Pantheon Top Everything to Know Season 14

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Pantheonthe Unbreakable Spear



Pantheon can literally proc PTA instantly with his empowered W, making it a great choice for him.


Comet Spear
Shield Vault
Aegis Assault
Comet Spear
Shield Vault
Aegis Assault
Grand Starfall




Doran's Blade
Doran's Blade
Health Potion
Health Potion

Win Conditions

  • Look to slow push minion waves while dueling the enemy. If you get ganked within a large minion wave, you can often turn the gank around.
  • Pantheon isn’t great in team fights. Look for picks and try to skirmish as much as you can. Limit 5v5 team fights.
  • At level 6, keep track of other lanes cooldowns. If they do not have Flash available or if they’re pushed, roam and try to kill them with your R.

Weak Against

  • Swain: Swain has strong sustain through his passive ability and can trade effectively against Pantheon. Swain's crowd control and ability to pull Pantheon in with E can catch him off guard.
  • Ziggs: Ziggs can poke Pantheon from range, making it challenging for Pantheon to engage effectively. Ziggs' long-range abilities can also whittle down Pantheon's health, and his W can disengage or disrupt Pantheon's all-ins.
  • Cassiopeia: Cassiopeia's sustained damage can be problematic for Pantheon, who excels in quick, bursty trades. Her Q and E abilities can output consistent damage and potentially out-trade Pantheon in longer fights.

Strong Against

  • Yasuo: Pantheon can counter Yasuo's mobility and wind wall with his ranged poke, quick burst, and crowd control. His passive, Mortal Will, can stack up to make his abilities more potent, allowing him to trade effectively.
  • Galio: While Galio is typically known for his tankiness, Pantheon's burst damage and poke can challenge Galio's durability. Pantheon can chip away at Galio's health, making it harder for Galio to engage or roam effectively.
  • Kassadin: Pantheon can exploit Kassadin's weak early game. By pressuring Kassadin with his aggressive laning and zoning potential, Pantheon can delay Kassadin's scaling into a more powerful late-game champion.

Game Strategy

  • Early Game: In the early game, Pantheon should focus on aggressive trading using his Q and W combo to poke enemies. Play around your passive to enhance your abilities, look for opportunities to roam and assist other lanes with your R, and maintain lane priority through efficient wave clearing.
  • Mid Game: During the mid game, Pantheon transitions into a powerful roaming assassin. Push your lane and roam to other lanes or join your jungler in skirmishes, utilizing your stun and high burst damage to secure kills. Coordinate with your team to engage fights, using your Grand Starfall to initiate and catch enemies out of position, focusing on high-value targets to secure objectives and map control.
  • Late Game: In the late game, Pantheon becomes more of an initiator and duelist. Use your Grand Starfall to engage or counter-engage team fights, catching enemies off-guard and disrupting their formations. Focus on diving enemy carries with your high burst and crowd control, using your stun to lock down key targets. Split-push when your ultimate is up, but prioritize joining your team for crucial team fights, where your engage potential can turn the tide of late-game engagements.
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