Hi, I'm Raen, grandmaster peak, D1+ since season 4.
You can catch me streaming on Twitch
The most standard and optimal summoners for Mao

The most optimal

Mao information
Safe and simple tank with decent amount of CC. Mao passive combained with Unending Despair and some ability haste allows you to sustain for loooong time. Maokai starts the game not the greatest, but he spikes fast and stays stable for most of the game. His kit makes him multirole champion.
Strengths ✔️
- Built-in sustain
- Easy to play
- Decent amount of CC
- Undodgeable root
- Stable for most of the game
- Can be played on few roles
- Spikes very fast
- Good both vs AP and AD
Weaknesses ❌
- A bit weak on early
- No escape at all besides Flash
- Doesnt do well vs % dmg dealers champs
- Lowkey immobile
Tips & tricks
★ Maokai passive cooldown is shortened for each ability usage, dont be afraid to spam abilites when ur low hp to get back some health faster.
★ Mao passive won't trigger if ur above 95% hp
★ If enemy got for example Banshee and you will use your Q it will still lower ur passive cooldown
★ Can't heal off on turrets
★ If possible always try to use E on bush for extra damage and free vision
★ Saplings base movement speed is 400, increased based on Maokais boots
★ Hitting at least one enemy champion with ultimate gives you decaying bonus movement speed
If you have any question you can join to my discord and ask :>
Thanks for reading, I will keep updating and expanding guide.
Good luck on the Summoner's Rift ^_