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When does League Patch 25.S1.7 go live?
April 2, 2025.

1. Champions
Champion Buffs
- Volibear
- Zoe
- Brand
- Ivern
- Olaf
- Shaco
- Trundle
Champion Nerfs
- Darius
- Gwen
- Lillia
- Lulu
- Naafiri
Champions Adjusted
- LeBlanc
- Complete visual overhaul
- Yone
- Passive no longer deals reduced crit strike damage E no longer cleanses CC when returning to your body (still unstoppable during return, but will keep any CC duration after)
- Shen
- Q now applies bonus attack damage to turrets. (only the base damage)
- Q Ghoul damage to monsters reduced: 100% ⇒ 75%
- Armor growth: 5.2 ⇒ 4.5
- Ghoul base AD: 4 – 90 (breakpoints) ⇒ 15 – 75 (lvl growth)
- Ghoul AD ratio: 20% total ⇒ 20% bonus
- Ghoul base health: 110 – 212 (linear) ⇒ 110 – 400 (lvl growth)
- Ghoul health ratio: 20% total ⇒ 15% bonus
- Ghoul attack speed: 8% per level ⇒ 100% of Yorick’s bonus attack speed
- Ghoul monster damage reduction: 50% ⇒ 60%
- Ghoul minion damage reduction: 0% ⇒ 60%
- Ghouls are no longer one shot by single target spells
- Ghouls now take 200% damage from melee champ attacks
- Ghoul AoE damage reduction: 50% flat ⇒ 34% – 60% (levels 1 – 14)
- Passive grave cooldown: 12/6/2 seconds (levels 1/7/13) ⇒ 8 – 2 (1 – 13 every 2 lvls)
- Q AD ratio: 40% ⇒ 50%
- Q cooldown: 7 – 4 seconds ⇒ 6 – 4 seconds
- Q now leaves a grave if hits a large monster or champ (doesn’t spawn 2 if it kills them)
- E no longer deals 15% current HP damage (now entirely minimum damage)
- E monster damage cap removed
- E AP ratio increased from 70% to 100%
- E no longer increases ghoul damage by 20%
- E now reduces target’s armor by 18% – 30% for 4 seconds
- E move speed to target: 20% ⇒ 30%
- R mark damage: 2-3% max HP ⇒ 1.5 – 2% max HP
- Maiden base AD: 0-40 ⇒ 60-120
- Maiden AD ratio: 50% total ⇒ 30% bonus
- Maiden base health: 400 – 1650 ⇒ 1050-3200
- Maiden health ratio: 60% total ⇒ 60% bonus
- R mark damage nerf reverted
- Maiden base AD reduced from 60 - 120 to 50 - 100 (0 - 40 live)
2. System
System Buffs
- Umbral Glaive
- Catalyst the Protector
System Nerfs
- Recall Homeguard
System Adjustments
- Lane Swap Detection
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3. Upcoming skins
- Pool Party Malphite
- Urgot the Clogfather
- Grill Master Braum
- Glizzy Naafiri
- Cat-in-the-Box Shaco
- Pengu Garen
4. Comment from Lead Design
- Catalyst has been weak for a while, especially compared to Lost Chapter which feels like a significantly better purchase
- We're not looking to decrease the price as that makes it too good at stalling action on the 1100 spike, so just looking to increase its actual efficiency
- Umbral has also been pretty weak for a while with Pyke being the only user
- Recall with symbiotic soles has been an intended but too powerful interaction, we like where it is on supports, but the mid lane use cases have been too powerful, so we're taking it down a tad
- Gwen's changes have had the effect we wanted in terms of skew (especially adding her back as a more effective pick in top lane in high skill play), however a bit too effective, even after the micropatch so we're taking her down a bit more
- Naafiri is still pretty strong, even after the micropatch, so we're taking her down a bit further down
- So far, she's pretty low ELO skewed; we're looking to bring her early game down and especially in jungle
- So far her damage is pretty high, which we're keeping it there but making her work a little harder to access that damage
More on other champs tmrw
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