See phoenixkola's Twitch channel
1. Hybrid Cho Mid
- Runes: Electrocute, Cheap Shot, Eyeball Collection, Treasure Hunter / Presence of Mind, Tenacity.
- Starting Item: Doran's Ring.
- Core Items: Rocketbelt / Ionian / Frozen Heart / JakSho.
- Skill Order: Q -> W -> E.
2. Profane Quinn Top
- Runes: Electrocute, Sudden Impact, Eyeball Collection, Treasure Hunter / Absolute Focus, Gathering Storm.
- Starting Item: Long Sword.
- Core Items: Profane / Swiftness / Lord Dominik's Regard / Edge of Night.
- Skill Order: Q -> W -> E
3. Tank Lissandra Support
- Runes: Aftershock, Font of Life, Second Wind, Unflinching - Hextech Flashtraption, Biscuit.
- Starting Item: World Atlas.
- Core Items: Celestial Opposition / Swiftness / Frozen Heart / Kaenic Rooker.
- Skill Order: W -> Q -> E.