When does League Patch 14.14 go live?
League of Legends Patch 14.14 is expected to go live on July 17, 2024. Patch 14.14 will head to Oceanic servers first, with other servers slowly receiving it throughout the day.
Here are the key timings of Patch 14.14 for your server:
- 3 AM PT (NA)
- 5 AM GMT (EUW)
- 8 AM KST (Korea)
There’ll be a few hours of downtime when patching begins, and matchmaking queues will be taken offline approximately three hours beforehand.
What’s changing in League patch 14.14?
Aurora release
- Aurora will be joining the League of Legends roster in patch 14.14. A mid-range mid laner mage who’s capable of dipping and dashing around the battlefield, she’ll take some time to learn but will reward players willing to investigate further into this new champion.
Balance changes
- As per usual, Patch 14.14 will bring further balance changes to the rest of the roster with several AP champions like Nidalee, Aurelion Sol, Lillia, and Rumble being targeted for changes. Alongside that, Hecarim and Milio are also receiving some changes too.
1. Champions
Champion Buffs
- Hecarim
- Aphelios
- Cho'Gath
- Jayce
- Sion
- Zed
Champion Nerfs
- Lillia
- Rumble
- Bel'Veth
- Brand
- Corki
- Jax
- Kindred
- Nidalee
- Tristana
- Zyra
Champions Adjusted
- Aurelion Sol
- Irelia
- Milio
2. System
System Buffs
System Nerfs
- Absorb Life
- Warmog's
System Adjustments
3. Comment from Lead Design
Arena We've been prepaing some new content for Arena coming in Patch 14.15!
- Check out their accounts for some additional deets
- This will be a bunch of new Prismatic items, augments and a few other adjustments
- Buffs: Phenomenal Evil, Snowball Fight, Feel the Burn, Urf's Champion, Ori, Thresh, Twitch, Ivern, Kog, Irelia, Panth, Nidalee, Hecarim, Neeko, Kennen
- Nerfs: Duskblade, Prowlers, Gargoyles, Brutalizer, Zed, Yi, Alistar, Pyke, Shaco, Brand, Yorick, Naafiri, Garen, Swain
- Nerfs to Zeri, Lulu, Thresh, Viego
Absorb Life/Corki/Trist/Fleet
- We're looking at reducing the power of early sustain (Fleet adjustments in 14.15 as well) by nerfing Absorb Life in the early game and skewing its power more towards late game
- Reducing the power of Trist's early game pushing power
- Reducing the power of Corki's scaling to skew him a bit towards bot lane and an overall nerf. His normal winrate is also depressed because of wrong max orders
Un-Pro skewing some champs
- Over the years, we've unskewed a lot of champions from Pro, including Akali, Sylas, Irelia, etc. to make them more effective for normal players
- These champs are now really playable for regular players, which is great, but we're investigating adding some of their skew back so they're more usable in Pro/High MMR in some situations
- Pro has been suffering from a lack of viable aggressive options and even the ones that do (Ahri, LB, etc.) frequently purchase things like defensive boots, etc.
- It's been a long time coming, but we're investigating changes to Teleport to resolve its ability to wash lanes, while also still avoiding the bot lane party
- We haven't been happy with it in its current state or how inelegant some of the solutions we're thinking about but it's gotten to the point where early TP's are so uninteractive, we feel we need to act
Defensive Boots
- Defensive boots are a little too strong and have been for a while (eg. Mercs), though the changes we did earlier to Steelcaps ended up being too power positive, so we'll likely scale them back
- It might take a bit of time to land on a good solution here, but we're thinking about the problem
- Warmogs is finally in a spot where it's seeing play which is good
- It's a little too good in general though, especially 1st on supports
- For some champs, we're OK with it as a first rush, but primarily gearing it towards being good second and just nerfing it generally
- We think warmogs is a great tank pattern in general and are happy it's seeing more play though
14.14 comes with Aurora and Swarm!! Get hype!!
Both of these projects have been labors of love. Each of the pods working on these projects poured their heart and soul into them. I'm not going to give too much info here and let the teams and their Publishing teams give out more info.
Absorb Life
- We're moving a lot of the power budget for this rune out of the early game and into the later portions of the game with non-linear scaling
- We're moving it further to compete with Triumph in the mid-late game especially if you're split pushing (not proccing triumph) vs teamfighting (proccing triumph)
- We're moving Warmogs to be harder to trigger as a first item without having innate HP in your kit
- It's intended to hit supports, but be unchanged for 2nd item use cases
- Asol's adjustments this patch are aimed at reducing the impact of his tap Q and compensating with power elsewhere
- We'll be monitoring the impact of this and how it affects his MMR skew
- Currently, Milio has a lot of power budget in being reactive, as his tools to be proactive are mainly gated behind certain champion pairings
- We're moving more power budget out of his E and into his Q to harass in early lane
AP Junglers
- We're continuing to get champions in a good spot after adding Fated Ashes that allows more AP champs to jungle and increase jungle diversity
- Our philosophy with adding these items is to get the systems in the right place first and then adjust the champions
- When we add an item that systemically buffs these champions, it's intended to be good on those champions and in some cases become their primary item
- We don't intend to make that item weak and so we will get the item in the right spot and then adjust the champions
- Nerfs this patch are mainly targeted at continuing to get these champions into the right spot (Lillia, Nidalee, Zyra)
- We'll incur some short term instability to overall increase the health and diversity of the role
- Corki and Tristana will both be hit by the Absorb Life nerfs
- Our changes this patch for Trist are aimed at giving her Q push a real cost, which typically will impact Mid more than Bot, as Tristana rarely gets priority in Bot lane compared to Mid
- Trist's presence coming down will naturally also reduce Corki presence
- While there are no boot changes in this patch, we'll be considering what to do with them and hopefully have something out soon for them
- Corki's high Armor is intended to be more useful in Bot lane and especially when Trist's priority is reduced
- Reducing his base health will make him more susceptible to all-ins in Mid especially
- Bel'Veth and Kindred are two Elite skewed junglers that we're bringing down a little this patch
- For Bel'Veth we're reducing her ability to outrange other melees outside of R form
- A few AD solo laners that we're looking to get back into the meta, especially with the advent of AP Junglers
- As mentioned yesterday, we're looking to add a little bit of skill skew back to Zed and early game pressure with a rank 1 Q buff
- For Irelia, while this looks like a heavy nerf on paper, making her Passive Attack Speed linearly scale with level, rather than being breakpointed is a pretty decent buff
- We're intending to make her more threatening on the wave
- We moved her away from being strong in the early game over time and that's weakened her identity somewhat
- ADC meta is in a pretty reasonable spot right now with many different ones being viable
- Aphelios and Smolder are mostly absent though so we're giving them a little touch up