Orianna's build adapts to various factors, offering versatility in itemization. Exploring Orianna's build, especially in Season 14, presents several strategies. Luden's Echo typically serves as the primary starting item, followed by different AP-focused burst items, given Orianna's flexibility in item choices.
Luden's Companion - This item stands as an excellent choice for Orianna, providing efficient wave clear, enhanced trading potential in lane, and valuable stats like AP and Mana. When ahead, opting for an early Hextech Alternator for additional damage and then proceeding directly to Luden's Companion is a viable approach.
Shadowflame emerges as a strong addition to builds, particularly effective against teams with high barrier-based champions. Pairing it with Void Staff amplifies late-game enemy melting potential. Combining Luden's burst with the new Shadowflame spell crit allows for swift elimination of adversaries.
Zhonya's Hourglass remains a core build due to Orianna's vulnerability and susceptibility to lockdown when her grenade misses. If Luden's is the first item, considering Zhonya's as a third purchase is advisable for added protection during laning and team fights, especially against assassin matchups.
Rabadon's Deathcap proves advantageous when ahead, significantly boosting damage output and synergizing well with an aggressive Electrocute playstyle. In the face of assassins like Zed or Talon, Zhonya's Hourglass becomes a pivotal option to prevent their lethal strikes.
Liandry's Torment - SITUATIONAL - Its viability in Season 14 depends heavily on the enemy team composition, especially in the presence of tanky champions like Dr. Mundo, Ornn, or Zac. Stormsurge becomes an alternative if the enemy lacks sustained damage.
Void Staff serves as an excellent addition, providing essential penetration against tanky teams or champions. Its inclusion ensures substantial turret damage in late-game team fights, countering strong MR items prevalent in the season.
Stormsurge stands out as a remarkable addition in Season 14 for mage-centric champions, offering burst damage and mobility. Orianna's synergy with this item, allowing it to trigger from her turrets, amplifies her aggressive playstyle.
Rylai's Crystal Scepter remains an incredible choice for Orianna, aiding in kiting melee champions prevalent in tanky team compositions. Its synergy with Orianna's kit and other items enhances her effectiveness in creating distance from melee threats.
Against teams featuring multiple tanks, a Liandry's Torment build becomes preferable, especially effective against champions like Zac or Garen. Its synergy with Orianna's kit allows for consistent laning and trading advantages throughout the game.

Phase Rush β Phase Rush synergizes extremely well with Orianna's kit. When hitting an enemy champion with 3 attacks or seperate abilities within 4s, you gain up to 40% movement speed (based on level) and 75% slow resistance for 3 seconds. Orianna has little mobility in her kit outside of Command: Dissonance, so this rune makes up for that.
Manaflow Band β Manaflow Band is essential for mages, as they prioritize spamming their abilities over using auto attacks and Orianna is no exception to this. You permanently increase your mana, up to 250 and once you reach that cap, you restore 1% of missing mana every 5s. Very good mana sustain.
Transcendence β Transcendence provides us with +5 ability haste at levels 5&8, and then at level 11, on champion takedown, it reduces the cooldown of basic abilities by 20%, which is very useful for Orianna to help spamming of spells, and dealing consistent damage.
Scorch β Scorch adds that little bit extra damage that all poke mages enjoy. If you think the game is going to be a late one, take Gathering Storm for the extra late game damage, as Scorch falls off.
Biscuit Delivery β Biscuit Delivery keeps us sustained easier in lane. Gain a new biscuit every 2 minutes up to minute 6, and each Biscuit restores 10% of missing HP and mana, and consuming (or selling) a Biscuit permanently increases your mana cap by 50. A small but substantial gain for a heavy mana user.
Time Warp Tonic β Time Warp Tonic synergizes extremely well with Biscuit Delivery, granting us 50% of it's hp or mana restoration instantly. You also gain 5% MS while under the effects of said consumable, which can help us catch up to an escaping enemy to finish off the kill.

During laning phase, you want to trade efficiently with your enemy by auto attacking, proccing our passive - and using Command: Attack into Command: Dissonance. This should be able to give us lane control, and priority. The damage from Clockwork Windup means that we prefer longer trades, and the low cooldown on Command: Attack benefits us when going vs enemies who have longer cooldowns on their abilities. When your lane opponent goes in to take a CS, you want to be abusing them with Command: Attack and this is especially so vs melee laners.
Orianna has amazing gank potential/set ups for her jungler, pulling the enemies back in with Command: Shockwave and slowing them with your Command: Dissonance electric field. On the other hand, when you're being ganked by the enemy, you want to make sure to have Command: Protect on yourself, and then Command: Attack behind the enemies, meaning your Command: Shockwave will pull the enemies away from you, while slowing them with Command: Dissonance.
Orianna has good push potential, and you should look to push in your enemy and then roam. You can help poke down enemy laners, or threaten an engage with Command: Shockwave, pulling them into your allies and securing a kill or two, then proceeding to help push down the tower or take Dragon objectives.
During the mid - late game, you want to be pushing in lanes and looking for roams, objectives and kills. You can hide The Ball in a wall, and surprise an enemy with a quick Shockwave combo.
When you're teamfighting, you generally want Command: Protect on an engaging ally, so you can use his position to cast your abilities from, without being at risk yourself. You have multiple ways to use your abilities, starting with Command: Dissonance, slowing the enemy and disabling their escape from Command: Shockwave, or using Command: Shockwave first, enabling you to pull all enemies together and pushing out massive damage with your full combo.
Remember you have low cooldowns, and by now, a high mana pool to spam these abilities. If you have chosen to take Summon Aery, using Command: Protect on your allies increases the shielding they receive, and you can also use Command: Protect to boost an allies movement speed, helping them catch fleeing enemies.
Make sure to prioritize objectives once you have secured picks/kills, as they are what primarily win the game. Rift Herald spawns twice now, so you can prioritize taking one, if not both, to secure extra tower plates and net you some more gold, allowing you to quickly move forward in your chosen build path.

Teleport is important for being able to teleport back to lane after recalling, and for being able to help out your team in difficult spots, turning a 3v2 into a 3v3 and potentially turning the fight. It's very good vs roaming champions such as Twisted Fate, Aurelion Sol, Zed etc.
Flash is the best summoner spell in the game, it is your escape tool and engage tool. It can also help you get in the perfect position for a clutch 5 man ultimate.