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When does League Patch 25.S1.6 go live?
19 March 2025.
Naafiri Rework

1. Champions
Champion Buffs
Champion Nerfs
Champions Adjusted
- Gwen changes:
- Base health increased from 620 to 650
- Health growth reduced from 115 to 110
- P AP ratio reduced from 0.6% per 100 AP to 0.55%
- P base monster damage cap reduced from 10 to 5
- Q final snip base damage increased from 60 - 160 to 70 - 170
- W base resists changed from 22 - 30 to 25 flat
- W resist AP ratio reduced from 7% to 5%
- E base damage changed from 15 flat to 12 - 20
- E AP ratio increased from 20% to 25%
- E cooldown reduced from 13 - 11 seconds to 12 - 8
- E cooldown refund changed from 25% - 65% to 50% flat
- R base damage per hit reduced from 35 - 95 to 30 - 90
- R AP ratio per hit reduced from 10% to 8%
- R slow increased from 40% - 60% to 60% flat
- R reduced slow increased from 15% - 25% to 25% flat
- Singed changes:
- Health growth reduced from 99 to 96
- Base attack speed increased from 0.625 to 0.7
- Q now grants kill credit against effected minions if they are about to die to minion damage
- E AP ratio reduced from 60% to 55%
- Naafiri changes:
- Highlights: W swapped to R, R swapped to W. Both abilities have been retuned for their new slots.
- Casting W is better in combat and makes Naafiri untargetable
- Jungle clear
- E Mobility
- More packmates passively
- Overall damage down
- Packmate damage and defense down to account for increased numbers
- Health growth reduced from 110 to 105
- All health regen changes reverted
- Packmate monster damage increased from 160% to 175%
- W cooldown increased from 20 - 16 seconds to 20 - 18
- E bonus AD ratio nerf reverted
- R champ reveal duration increased from 3 seconds to 4
- R shield duration reduced from 4 seconds to 3
- Packmate monster damage increased from 155% to 160%
- Packmate base AD reduced from 10 - 20 to 8 - 20
- Q minion damage increased from 60% to 70%
- E max dash range reduced from 500 to 450
2. System
System Buffs
System Nerfs
System Adjustments Anti-Lane Swap changes:
- Detection start timer increased from 1:30 to 1:35
- Gold and XP penalty reduced from 50% to 25% (you get 75% now)
3. Comment from Lead Design
Nothing Yet