Malzahar, the Prophet of the Void, is a mid-lane mage in League of Legends renowned for his ability to control fights and suppress enemies with his unique Void-themed toolkit. His playstyle revolves around summoning Voidlings, spreading damage-over-time effects with Malefic Visions, and locking down priority targets with his ultimate, Nether Grasp. With strong wave-clear, consistent damage output, and crowd control, Malzahar excels at scaling into a powerful late-game threat. He is a reliable pick for players who prefer methodical gameplay and dominating team fights with calculated precision.
Malzahar Strengths & Weaknesses
- Strengths
- Malzahar has great pick potential with his Ultimate Nether Grasp R. Picking off one champion could win you the game!
- Malzahar has a shield that will protect him against incoming damage. This increases your survivability in lane.
- You have great wave clear thanks to your Call of the Void Q, Void Swarm W and Malefic Visions E. Once you have an item behind you, you can constantly push the enemy into their tower.
- Weaknesses
- Malzahar cannot roam as much as other laners. He also is unable to follow the majority of roams due to his low 1v1 potential.
- While his Ultimate Nether Grasp R is on cooldown, he is incredibly vulnerable to all-in.
- While you’re channelling your Ultimate Nether Grasp R, you will be stood still. This can allow an untargeted champion to fight or kill you. This is a common downfall of your Ultimate Nether Grasp R in mid and late game team fights- especially against hard engage teams.
Malzahar tips and tricks
- If you cannot get kills with your Ultimate Nether Grasp R in lane, push the wave and look to roam and make use of it elsewhere.
- In team fights, when the enemy engages, use your Ultimate Nether Grasp R on the closest enemy champion. Alternatively, you can Flash Nether Grasp R and catch an enemy whose alone and too far forward.
- Your Passive shield has a very long cooldown in the early game, so you’ll have to play a little safer while it’s down.
Malzahar Summoner Spells

Malzahar Runes

Malzahar Items

Malzahar Ability Combos
- FLASH + R: Immediately lock down your target by Flashing then instantly using R for the outplay.
- E + W + Q + R: A quick combo with swarm stacks starts with E then as quickly as you can W Q R.
- E + Q + W + AA: When trading without swarm stacks E then Q W instantly and quickly AA right after.
- Q + W + E + R: For your full ult combo Q then W then instantly E R.
- Q + W + E + AA + AA + R + Q + AA + W + AA: To make the most out of your abilites against a tanky target Q then instantly W E followed by two AAs. Cast R and Q straight after the channel, followed by AA W AA.
- FLASH + E + R + Q + W + AA: For full combos with no swarm stacks Flash then instantly E R. After your R channel ends instantly Q W AA.
- AA + E + W + AA + Q + AA + R + AA: For prolonged fights AA then E W instantly, AA again followed by Q AA and use R right after.
- Q + W + FLASH + E + R: To lock a champion down during a burst, Q W quickly then instantly Flash and E R as fast as you can.
Malzahar shines as a champion who rewards patience and strategic thinking. His ability to control waves, zone enemies, and turn fights with his crowd control makes him a valuable asset to any team composition. While positioning and timing are crucial to his success, mastering Malzahar's mechanics can lead to a commanding presence on the Rift. Whether you’re neutralizing enemy carries or paving the way for your team to victory, Malzahar offers a rewarding experience for those who embrace the power of the Void.
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Good luck to you! – Cheng