Nilah ADC Build Guides, Runes, Items, and Abilities

Nilahthe Joy Unbound


Nilah, the Joy Unbound in League of Legends, is a unique melee marksman who thrives on engaging enemies with style and precision. Her kit revolves around high mobility, evasion, and unparalleled synergy with her allies’ healing and shielding. With her whip-blade and a joyful disposition, Nilah brings a fresh, exhilarating playstyle to the Rift, excelling in teamfights and enabling her team’s success.

Strengths and Weaknesses of Nilah

  1. Strengths:
  • Enhanced Experience Gain: Thanks to her passive, Joy Unending, Nilah gains bonus experience from last-hitting minions, allowing her to out-level opponents in the bot lane.
  • Strong Team Synergy: Nilah’s ability to enhance and share healing and shielding effects makes her a valuable pick in team-oriented compositions.
  • High Mobility: Slipstream (E) provides Nilah with exceptional mobility, enabling her to chase down enemies or escape sticky situations.
  • Damage and Utility Combo: Apotheosis (R) deals significant damage while pulling enemies closer, creating opportunities for devastating follow-ups in teamfights.
  • Survivability: Jubilant Veil (W) allows Nilah to dodge incoming attacks and share this benefit with her allies, making her deceptively durable.
  1. Weaknesses:
  • Short Attack Range: As a melee ADC, Nilah’s short range makes her susceptible to poke and crowd control in the early game.
  • Positioning Dependent: Nilah’s effectiveness heavily relies on proper positioning to maximize her damage and avoid getting caught out.
  • Skill-Intensive: Landing Formless Blade (Q) and effectively using her abilities require precise timing and mechanics.
  • Team Reliance: While Nilah shines in coordinated play, she may struggle to carry in disorganized teams due to her reliance on ally synergy.

Nilah Tips and Tricks

  • Maximize Experience: Focus on last-hitting minions to capitalize on Joy Unending (Passive) and stay ahead in levels.
  • Extend Auto-Attack Range: Use Formless Blade (Q) to extend your attack range temporarily, allowing for safer trades in the laning phase.
  • Utilize Jubilant Veil: Activate Jubilant Veil (W) to dodge key enemy abilities and share the effect with nearby allies to enhance survivability during skirmishes.
  • Chain Abilities with Slipstream: Combine Slipstream (E) with Formless Blade (Q) or Apotheosis (R) to maximize your burst damage and control in fights.
  • Engage with Apotheosis: Use Apotheosis (R) strategically to pull enemies together, setting up your team for wombo-combo plays.
  • Play Around Allies: Position yourself near supportive allies to benefit from enhanced healing and shielding, amplifying both your survivability and offensive potential.
  • Wave Manipulation: Manage waves effectively to minimize poke from ranged opponents and create opportunities for favorable engagements.

Nilah Summoner Spells


Nilah Runes


Nilah Items

Doran's Blade
Doran's Blade
Health Potion
Health Potion
Stealth Ward
Stealth Ward

Nilah Skill Order

Formless Blade
Jubilant Veil
Formless Blade
Jubilant Veil

Nilah Ability Combos

  • W + E + Q + AA+ AA +AA: Start with your W, then E and Q your target followed by some auto attacks.
  • E + Q + AA + W + AA + AA + AA + E + Q: Start the fight with your E Q combo, then AA, W, AA, AA, AA and then finish off with your E Q back out again.
  • E + AA + E + Q + R: Use your E through a target, then AA and E and Q your intended target and then hit them with your R.
  • W + E + Q + AA + R + AA + AA + E + AA: Lead with your W and then E and Q onto your target and AA them before using your R. Then AA a few more times, Q, AA and E to finish.
  • W + E + E + R + Q + AA + AA + AA: se your W whilst your near your ally and then E through them to get closer to your opponents. Use your E and R combo onto your enemies and follow that with your Q and some auto attacks.
  • E + R + W + E: Use your E through your enemies and R them! Then press your W and dash back through to safety with your E.
  • W + E + R + FLASH: Use your W and then E through your ally or any nearby target. Then instantly R and Flash onto your enemies!
  • Q + FLASH + AA + E + R + AA + AA + Q + AA + E: Use your Q and then Flash instantly to hit your target. AA them and then E and R onto your enemy. Follow this with some AA's a Q, AA and E to finish..

Game plan

  1. Early game
  • The early game should be mainly focused on taking short trades against the enemy with your auto-attacks. Do not go for an extended trade unless the enemy's primary ability is on cooldown.
  • However, play safe for the first few levels. You need time to come online and you shouldn’t be fighting until you have some levels under your belt.
  • After destroying the bottom lane tower, rotate to the mid lane and try to take that tower. This will open up the map and give your team a gold lead.
  1. Mid game
  • During the middle game, make sure you are not ADC'ing consistently. Clean up kills when possible but don't get too close to CC heavy champs else, you will definitely get killed.Look for opportunities with your Ultimate to catch enemies out, but don’t go in unless your team is there to help you.Continue picking up farm in the side lanes when no team fights are occurring, but spend as little time away from your team.
  1. Late game
  • Your Ultimate will be on a short cooldown, so ensure that you use it quite frequently. It will definitely help you with chunking out enemies.
  • Continue to kite in team fights and consistently adapt your positioning. Avoid standing still in fights as you’ll be an easy target.
  • Just like in the mid-game, you should stick with your Support throughout the later parts of the game. Do not go around the map alone as you will die easily.


Nilah’s innovative kit and graceful combat style make her an exciting choice for players who enjoy high-risk, high-reward champions. Her ability to enhance team healing and shielding, coupled with her unique melee ADC playstyle, brings a fresh dynamic to the bot lane. While her short range and reliance on positioning require practice, mastering Nilah’s tools will reward players with an electrifying and impactful presence on the Rift. Embrace the joy of battle with Nilah, and lead your team to victory with flair and finesse.

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Good luck to you! – Cheng

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Updated 1mo ago

Nilah ADC Build Guides, Runes, Items, and Abilities

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