Rell Build Support guide Patch 14.20b / How To Play Rell Support

Rellthe Iron Maiden

I> Introduction Rell

Rell is a tank support who plays strangely. She is very different from other champions.

a. Difficult champion You have to know that she is difficult to play despite her easy abilities to understand. She is hard to play because she is slow and has a very short range of engage. It means that in most situation she either needs to be hand-to-hand to engage or she needs to flash in. Moreover, her engage is as fast as the champion you target or less, which means you need to be very close to make sure you hit them because if you are a little too far, they will jsut walk out of your stun.

b. Why play Rell ? Despite her shortcomings, she is really fun to play with. At first sight, you could think that she is weak and has nothing, but she is in fact broken if you play her properly and you can then fully enjoy playing her (yeah it was sometimes very painful to play her in the beginning). I play rell because in late game, when you engage in the entire enemy team, you are the carry. You can flip the game with one good engage even when you and/or your team are behind (you still won't get the honors because you are a supports...).

1. Rell Strengths & Weaknesses

a. Strengths

  • Rell can destroy shields thanks to her Shattering Strike Q. This makes it a great tool against champions with a lot of shielding.
  • Rell’s Ultimate Magnet Storm R is a great team fighting tool as it can allow her to CC multiple enemies at once. Try to use it on as many champions as possible: preferably when they’re grouped closely together.
  • You can look for sneaky engages with your Full Tilt E. Put it on the frontline, let them engage and then Full Tilt Eand CC the enemy team!

b. Weaknesses

  • You will be unable to engage at all if the enemy has knock-ups or interrupts in the lane. To work around this, either look to roam or use your Ferromancy: Crash Down W from an unwarded bush to engage.
  • Rell is very immobile when she is dismounted. This makes her incredibly vulnerable when she is dismounted Ferromancy: Crash Down W.
  • If you’re behind, it’s going to be impossible for you to get a good Ultimate Magnet Storm R or Ferromancy: Crash Down W off as you’ll be too squishy and die as soon as you go in.

2. Rell tips and tricks

  • Look for fights around objectives and in the jungle. Your Magnet Storm R has a large area of effect which can allow you to CC multiple enemies at once.
  • When making your way back to lane and when roaming around the map, change forms to reduce the travel time so you get to your desired destination much quicker.
  • Peel for your carries in a variety of ways with your Magnet Storm R. Be prepared to use it as a defensive tool to help your allies escape from the strongest of enemies.

3. Combos of Rell:

  • Basic: Q Tips - Stunning
  • Basic: Q + Flash
  • Basic: W + E + AA + Q
  • Basic: W + AA + E + Q + AA
  • Medium: W + R + E + Q + AA
  • Medium: W + Flash + AA + E + Q + R
  • Medium: W + AA + E + R + AA + Q + AA
  • Hard: E + Flash + W + R + A + Q
  • Hard: Flash + W + Q + A
  • Hard: Q + Flash + W + A

II> Rell Builds:

  • Rell builds guide:

1. Rell Summoner Spells


2. Rell Starting Items:

World Atlas
World Atlas
Health Potion
Health Potion
Stealth Ward
Stealth Ward

3. Rell Runes


4. Rell Skill Order

Ferromancy: Crash Down
Full Tilt
Shattering Strike
Shattering Strike
Ferromancy: Crash Down
Full Tilt
Magnet Storm

5. Rell Items

Plated Steelcaps
Plated Steelcaps
Zeke's Convergence
Zeke's Convergence
Celestial Opposition
Celestial Opposition
Locket of the Iron Solari
Locket of the Iron Solari
Warmog's Armor
Warmog's Armor
Elixir of Iron
Elixir of Iron

Situational items:

  • Abyssal Mask: It’s good whenever you need more defensive stats to deal with AP champions. It’s also good when your team's AP dominant, as it reduces nearby enemy's magical resistances.
  • Frozen Heart: Recommended whenever you need to 1) increase mana usage; 2) reduce enemy attack speed. It's effective against AD champions who rely on basic attacks (Jinx, Tristana, Vayne) or use their abilities frequently (Yasuo, Riven, Zed).
  • Trailblazer
  • Kaenic Rookern: This item gives you a magic shield when you've been out of combat for some time. Good versus heavy AP teams.

III> Game plan

  1. Early game
  • Rell has an incredibly strong level 2, make sure you hit level 2 first and look for an aggressive play.
  • Staying healthy is key when playing Rell. If you get poked down, you’ll never be able to engage. When you’re waiting on your cooldowns, play safe and out of auto-attack range.
  • Use Rell’s strong roaming ability to move around the map and help your allies. Good times to roam are straight from base or when your ADC will be safe and will not die.
  1. Mid game
  • Group and stay with your team. Go to ward when you know where the enemy is so you do not get picked off and killed before an objective spawns.
  • Look for picks with your Ultimate Magnet Storm R. Rell can quickly force objectives or team fights with ease if she can catch someone who walks too far forward.
  • Peel and protect your allies as much as possible in mid-game team fights. If you let them die, it’s going to be difficult for your team to win the fight. After engaging, retreat and peel for your ADC.
  1. Late game
  • Stay grouped with your team. Do not leave your ADC’s side otherwise the enemy will capitalise on the fact that you’re not there to protect your ADC.
  • Peel for your carries in team fights. After using your Magnet Storm R, fall back and protect your allies and focus the nearest champion.
  • Look for picks with your Ultimate Magnet Storm R. If you can catch someone out when the enemy is unorganised, you’ll be able to force a team fight or an objective afterwards.

IV> Some questions related to Rell?

  • Is rell good in LoL? Rell Support has a 51.2% win rate and 8.3% pick rate in Emerald + and is currently ranked A tier. Below, you will find a very detailed guide for Rell Support, where we explain strengths and weaknesses of the champion, powerspikes, and game plans for each stage of the game. Step up your game with our Rell Support guide!
  • Can rell jungle? Rell is not that good of a jungler, but she does fill the niche of being a tank support that can clear. This means she's not just a gimmick champion who does something other junglers can do but worse. Also she's very fun which is reason enough to pick her.
  • Who is Rell best with? Get ready to dominate your matches with these dynamic duos: Miss Fortune, Kalista, Tristana, Nilah, Samira.
  • Who can counter Leona? Based on our analysis of 75 192 matches, the best counters for Leona Support are Taric, Shaco, Braum, Zilean and Poppy. On the other hand, Leona Support counters Pantheon, Blitzcrank, Hwei, Sylas and Nautilus.
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