Lulu Build Guide - Runes, Items, Abilities & More - Patch 14.20

Luluthe Fae Sorceress


Lulu is a versatile enchanter in League of Legends, known for her exceptional utility and ability to protect and enhance her allies. Whether you're buffing your ADC in the bot lane or providing crucial peel in team fights, Lulu's kit offers a balance of offense and defense. In this Patch 14.20 guide, we'll break down her optimal runes, item builds, and tips for maximizing her potential.

Lulu Overview

Lulu is a versatile enchanter support champion in League of Legends. Known for her ability to protect and enhance her allies, Lulu brings a mix of utility, crowd control, and poke to her team. Here's a quick breakdown of Lulu's strengths and gameplay:

  1. Strengths:
  • High Utility: Lulu can shield allies with her Help, Pix! (E), boost movement speed or polymorph enemies using Whimsy (W), and knock up opponents with her ultimate Wild Growth (R).
  • Strong Poke: Her Glitterlance (Q) provides decent poke in lane and slows enemies.
  • Scaling: Lulu scales well into the late game, offering a reliable source of protection and buffs for her carry, especially in team fights.
  • Versatility: She can be played not just as a support but sometimes as a mid-lane or top-lane mage, depending on team composition and strategy.
  1. Weaknesses
  • This champion is pretty immobile and is prone to CC. If they get caught out by any CC, they will probably die.
  • Has less carry potential compared to a lot of other Supports. Lulu relies on her team to carry while she provides them with heals and shields.
  • Lulu is a squishy champion with low hit points. This makes her pretty vulnerable and easy to kill. Picking your fights and avoiding constant trading is key to winning.

Lulu Playstyle:

Lulu excels in providing utility and disruption, especially in the bot lane when paired with hyper-carry ADCs like Jinx or Kog'Maw. Her role involves keeping her carry alive, enhancing their damage output, and controlling enemies with her polymorph or knock-up.

She is also effective against champions who rely on diving or assassinating squishy targets, as her polymorph can disrupt crucial plays, and her ultimate can save allies from burst damage.

Lulu works best with late-game carries who benefit from her protection and buffs. Champions like Kog'Maw, Jinx, or Vayne can turn into hyper-carries when paired with Lulu, making her an excellent enchanter for scaling compositions.

Lulu Runes


The Sorcery primary tree remains the go-to option for Lulu, ensuring her abilities pack a punch and give crucial utility.

Lulu Summoner Spells


Lulu Items

World Atlas
World Atlas
Health Potion
Health Potion
Stealth Ward
Stealth Ward

Lulu Abilities

Help, Pix!
Help, Pix!
Wild Growth

Combos of Lulu

  • Basic: E + Q
  • Basic: Q + Flash
  • Basic: AA + Q + AA + E + AA + Q

Lulu tips and tricks

  • When harassing at level 1 and 2, self cast your Help, Pix! (E) if the enemy is trading back with you. If they cannot trade back with you, cast your Help, Pix! (E) on them.
  • Always stand near your ADC as the game goes along. Do not stray too far away from them as they’ll need you to protect them.
  • You can use your Ultimate Wild Growth (R) to stop the enemy from engaging on to you or your ADC. Right as the enemy gets on top of you, cast your Ultimate Wild Growth (R) to knock them up and escape. Timing it correctly will prevent damage and also prevent CC.

Lulu Playstyle

  • Early Game: In lane, use Whimsy (W) to poke or protect your ADC and Pix (E) to trade effectively with enemy champions. Stay aware of enemy positioning and keep an eye on potential engages with your Glitterlance (Q).

  • Mid to Late Game: Your job in team fights is to protect your carry. Use Wild Growth (R) on your priority target, typically your ADC or diver, to keep them alive. Focus on disengaging or buffing your front line for an aggressive engage.

  • Positioning: Stay at the backline, constantly ready to shield, polymorph, or boost your allies. Lulu excels when she can peel effectively while boosting the team's survivability.


Lulu shines as a flexible and protective support. When paired with the right ADC, her shielding, buffing, and disruptive abilities can dominate the game. By following the recommended runes and items, you’ll be able to provide maximum utility for your team while adapting to the current Patch 14.20 meta.

Keywords: Lulu Build Guide, Lulu Runes, Lulu Items, Patch 14.20, Lulu Support Guide, Lulu League of Legends, Lulu LoL Guide, Lulu Sorcery Build, Lulu Bot Lane.

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