Skilling Spells
Summoner Spells
u can go pretty much always flash heal
If you just start playing nami don't make things too complicated make this ur rune page and take this every game step by step
{"title":"Nami","associatedMaps":[11],"associatedChampions":[267],"blocks":[{"items":[{"id":"3870","count":1},{"id":"2003","count":2},{"id":"3340","count":1},{"id":"3364","count":1},{"id":"2055","count":1}],"type":"Start"},{"items":[{"id":"3870","count":1},{"id":"4642","count":1},{"id":"1004","count":1},{"id":"3158","count":1},{"id":"1052","count":1},{"id":"3114","count":1},{"id":"3916","count":1},{"id":"1082","count":1},{"id":"3876","count":1}],"type":"Reset"},{"items":[{"id":"4005","count":1},{"id":"6620","count":1},{"id":"2065","count":1}],"type":"Casual to engage or disengage"},{"items":[{"id":"4005","count":1},{"id":"6621","count":1},{"id":"3504","count":1}],"type":"ADC Hyper carry who aa's alot best with the enchanter runes"},{"items":[{"id":"4005","count":1},{"id":"6616","count":1},{"id":"3222","count":1}],"type":"With mage and against cc"},{"items":[{"id":"6617","count":1},{"id":"3107","count":1}],"type":"other items"}]}
to go collection in ur client (the bag)
then to items --> import item sets -> Paste copied set and then u copie this above with strg/ctrl c and paste ctrl v
Last words GL
playing DuoQ with a mate can be helpful i ban lulu (jhin/senna also valid) alright blind pick and fine with most adcs + mages (u can also max e with mages if u win the lane w is always good and especially if u have to face poke for sustain
unpopular opinion since kai'sa is strong and nami isn't too bad they are also a good duo kai'sa likes engage or cc supports but the trade are good or you can help her to get to the late game