Pantheon Support Build Guides, Runes, Items, and Abilities

Pantheonthe Unbreakable Spear


Pantheon, traditionally played as a bruiser or jungler, can also be a powerful and unconventional support in League of Legends. With his combination of crowd control, burst damage, and strong engage tools, Pantheon excels at disrupting the enemy team and protecting his ADC. His unique kit, including abilities that allow him to both initiate fights and soak up damage, makes him a surprising and impactful support pick. While Pantheon isn't a traditional tank or healer, his ability to control the pace of the lane and provide strong presence in teamfights makes him a solid choice for players looking to bring aggression and utility to the bot lane.

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Pantheon Strengths & Weaknesses

  1. Strengths:
  • Strong Engages: Panth
  • Burst Damage: Pantheon has impressive burst damage with his Comet Spear (Q) and empowered basic attacks from Mortal Will (P). His all-in potential is one of his strongest assets, especially in early-game skirmishes.
  • Crowd Control: Pantheon provides great crowd control through his W (Shield Vault) and his ultimate, which includes both a slow and a shockwave that disrupts enemies. His Aegis Assault (E) also provides invulnerability and a wide cone damage effect, making him a strong presence in fights.
  • Tankiness: With his Aegis Assault (E), Pantheon gains bonus armor and magic resistance, making him a durable support, able to absorb a lot of damage, especially in the mid and late game.
  1. Weaknesses:
  • Squishy Early Game: Despite his strong damage potential, Pantheon lacks inherent sustain and tankiness in the early laning phase compared to traditional tanks like Leona or Thresh. This can make him vulnerable if he engages at the wrong time.
  • Limited Range: Pantheon’s abilities, except for Comet Spear, are melee range, which can make him vulnerable to poke and out-of-range threats in the lane.
  • Cooldown Reliance: Pantheon relies heavily on his cooldowns for damage and utility. If he uses his abilities recklessly or misses an engagement, he can become ineffective for a period, leaving his team without significant contributions.

Pantheon tips and tricks

  • Look to roam around the map and help your allies with your Ultimate Grand Starfall R. You can also use it to enter lane if the enemy has over extended.
  • Don’t let the enemy bully you down in the early game, otherwise, you’ll never be able to engage with your Aegis Assault E.
  • Poke the enemy down with your Comet Spear Q as often as you can. But keep an eye on your mana bar at all times.

Pantheon Summoner Spells


Pantheon Items

World Atlas
World Atlas
Health Potion
Health Potion
Stealth Ward
Stealth Ward

Pantheon Runes


Pantheon Skill Order

Comet Spear
Shield Vault
Aegis Assault
Comet Spear
Shield Vault
Aegis Assault
Grand Starfall

Pantheon Combos

  • W + AA + Q + E: Your basic lane trading combo is to W onto your target, then AA, and use Q and E.
  • W + Q + AA + E: Trade with your opponent by using W onto your target, then Q and AA before using E.
  • W + AA + Q + AA + E: At 5 passive stacks W onto your target, then AA. Use Q, then AA and E to chase or disengage.
  • Q + AA + W + AA + E + AA + Q: When you don't need to gapclose, Q your target then AA. Use W and AA, then E and AA again. Q again once it's off cooldown.
  • R + W + AA + Q + AA + E: When initiating a fight R to your target, then W and AA. Follow up with Q, then AA and E.
  • R + Q + AA + W + AA + E + AA + Q: You can also full combo by using R towards your target, then using Q and AA. W onto them, then AA E AA. Finish up with another Q.

Teamfighting with Pantheon as a Support

Teamfighting: Pantheon excels in teamfights, especially when his Mortal Will (P) is stacked and his abilities are up. His Grand Starfall (R) serves as an excellent initiation tool, allowing him to engage from a distance and deal significant damage upon landing. The armor penetration passive on his ultimate helps him deal with tanky enemies, making him a threat even against durable frontlines.

In a teamfight, Pantheon typically looks for the right moment to engage, either by using Shield Vault (W) to stun an enemy or diving in with his E for both defense and offense. His Aegis Assault (E) offers protection while dealing sustained damage in a cone, and it can be especially useful when diving into the enemy backline. Pantheon’s ultimate also allows him to dive into high-priority targets, and his empowered basic attacks from Mortal Will (P) can shred squishy champions when timed correctly.

Game plan

  1. Early game
  • The lane brushes need to be controlled by you as they will allow you to catch enemies off-guard with your Shield Vault W. It will also zone enemies off minions.
  • Keep poking the enemy with your Comet Spear Q as much as you can. It is tough to dodge, and the damage will quickly build up and let you all-in enemies.
  • Your Ultimate Grand Starfall R will allow you to make cross-map plays with ease. You can even roam directly after recalling and then show up to your original lane with your Ultimate Grand Starfall R.
  1. Mid game
  • You will have a lot of presence during this phase of the game. Try to CC lock high-priority targets when possible and get rid of them quickly.
  • Work with your Jungler and get some picks on the enemy Jungler or Support when you get the chance. This will let you snowball your lead during the mid-game.
  • Flanking enemies with your Ultimate Grand Starfall R is viable but do it during a fight so that the enemy isn't paying much attention to your positioning. The lower the elo, the more effective this tactic is.
  1. Late game
  • Try to secure picks during this phase of the game when possible. You will begin to fall off, so you must avoid 5 v 5 team fights when possible.
  • Keep track of the enemy Jungler and stay near-neutral objectives as much as possible. You don't want to get spotted on the other side of the map and lose a crucial objective out of nowhere.
  • Use the fog of war to flank the enemy when possible. The goal is to get rid of the enemy carries as quickly as you can. You may also opt for a tanky build and act as a frontline if need be.


Pantheon support is an unconventional but powerful choice for those who want to play an aggressive and impactful support. His ability to engage, lock down targets, and dish out high burst damage makes him a valuable asset in both the early and late game. While his lack of sustain and vulnerability to poke can be a challenge, Pantheon rewards those who can effectively manage his cooldowns and engage at the right moments. With his strong presence in teamfights, Pantheon can be an excellent pick for a high-risk, high-reward support style that focuses on heavy initiation and disruption.

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Good luck to you! – Cheng

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Updated 2mo ago

Pantheon Support Build Guides, Runes, Items, and Abilities

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