See phoenixkola's Twitch channel

1. Champions
Champion Buffs
- Draven
- Gangplank
- Gnar
- Kha’Zix
- Lulu
- Master Yi
- Nami
- Nasus
- Pantheon
- Singed
- Smolder
Champion Nerfs
- Hwei
- Irelia
- Jinx
- Karthus
- Mordekaiser
- Taliyah
Champions Adjusted
- Recommended items and runes for Draven, Ezreal, Gangplank, Sivir, Smolder, Xayah, Yasuo, Yone)
- Ornn
- Caitlyn
- K’Sante
2. System
System Buffs
- Absorb Life
- Cut Down
- Immortal Shieldbow
- Statikk Shiv
System Nerfs
- Infinity Edge
System Adjustments
- Essence Reaver vs. Collector
- Lane Swapping
3. Arena & ARAM
- Riot focused on nerfing healing, buffing weak champions, nerfing fighters, and outlier legendary and prismatic items.
- Buffs are targeted at Ekko, Fizz, LeBlanc, Corki, Viktor, Ziggs, and Akshan.
- Nerfs are targeted at Darius, Vi, Rhaast, Gragas, Garen, Trundle, Vlad, Aatrox, and Briar.
- Expect buffs to Corki, Ezreal, Yasuo, Yone, and Miss Fortune.
- Nerfs are targeted at Shen, Veigar, Akshan, Morgana, Nautilus, Hwei, and Skarner.
4. Comment from Lead Design
Overall, the patch has landed reasonably balance wise for things that changed.
Lane Swaps
- They've been a hot topic of conversation over the course of MSI
- While we think some of this was teams adapting to player matchup diffs over time, in some cases, it's more optimal than we'd like (eg. double ranged bot lanes)
- While a few lane swaps every now and then is favorable for the viewer experience, every game is too far
- We'll be adjusting the fortification and first turret gold values as a result
- K'Sante has also been a hot topic from MSI
- While there have been some favorable matchups into him, he was generally not exploitable enough
- In the short term, we're making some targeted changes to reduce just how much damage he can soak with W. We also intend to take a larger stab at some of his kit shape to give him sharper strengths and weaknesses, but that will take some time
- Given that he has optionality between tanking and fighting, he probably also shouldn't be so generally durable
Marksmen Generally
- Marksmen after the changes to snowballing, experience are now at similar levels of durability to the durability patch
- They also seem very strong, but we're waiting on more information before acting in a significant way
- We intend to tune around this rough level of durability and nerf other things like damage, etc. if they are too strong
Marksman First Items
- Overall, Marksmen first items seems close
- Kraken/Collector/ER/IE are all viable options of varying strength
- We believe Collector and IE are a bit on the strong side and ER a little on the weak side
- Shiv has struggled to find an audience, we're looking to move it further into the on-hit space and it is also pretty underpowered
Post Hotfix
- Our hotfix has overall put Blackfire Torch and Ashes in a reasonable spot
- It is intended that Ashes is a strong item for AP junglers, hence why it was generically nerfed, rather than nerfing the jungle specifically
- Draven was slightly overnerfed, but we expect him to recoup some of this power once players fully swap over to Bloodthirster
- Smolder has landed in a bit of a weird spot; Tri Force overall is offering a bit of a better package than Essence Reaver overall
- We would like Sheen items to be viable on him, and also to have some Crit builds and some non Crit builds
- Post 14.10 changes, we're mainly focused on taking larger swings at nerfing healing, buffing weak champions, nerfing fighters further
- We're also taking a further swing at outlier legendary and prismatic items
- Buffs targeted at Ekko, Fizz, LB, Corki [he had a bunch of Arena specific nerfs that no longer make sense], Viktor, Ziggs, Akshan
- Nerfs targeted at Darius, Vi, Rhaast, Gragas, Garen, Trundle, Vlad, Aatrox, Briar
- Main strategy is to remove buff/nerf modifiers that no longer make sense and followups to the 14.10 changes landing
- Buffs to Corki, Ezreal, Yasuo, Yone, MF
- Nerfs to Shen, Veigar, Akshan, Morgana, Nautrilus, Hwei, Skarner