff early in your combo W then AA and instantly E to reposition after the first shot, followed by an AA. Q after the first shot and AA.
  • E + AA + Q + AA + W + AA: For a basic trade you can also E then AA Q, followed by AA W AA.
  • Q + AA + E + AA + W + AA: Another basic trade is to Q then AA and instantly E after the first shot. Follow up by an AA then W after the first shot and AA.
  • W + E + R + AA + Q + AA: To get a quick ult combo off cast W and instantly E then R as soon as you're done dashing. Get into AA range before your R ends then AA Q AA
  • E + AA + W + Q + AA + R + AA: For a post level 6 all in E and AA, then W Q quickly followed by AA R AA.
  • W + R + FLASH + E + AA + Q + AA: To ensure you get maximum dps W R instantly then Flash to reposition. Right before your R finishes E back into AA range followed by AA Q AA.
  • W + FLASH + AA + E + AA + Q + AA: Surprise your opponent when outside normal range by using W then instantly Flashing and using AA. E after first shot then AA, Q after first shot and AA.
  • W + AA + E + AA + Q + AA + E + AA + E + AA: When you have high ability haste and need to dodge a bunch of skillshots W and instantly AA followed by using E before the first AA lands. AA Q AA followed by E AA E AA making sure to use each ability after the first shot.
  • W + AA + E + AA + E + AA + Q + AA + E + AA: For a seemingly never ending combo when you have high ability haste W and instantly AA followed by using E before the first AA lands. Use AA E AA followed by Q AA E AA, making sure to use each ability after the first shot.

Game plan

  1. Early game
  • Get level 2 first and look for a favourable trade with the enemy. Gaining an early health advantage will help you out.
  • Focus on farming and looking for aggressive plays once the enemy uses an ability. Play around their abilities and look to abuse their cooldowns with your early game damage.
  • After destroying the bottom lane tower, rotate to the mid lane and try to take that tower. This will open up the map and give your team a gold lead.
  1. Mid game
  • Stay with your Support throughout the mid-game. If you move away from them, you will be an easy target for the enemy. Make sure you’re always near at least 1 ally.
  • Group and stay with your team at all times. Do not split push or avoid grouping unless you have a good reason to be away from them.
  • Look for picks with your Support/Jungler to get kills and increase your lead. If you kill a key target, you could make the call for Baron.
  1. Late game
  • Stick with your team in the later parts of the game. If you walk away from them and die, it will be 4v5 and the enemy may be able to force a fight or end the game.
  • Focus the nearest enemy champion in team fights and watch your positioning. Hold on to your Relentless Pursuit E for the right opportunity. Do not use it recklessly.
  • Stick towards the back of your team near the Support so they can peel and protect you.


Lucian is a dynamic and rewarding champion who excels at dominating the early and mid-game through aggressive trades and mobility. His high skill ceiling demands precise positioning and the ability to weave auto-attacks and abilities for maximum damage. While he may fall off in the late game, a skilled Lucian player can snowball leads and carry their team to victory. Whether you’re lighting up the bot lane or dueling in solo lanes, Lucian is a champion that delivers swift retribution to those who dare oppose him.

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Good luck to you! – Cheng

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Updated 1mo ago

Lucian ADC Build Guides, Runes, Items, and Abilities

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