[Patch 14.23] LoL 14.23 Patch Notes

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When does League Patch 14.23 go live?

The next League of Legends patch is going to change up quite a few champions, alongside changing other elements of the game, as this is the case when it comes to most LoL patches.

While these changes are going to be exciting, you’re going to want to be in the know for when they’ll release.

Patch 14.23 is currently slated to release on November 20th, 2024.

Here’s roughly when you can expect the update to roll out:

3 am PT (NA servers) 5 am GMT (EUW servers) 3 am CET (EUNE servers)

Rell / Smolder / Aurora


  1. Champion Changes
  2. Item Changes
  3. System Changes
  4. Arcane Brawler Vi
  5. Shimmer Lab Singed
  6. Commander Caitlyn
  7. Prestige Commander Caitlyn – 2000 Event Tokens

1. Champions

Champion Buffs

Champion Nerfs

Champions Adjusted

  1. Rell
  2. Smolder
  3. Aurora

2. System

System Buffs

System Nerfs

System Adjustments

3. Comment from Lead Design

Small patch, leading into the latter portions of the year. The game feels like it's in a decent spot.


  • As mentioned earlier, we think Ambessa is in a pretty decent spot right now and we're giving a bit of time for her skill growth to catch up
  • We have some small changes to match her P duration to her Q recast duration and clear her move orders after she R's so she doesn't walk to a location after successfully casting R


  • Bounties are the main portion that feel a bit mistuned right now
  • We're making bounties accumulate faster in general and also mapping bounty values to be more appropriate when the team is behind and you're trying to solo carry


  • YunTal has a bunch of interested users, but it's still a little weak compared to Collector
  • So we're nerfing Collector a little bit and buffing YunTal a little to help it be more attractive to DPS oriented carries while Collector is an item to flex for a more bursty route


  • Finally, Aurora has some changes to both give us the room to reduce how effective she is at Elite and Pro.
  • This will also allow us to buff her for regular play if she's less effective in those skill brackets
  • Her identity will be less about trapping people in ult (she'll still be good at that, but a bit worse) and more about using her tools more creatively
  • eg. Ult will last longer so she'll be able to play more creatively with it, and have a bit longer range, etc.


  • Rell has been a mainstay for a while in Pro.
  • Her midscope gave her a lot of fun tools, but also the capability of that on her CC chaining potential is too strong
  • We're adding a bunch of power into other portions of her kit to compensate


  • Smolder is a really popular champion, but he gets held down a bit by being a great champ in Pro
  • He's quite good at stalling out games, especially in the mid-late game with some of his waveclear capabilities; and those skew more towards Pro
  • We're bringing a bunch of these capabilities down as well as his stack scaling (which we still want to reward, but we know Pros are significantly better at this than regular players)


  • Jinx's poke caster builds have been strong for a while (eg. collector) and while it's cool that she has builds like that, she is at her core an auto attacker (and seemingly what players want to do well as they purchase YunTal more frequently than Collector even though it's weaker)
  • So we're shifting a bit of the incentives here to make a bit more sense


  • Zac has been showing up in a bunch of different lanes other than jungle and while he's mostly performant in jungle, we're taking a small tap to his ranged harass abliity in top lane (especially)

Tahm Kench

  • Captain Gameplay is a lover of alt builds and AP Kench was the soup du jour a while ago...
  • He's picked up a bit to be a little stronger than intended and while we like AP builds sometimes, it's just generically stronger than the pure tank build and we want them to be closer together


  • Kog has been picking up a lot of play with his.... AP builds?!
  • We're pulling back a little on these builds to make sure that the AP and AD builds feel similarly powerful
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Updated 3mo ago

[Patch 14.23] LoL 14.23 Patch Notes

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