Map Changes
- The Season of Noxus has arrived! With it comes a new look for Summoner’s Rift, but also a significant update to the way everything on the map functions.
- Atakhan, Bringer of Ruin spawns at 20 minutes on the side of the map that has seen the most kills/deaths by 14 minutes. If there are no kills, it’ll be based on the side that took the most damage.
- When he spawns, along with him will come an arena that adds map terrain. He also drops Blood Roses on the map that grant a permanent power buff and some XP for your entire team. There are also two variants of Atakhan, both of which have different movesets and buffs they grant upon being killed.
- Ruinous Atakhan spawns in high-kill games where both teams are duking it out. Killing him grants bonus Bloody Petals to the team who gets the final hit on him and spawns more Roses in the area to collect additional Petals.
- Voracious Atakhan spawns in slower games with less kills and is a much bigger threat in the short-term. The buffs he grants reads as follows:
- False Life: For the next 180 seconds, the first time you would die, you instead go into Stasis for 5.5 seconds and teleport to your team’s spawn. Your would-be killer instead earns 1 Bloody Petal and 100 Gold
- Your team now permanently gain 40 bonus gold on champion takedown
- Keep in mind this is takedown and not kill. If your entire team participates in a kill, that’s 200 bonus gold across your team.

More Season 15 Changes
- Objective Timers
- Spawn timers are shifting around a little with this update. Rift Herald will spawn at 16 minutes, Atakhan at 20, and Baron at 25 to give each objective some time to breathe on the map.
- Turrets
- Turret fortification decreased: 85% >>> 50%
- This is the damage reduction that turrets get from having plates up
- Feats of Strength & Boot Upgrades
- Feats of Strength is a set of 3 objectives: First blood, first tower, and first to kill 3 epic monsters. Getting 2 of these 3 feats will grant you some pretty substantial boot upgrades for purchase, with the stipulation that you have to already own 2 legendary items to pick up a pair.
When does League Patch 14.24 go live?
Patch 14.24 is currently slated to release on December 11th, 2024.
Here’s roughly when you can expect the update to roll out:
3 am PT (NA servers) 5 am GMT (EUW servers) 3 am CET (EUNE servers)
1. Champions
Champion Buffs
- Master Yi
- Rell
Champions Adjusted
- Viktor
2. System
System Adjustments
Aegis of the Legion Cost reduced: 1200 >>> 1100 Armor and MR reduced: 30 >>> 25
Bloodletter’s Curse (New Item)
Cost: 3050 55 AP 350 HP 10 Ability Haste Passive: Surge Dealing magic damage to champions grants 5% magic pen for 6 seconds (stacks up to 6 times) Build path: Haunting Guise + Fiendish Codex + 900 gold
- Elixirs
Level requirement increased: 9 >>> 12 Can now only purchase one copy of an elixir at once Elixir of Iron Tenacity reduced: 25% >>> 20% Elixir of Wrath AD reduced: 30 >>> 28-30 (levels 12-18)
- Heartsteel
Base passive damage reduced: 80 >>> 70 Passive health damage scaling change: 12% item HP >>> 6% max HP
- Unending Despair
Health increased: 350 >>> 400 Armor reduced: 60 >>> 25 Now has 25 MR Passive cooldown reduced: 5 seconds >>> 4 seconds Base damage reduced: 30-50 >>> 8-15 The HP scaling damage is unchanged with an increased tick rate, so the damage on this item isn’t as nerfed as it appears New Recipe: Aegis of the Legion + Giant’s Belt + 800g (final price unchanged)
- Warmog’s Armor
Movement speed completely removed Passive regen per second decreased: 5% max HP >>> 3% max HP Bonus HP passive threshold increased: 1500 >>> 2000 Passive cooldown increased: 6 seconds >>> 8 seconds Now grants 12% increased HP New recipe: Winged Moonplate >>> Giant’s Belt (final price unchanged)
Sorcerer Runes
Nullifying Orb removed & replaced with Axiom Arcanist Your ultimate is more powerful. Scoring a takedown on an enemy champion reduces your ultimate’s current cooldown by 7% and increases its power by 12% (power is damage, healing, and shielding)
- Domination Runes
Every single vision-based rune (Eyeball Collection, Ghost Poro, Zombie Ward) has been completely removed and replaced
Sixth Sense Automatically sense a nearby untracked and unseen ward, tracking it for your team. Also reveals the ward for 10 seconds at level 11 Cooldown: 300 seconds (melee)/360 seconds (ranged)
Grisly Mementos Collect 1 memento on champion takedown, up to 25 stacks Gain 4 trinket ability haste for each stack. In game modes where vision trinkets do not exist, gain 2 summoner spell haste instead
Deep Ward Your wards in the enemy jungle are deep. Deep wards gain +1 extra health and (+30-45 seconds) increased duration (+30-120 seconds for trinket stealth wards) In other words, this is weaker for support item wards than trinket ones
Precision Runes
Conqueror DoT stack lock out timer reduced: 5 seconds >>> 4 seconds Systems Changes
Summoner Spells Teleport has been drastically changed Channel duration reduced: 4 seconds >>> 3 seconds Now dashes to the target location Max travel time for base is 5 seconds, reduced to 4 for unleashed Can target minions and wards without being unleashed Base Cooldown reduced: 360 seconds >>> 300 seconds Unleashed Cooldown reduced: 330-240 >>> 300-240
3. Comment from Lead Design
14.24 Full Preview!
14.24 is the last patch of the year; we're trying to stabilize the games for peoples' end of Season climbs! The Season will end ~January 7 2025.
Going to talk mostly about Viktor and Ambessa as most of the other changes are small routine balance changes to hit outliers (and a small note on WW)
- We've found a better way to return WW's attack speed functionality on acquiring targets and are re-implementing it this patch
- This is being paired with a small nerf as he's performing very well for especially avg play
- Thanks for all the feedback on Viktor's gameplay and have been talking to a variety of Viktor mains to ensure our gameplay iterations are hitting the mark
- Like all of you, I also love Viktor, he is my 2nd most played champion and I've easily played over 1000 games and know him well; we want to make him the best he can be W
- W has been rescripted to consistently stun after 1.25 seconds, rather than variably between 1.1-2 seconds, but we aren't making further changes to it for now
- We've heard the feedback about Viktor's W being an unsatisfying and not powerful ability
- Wanted to give some rationale for why we are trying to make it more satisfying and consistent, but not more powerful; this means things like ensuring that visual cues line up with when it starts ticking up, slowing immediately on the zone forming, etc.
- If Viktor's W is too strong, it will require too many tradeoffs to both his class profile (he will be more of a Catcher) and need to trade off some of the aspects of his kit that stand out relative to the roster (eg. his burst, repeatability and speed in particular)
- We and many Viktor mains consider those aspects to be sacred and to facilitate his identity of being a closer range champion with this profile, it is important that W serves better as a reactive/zone control/punishing tool rather than a catch spell
- There's still a little room for a buff as a catch tool, which is why we're also buffing it slightly, but not overly so E & P
- Viktor's early agency has been low for a while in high level play; in low level play he tends to observe decent performance
- Especially after biscuit mana removal and reliance on early junglers to get Hexfragments, this leads him to feel overly reliant on the team in the early game; so we're bringing back some of his ability to trade and attrition with E mana and Q shield buffs
- The P stacks will be more reliant on farming well, rather than flipping an early fight where he's weak
- The W consistency will also help him more in early skirmishes Overall
- Overall, we hope these changes attempt to strike the right balance of his weaknesses being exploitable enough, but not too weak, which allow his strengths to shine
- We're overall pretty happy with how Ambessa launched, not being too weak/strong for early mastery curves and got 2 solid patches of observation on how her matchups, builds and learning curve are playing out without interference from needed balance/micropatches
- Now that players have started to learn her though, her top end power is starting to show and we're taking down her ability to have so much dominance across her matchups (in particular)
- With Grasp, Second Wind and the shield size, even in her tougher matchups, she is coming out even/ahead too often through attrition and that's not giving enough agency back to her opponents
- Overall, we're pretty happy with how she's landed though and will continue to make sure she still has counterplay even when using her kit well
Read about Atakhan's leak: https://www.tacter.com/lol/guides/league-of-legends-atakhan-leaked-debe12de