Milio Support Build Guides, Runes, Items, and Abilities

MilioThe Gentle Flame


Milio, The Gentle Flame, is one of the most unique support champions in League of Legends. His ability to heal and shield allies while providing crowd control with his powerful fire-based abilities makes him a top-tier pick in the support role. This guide will cover the best Milio Support build, runes, and playstyle tips for dominating your games.

Why Should I Play Milio?

Milio, The Gentle Flame, brings a refreshing playstyle to the support role, combining healing, shielding, and crowd control in one versatile package. Here are the top reasons why you should play Milio in League of Legends:

  1. Incredible Utility for Your Team Milio’s kit revolves around boosting his allies. He can heal, shield, and even extend the attack range of his team, making him an excellent choice for empowering your carries. His W - Cozy Campfire is particularly strong in extended fights, as it both heals and enhances ally attacks.

  2. Great Crowd Control With Q - Ultra Mega Fire Kick, Milio provides reliable crowd control. The knockback and slow can peel for your carries or set up team fights. Additionally, his ultimate, R - Breath of Life, cleanses all crowd control effects from nearby allies, making it a game-changer in team fights against heavy CC compositions.

  3. Strong Laning Phase Milio excels at keeping his ADC alive in the laning phase. His E - Warm Hugs shields and speeds up allies, while his poke with Q keeps the enemy at bay. His healing from W also offers great sustain, making trades more favorable for your team.

  4. Teamfight Dominance In the mid-to-late game, Milio truly shines in teamfights. His ability to keep teammates safe with shields, heals, and cleanses, paired with the zone control of W - Cozy Campfire, gives your team a massive advantage. You’ll constantly provide value by ensuring your carries can stay in the fight longer.

  5. Beginner-Friendly Yet High Skill Ceiling Milio is easy to pick up for new players due to his straightforward abilities, yet his kit allows for advanced plays with proper positioning and timing. Mastering Milio’s ultimate to cleanse key crowd control or using his shield and movement boost at the perfect moment can make a huge difference, providing depth for experienced players to explore.

  6. Unique Champion Design If you enjoy playing supportive champions that can turn the tide of a battle, Milio is perfect for you. His charming design and fiery, supportive playstyle offer a unique experience that sets him apart from other support champions.

  7. Flexibility in Build and Playstyle Milio has various build paths that allow you to adapt to different games. Whether you want to focus on maximizing healing, shielding, or utility through items like Shurelya's Battlesong or Redemption, you have flexibility in how you support your team.


Milio Overview

Milio, The Gentle Flame, is a support champion in League of Legends who uses fire not to destroy but to heal and protect his allies. He brings a unique playstyle centered around empowering teammates, healing, shielding, and providing crucial utility in fights. Released as one of the newer champions, Milio is perfect for players who enjoy having a strong impact on their team’s performance by keeping allies alive and buffing their offensive capabilities.

Role: Support Milio excels as a utility-focused enchanter in the support role, enhancing his team’s combat effectiveness through his versatile abilities.

  1. Strengths
  • Excellent Healing and Shields: Milio’s kit provides constant healing and shielding for his team, making him ideal for keeping allies sustained in both the laning phase and team fights.
  • Crowd Control and Utility: His Q - Ultra Mega Fire Kick provides knockback and area-of-effect slow, while his ultimate, R - Breath of Life, cleanses all crowd control effects on his allies in a wide radius.
  • Buffs Attack Range: Milio's W - Cozy Campfire increases the attack range and damage of nearby allies, making it a fantastic tool to enhance AD carries or long-range champions in team fights.
  1. Weaknesses
  • Low Survivability: Like many enchanter supports, Milio lacks tankiness and is vulnerable to being focused down in fights. Proper positioning is key to maximizing his utility while staying alive.
  • High Mana Costs: Milio’s abilities, especially in the early game, can drain his mana quickly if not managed properly. Be mindful of resource management during trades and skirmishes.
  • No Hard Engage: While Milio offers utility and peel, he lacks hard crowd control or initiation tools that can start fights, relying on teammates to take the lead in engages.
  1. Abilities Overview

Passive - Fired Up! Milio’s abilities enhance his allies' next auto-attack, dealing bonus magic damage and applying a burn effect, making each empowered attack even more impactful.

Q - Ultra Mega Fire Kick Milio kicks a fiery ball that knocks back the first enemy hit and explodes behind them, slowing enemies in the area of effect. It’s a great tool for poking enemies or disengaging from threats.

W - Cozy Campfire Milio summons a healing zone around him that follows an ally, healing them over time and increasing their attack range. This ability is fantastic for keeping your team topped up in extended fights while giving them additional damage.

E - Warm Hugs Milio shields an ally and gives them bonus movement speed, making this ability perfect for peeling, dodging skill shots, or helping allies engage or escape.

R - Breath of Life Milio releases a wave of healing that also removes crowd control effects from all nearby allies. This ultimate is a powerful game-changer in team fights, especially against heavy CC compositions.

  1. Playstyle

Milio thrives on playing defensively, peeling for his team, and enhancing his allies’ abilities to carry fights. In the laning phase, use Q to poke enemies and E to shield your ADC from incoming damage. Once team fights begin, your role is to stay in the backline, providing heals, shields, and crowd control cleansing with your R - Breath of Life.

Milio Tips and Tricks

  • Abuse your range against melee champions to gain health leads in the lane. It will be highly beneficial if you keep auto-attacking them often.
  • Stay away from your team in team fights so you can use your Ultimate to save them from CC. Stay with them but behind them so you can empower them.
  • Whenever you have your empowered autos up, make sure you auto-attack the enemy as soon as possible.

Milio Summoner Spells


Milio Items

World Atlas
World Atlas
Health Potion
Health Potion
Stealth Ward
Stealth Ward

Milio Runes


Milio Abilities

Warm Hugs
Cozy Campfire
Ultra Mega Fire Kick
Ultra Mega Fire Kick
Cozy Campfire
Warm Hugs
Breath of Life

Milio Ability Combos

  • Basic: AA + Q + AA
  • Medium: W + AA + W + AA+ W + AA
  • Hard: W + E + R + Flash + Q
  • Hard: W + AA + E + AA + W + AA + E + AA + W + AA

How to use your abilities! Maximize your passive on others and yourself!

Fired Up! (P):

  • This burns over 1.5 seconds on each application, so it's best to space-out your abilities you cast on others if you're looking to maximize your damage. Such as with Warm Hugs (E), you can cast both charges 1.5 seconds apart (if you're casting onto the same target)
  • This also works on yourself, so don't forget to auto-attack.
  • Giving allies your passive and them doing damage WILL give you World Atlas stacks.

Ultra Mega Fire Kick (Q):

  • A lot of how you use this will determine how your laning phase goes.
  • It's very strong against champions that dash at you to engage. Such as Rell, Rakan, Alistar, or junglers like Zac, Gragas, and it will not only cancel their dash, but even completely prevent any follow-up they have since they will be knocked back, and stunned, Then slowed.
  • This is a very potent poking tool in lane. If you can't land this onto a champion directly, then you can try aiming at a minion that they are standing behind. Ultra Mega Fire Kick (Q) will prioritize Champions to bounce onto, and it hits very hard early game with it's high AP ratio and base damage. It has a fairly generous aquisition range in the shape of a cone.
  • For this to hit a champion reliably off the bounce on a minion, wait for the enemy to wind-up an auto attack to farm a minion, and you should be able to get them with the bounce fairly reliably.
  • Bonus points if you can shoot it through your lane partner (for Fired Up!-P) while you poke but its not necessary.

Cozy Campfire (W):

  • This is a very unique and strong ability, and the champions who benefit the most from this will be any ADCs that are strongly auto-attack focused, such as Kog'Maw, Jinx, Vayne, Caitlyn and more.
  • Try not to use it as just a heal as it's quite minimal.
  • For Fired Up! (P) this procs every 3 seconds, so you and whoever it's healing can at most gain 2 procs of Fired Up! (P).
  • This also grants vision! So casting it over a wall just to see someone is an option, but be careful for the long cooldown.
  • It has a very long cooldown, so use this wisely! Maximize it's effectiveness!

Warm Hugs (E):

  • Try to space your charges out so you can maximize the damage from Fired Up! (P).
  • If you're walking from place to place and you're not going to be fighting right away, use this to get there a bit faster!

Breath of Life (R):

  • You'll likely cast this more often as an AoE heal around you than removing cc on your team mates, so don't hold onto it too long if your team mates need a heal!
  • Against certain giant AoE cc abilities, like Kennen Slicing Maelstrom (R) or Amumu Curse of the Sad Mummy (R), you can actually cast Breath of Life (R) before they use their ability, because IF you do get caught-up in the AoE, then you won't be able to use Breath of Life (R) to help your team mates in time. But you CAN give them 65% tenacity and top off their HP bars, so that even if you do get hit by the CC, you and your team mates will come out of it much faster.
  • This WILL affect untargetable allies such as when Vladimir is in Sanguine Pool (W) or Fizz on Playful / Trickster (E).
  • This locks you out of casting any other abilities for.75 seconds, so it may mess up your timing on casting your other abilities, especially Ultra Mega Fire Kick (Q).

How to Play Milio Support

  1. Laning Phase During the laning phase, Milio excels at poking with his Q - Ultra Mega Fire Kick while shielding and healing his ADC with E - Warm Hugs and W - Cozy Campfire. Focus on positioning yourself safely while harassing enemies and sustaining your lane partner. Remember to keep a close eye on your mana, as Milio’s abilities can be quite resource-intensive.

Use Summon Aery to poke enemies while shielding your ADC frequently to keep them topped up. If you're up against a poke-heavy lane, stay within range of your ADC to maximize the value of W - Cozy Campfire.

  1. Early Game
  • Use Warm Hugs (E) on yourself and auto attack an enemy champion for 2 stacks of World Atlas.
  • You're looking to stack your World Atlas faster than your opponent's quest item.
  • If your opponent's dash to engage on you then only look to auto attack them, and anticipate their dash and inturrupt it with Ultra Mega Fire Kick (Q). If it's on cooldown, and they can engage, then do not walk up and auto attack supports that dash to engage on you such as Rell, Alistar, Rakan, Leona.
  • If you think you can win the 2v2, then look for opportunities to use Cozy Campfire (W) on your lane partner and just out-range and run-down your enemies.
  • IF starting Ultra Mega Fire Kick (Q) and consistently landing them, then put more points into it and keep poking. It hits very hard and can very easily lead to kills.

Defensive Options

  • You'll have a very defensive rune setup, and only be looking to mitigate damage in lane and disengage from anything your opponents try to do.
  • Help your lane partner by using stacks on Seige and Melee minions, as since we're not able to apply pressure to our enemies, it's likely your lane parnter will have a hard time too.
  1. Mid and Late Game Milio’s strength shines in mid and late-game team fights. Position yourself behind your team, shielding and healing allies with W - Cozy Campfire and E - Warm Hugs. Use R - Breath of Life to remove crowd control from key targets and heal your team in critical moments.

Milio can help his team disengage or initiate fights using his mobility and support tools. In late-game scenarios, saving your Q - Ultra Mega Fire Kick for priority targets can make the difference in securing objectives or winning a team fight.


Milio is a highly versatile support champion who offers healing, shielding, and crowd control utility for his team. By following this Milio Support build guide, you’ll be able to maximize his potential and carry your team to victory. Practice your positioning and ability timing to become a master of Milio and watch your win rate soar!

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Updated 10d ago

Milio Support Build Guides, Runes, Items, and Abilities

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